Violence as I see it.

July 5, 2011 12:51pm CST
Violence proves nothing. Neither does it achieve anything. Do you believe it or differ from it?
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14 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
9 Jul 11
What I really think that violence has the potential of proving is that the person that is taking part in violent actions is really a coward when it comes down to it. So, I think that all violence that occurs in the world is unnecessary. I don't think that we will ever see an end to violence in the world, but even a significant decrease in the amount of violence that people experience would be a great thing.
• India
9 Jul 11
You are right in your observation that we will never see an end to violence in the world, but if we are serious enough to curb it, we must have to be united to fight against it, otherwise, we will have to suffer and to pay the price for it.
@edb225112 (124)
• United States
6 Jul 11
Wow, what a simplistic world you live in. Violence has been around forever and it has roots in our most primitive survival mode. Most violence starts with the need for food, shelter or mating. Either you get the food or I get the food. The strongest or most violent eats. The stongest gets the dry shelter, and the best mates. We ritualize violence, see sports, mating, see the bar scene, and shelter has become country. We prove our worth to the society by ritualized violence everyday. Wars are the only violence we have not found a good way to ritualize. Violence proves worth, gains success, achieves better mating opportunities. Your world is filled with violence, you just ritualize it so you don't recognize it. An absolute statement like 'violence proves nothing' shows just how violent you really are.
• India
9 Jul 11
You are probably talking of Darwin's theory of struggle for existence. Those who can win the struggle survive and those who fail extinct. But I am talking of the so called violence we are habituated to see all over the world now.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
6 Jul 11
Violence gives us a feeling of power. Violence is very powerful, but not for those who yield it. Its power is its own and it will hurt its host. I agree that it neither proves nor achieves anything. I do not believe in violence. I am a pacifist by principle, but I am not perfect by any means. It is not only violent actions which can hurt us, but violent thoughts and beliefs as well.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
6 Jul 11
Vilonce does not prove anything! Doesn't achieve anything either! I totaly agree! So much violence is so stupid and done with no thinking! Violence is a crime! It leads to crimes! So many people who commit crimes think they will get away with it like with murder,robbery and other crimes! So many criminals are so hasty they leave so much evidence behind of a crime they get caught! Even the best criminls get caught! So violence in any form doesn't pay! I don't think that will ever change!
• India
9 Jul 11
You are 100% right. It has made this planet a hell.
• United States
5 Jul 11
I try to talk instead of fight.Find out our differences with words instead of fighting and anger.
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
5 Jul 11
some people are no longer in mood to listen....others are overtaken by their greed or ego ride, defensiveness etc. Talking becomes difficult then.
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
5 Jul 11
I don't believe on this. For me, violence rarely proves something, but, sometimes, the violence is necessary to achieve your goals. Most of the sucessfull revolutions on the history, the winners had to use violence to get the power. The Russian Revolution had to use violence to put Lenin on the power and he changed dramatically the Russia structure. For various years, he put his ideas on pratical and Russia became a better country than before the Revolution.
@theknute (183)
5 Jul 11
I agree with you. Personally, violence is generally not necessary. However when it comes to nations, to establish and maintain security may require violence. Also, to stop a violent force (an army for example) would require violence. I am not very educated about the Russian revolution, but in general, I agree with the principle you stated.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
6 Jul 11
Hi DoctorDidi, This is something that I can agree with, violence never achieves anything good and lasting. That is why we must learn to get along together, no matter our religion,traditions or culture. People have been fighting each other for hundreds of thousands of years and are still doing it all to no avail. Someday the human race will grow up and stop acting like children. Blessings.
• Southend-On-Sea, England
5 Jul 11
I believe it for the most part.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Jul 11
Violence is a very negative energy. It doesn't achieve anything but to teach this negative energy and have it continue. I don't like to see or be a party to it. There are some that seem to thrive on it. I feel badly for these people. I don't know what can be done to stop violence except to try to make the people in your group not practice it.
@shibham (16977)
• India
6 Jul 11
Violence is always to break the social values... it cant bring any solution rather it threatens our national integrity.
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
5 Jul 11
I don't believe in violence neither. As you can see, those violence create more violence, hatreds, and revenges. I can see it through the gulf war, through middle east events. U.S. intervene their affairs, and bomb their places, in return, they revenge on U.S. soil, and hit the 9/11 event. What do you get, worse economy, more hatred, more people suffer and die.
• United States
6 Jul 11
Violence further aggravates. It does not prove anything at all except for danger and hazards. Sadly violence at times causes innocent lives to be lost. I personally am against any form of violence. I treasure life and can't phathom anyone taking lives and be able to live with themselves after.
@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
6 Jul 11
Ypu are right in thinking that way, but sometimes, sociologists and others say that there are root cause of violence the governement. The governments, concerned orgnizations can respond to such violence. For example violence in Greece, Egypt, Lybia all started for fredomn and economic improvement, never do we hear about such before. That is the only means they have to say to the government, the world that thye are victimized by greed of people in authority.
@theknute (183)
5 Jul 11
I wish life was just that simple. But since there are violent unreasonable people in the world, a violent response is sometimes needed to repel those individuals. Even perfectly reasonable people may, on rare occasions, need to act violently to maintain security. For instance, if someone breaks into your home, if you are prepared to defend yourself, then doing so, even in a violent matter, may be your wisest decision. Such instances are rare. In most cases, violence proves and achieves nothing.