Can you tell what the day would be by the morrning

July 5, 2011 5:47am CST
Sometimes I wake up and I tell to my self "Ohh Today is going to be a great day" sometimes I know it is going to be the oposite. I often think that doing this is wrong because when I think that it is going to be a crappy day I realy make my day crappy. What do you think about that??
2 responses
• Philippines
5 Jul 11
hi miryana! You can never tell what it would be in the morning. Its only God knows. But upon waking up in the morning, you can set up your day according to what your mood is. So, that is important to be positive all the time. To start your morning, you must have a good outlook of the day, think about something that u can do for that day by starting to say "thank you for the day!" Think productive and if you can do that, success is just within your each!
• United States
5 Jul 11
Well I would say though you may feel it would be a crappy day, continue to speak in FAITH that IT'S GONNA BE A GREAT DAY! Don't meditate on the negativity but speak LIFE into the positivity. Even for other situations I do the same. I might feel lousy and have the flu or something. But I always continue to speak life into it and say I am feeling like a champ today and tomorrow I am going shopping to celebrate my victory over this sickness. Lol. So if you want EVERY DAY to be a HAPPY ONE. Continue to convince yourself and it will be done. Well at least thats what I do... LOL. :)