It's Good and It's Bad...

Valdosta, Georgia
July 6, 2011 11:37am CST
My children go over their grandma's house a lot. Every time they go they never want to come home =(. I am glad that they love it over there but it kind of makes me sad that they want to stay there! But, like I said I am happy that they love grandma and pa so much. =)It's one of those glad but sad things. Have your children ever done this to you? How does it make you feel?
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16 responses
@Amanda81587 (3042)
• United States
6 Jul 11
I have two older boys ages 5 and 3. When they go to visit their dad and it is time fir them to come back home to me theybthrow a fit. They start crying for their dad. They only get to see their dad on Saturday nmorning til Sunday night. When he drops them off they make me feel like they would rather be with him and not me. I know they only do this because they live with me and they miss their dad, but it makes me wonder if I am doing something wrong.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! We have kids the same ages. My daughter is 5 and my son is 3. My youngest is 2. That must be hard on you when that happens. It would be for me also. My kids do it with their dad when he is at work too and comes home, all they want is him. All of a sudden I'm not good enough...LOL I know it's just the way kids are. Your not doing anything wrong, kids are just like this. =) Every child does it at one time or another. You sound like a great mom! =)
@jeanena (2198)
• Bucklin, Kansas
6 Jul 11
My youngest daughter use to do us that way all the time when her grandma lived in different house from us. It was a pain to get her to come home. Her and Grandma would cook together and all sorts of stuff. Sometimes it was nice to get a break , but after a while I sure missed her. And my grand kids were like that with me until they moved in here with us too now we are all tired of living together. Their mom and dad have found a new house now , so before long Cooper will be screaming to come to Meemom's again .
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• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! Yeah, it's tough when they do that. It is bittersweet to me. You want them to love going to their grandparents house but you also want them to love coming home to you. LOL. =) I hear you, it's difficult when there is more than one family in the same house, no matter how much you love each other, been there too!
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• Canada
6 Jul 11
Oh sure, my kids used to do that when they were little. Grandma's house was about fun... different toys than they had at home, treats, going to a different park, walking to the dollar store near her house, and just generally playing in an environment that was a change for them. Fortunately, my mom was very on-board with how I was raising my kids so the same rules applied at her house. Manners were required, no being destructive, hygiene was expected, all of that But, generally, a break from home and parents is a fun time and kids don't want that to end. I would get big hugs and squeals when I arrived to pick them up but they would want me to stay over there too I felt bad dragging them away but, once they got home, everything would be fine.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
6 Jul 11
Its my pleasure. You remind me of my little sis when she was starting out in her adult life. lol. She had many similar issues but she was able to transcend and I really well off today with her eldest child in college and her youngest finishing high school.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! Yup, it is definitely fun being away from home sometimes. My mother is on the same path as me with rules so luckily they don't come back doing anything crazy! LOL. My kids also want me to stay once we get there. Once we get home though my kiddos forget all about it too.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jul 11
By the way, thanks for helping with my other issue too! You have been a good friend on here. =)
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@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
I guess the same thing happens in any parts of the world regardless of culture or customs we have been brought up. Grandparents pamper their grandchildren so much to the extent that they will give them anything they would ask for.We can not blame them though maybe they have reasons,like missing us or have not done such to us when we we're still under their care so to get even they do it on our children.But I guess most of the time they overdo it.
• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! Yeah thank goodness my parents are as strict as I am with them. But they spoil them with love and attention. My parents have always been strict so they know they cannot get away with anything over grandmas house. They just love it there because they see Grandma, Pa and Great Grandma so they get LOADS of attention! =)
• United States
8 Jul 11
My kids are the same way.When they get to go to grandma's house they never want to return.I'm like you I love the fact they have so much fun but at the same time I miss them and want them home with me.I guess its just something that we both will half to deal with for now. :)
• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! Of course! I love they have so much fun over there but I want them to miss mommy and daddy too. I think it's normal but it does hurt sometimes too. =)
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
You got jealous then?I think you must not feel that. I'm sure those kids want's to stay there because it's a new place and it amaze them,bein in a new place feels great. I don't have a children yet so I don't know how exactly it feels like. :)
• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! No I don't get jealous, I am so glad that they love it there. It makes me a little sad that they don't ever want to come home though. That is not jealousy...
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
6 Jul 11
This is nearly universally true. Unfortunately I think it shouldn't be that way. Not that kids should not want to go to their grandparents. Sure that's good. But the reason behind it, is grandparents never discipline, never instill character. Never teach anything. Never help to mature the children. My grandmother was never like that. She had me helping around the house. Taking trash out. Cleaning something. Mowing the lawn. I was always doing something. So I still loved my Grandmother very much. And I always wanted to go see her every summer. At the same time, I was always ready to come home. It seems to me... and maybe I am wrong, but most grandparents I meet today, never want to control their grand children. They treat them like emperors and empresses. Like whatever they want they can have. Its now 24-hour playtime. I've seen this with my own parents, and my sisters children. When those kids come over, they are completely out of control. I wanna do this "oh sure honey!" I wanna do that "No problem!" I'm bored! This isn't fun! "Ok we'll entertain you!" And off they go. Never made to clean anything up. Never made to help out. Never made to do anything. Don't even have to go to bed. Somehow that doesn't sit right with me. Grand parents use to be keepers of wisdom, that taught the younger people how to live, and be good adults. Now they are like an under paid 3-ring circus entertainment crew, where the kids can come and act more like immature fools than normal. And I wager this is why they don't want to come home.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! My parents aren't that bad. My children still have to clean up after themselves and they have rules there for sure. My parents are very strict just not as strict with my kids as they were with me. They definitely have their rules and my kids know that. But grandma and pa have a pool and lot's of toys and of course since my grandma lives with them too my kids have 24/7 attention from one of them. At home I give them attention but they have to share my attention between them and with me having to cook, clean etc...
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
17 Jul 11
I think that the fact that the grandma and grandpa's role are to spoil their grand children is the main reason kids sometimes don't want to come home. I think it's fine that your kids love going to their grandma's house. Let them be. When they grow up, they will realize for themselves that it is still with you that they belong first!
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
6 Jul 11
Grandparents have a way of indulging our children like we don't. Isn't it funny how they indulge your children but probably did not indulge you the same way? Grandchildren can do no wrong in their grandparent's eyes and so the environment is a lot different than at home and as a result, the children are drawn to that difference. I sort of felt good when my mom spoiled my daughter since it was only occasionally and it made my daughter want to visit her grandma. That made mom, the wifey, and everyone else happy. lol. Its not really about us is it? Its about the love our children are receiving.
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! Your absolutely right, my kids love going over there because they get spoiled and they do no wrong there. LOL. It is weird how different it is when they become grandparents... Oh I love that they love it there. When they don't want to come home it's like what? You don't want mommy? Lol. I know it's not true but for a split second it hurts your feelings. At least as a mother it does to me. =) Of course it's not about me but if your human somethings sting a little.
@Bannybanzie (1397)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
Hi! I think it's not that they don't want to go home. I think it's because they are not always with their grandma/pa as much as they are with you or stay at your house. So they miss their grandma/pa and since they enjoy there they want to stay longer. Well I'm the opposite of your children. When I was young I would sleep at my grandpa's house but I only stay there very few times and just one night at a time... LOL.. I'm not that loving. Well, it's great that your children have developed love for their grandparents and for sure they are teaching them a lot of good lessons in life.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! Your probably right, it's just that their missing them. They don't get to be with them as often as me. However, they are teaching them good things and I like that they are close with them... =)
• United States
6 Jul 11
I know how you feel. When my kids were younger they never wanted to come home from grandmas and grandpas house. They had them so spoiled . My oldest daughter moved in with them when she turned of age. Now that was a kick in the teeth.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! My parents spoil them but not to the point where they are brats when they come home. My parents have plenty of rules. That is hurtful I am sure, I'm sorry =(
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
7 Jul 11
Hello there, This reminded me of my childhood days. We had friends come over to play during weekends but when it was time to go home, they wouldn't feel like it. And actually I didn't want them to go too. There was always the crying and screaming when it was time to go home. The moms would come and forcefully take their kids home. Aww miss the good old days.
• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! Yeah I think all of us went through that one too! =( It was tough back then.
@tink91879 (742)
• United States
11 Jul 11
My daughter has gone to visit my Mom for half the summer the past couple years. She never wants to come home. It hurt my feelings when she said she wanted to live with my Mom and I explained to her it wouldnt be like visiting her. She would have to go to school, my Mom works as an RN and has 12 hour shifts every other day. She wouldnt get to do all the fun stuff and would be in daycare. She wouldnt get o see me or her dad or brother and would miss out on a lot. So even though it hurt my feelings she wanted to live with my Mom I knew at her age she didnt understand it wouldnt be fun and games all the time. It would be almost like living at home. Responsibilities have to taken care of, she wouldnt get spoiled all the time, etc. SO dont take it to heart, just know its more fun at Grandmas and Grandpas because its suppose to be. Growing up I loved being at my granparents to or my cousins. It was different and fun and I was allowed to get away with more than I was at home. Just let them know you love them and you would really miss them if they were living somewhere else.
• United States
7 Jul 11
Well, I think it's a good idea to communicate with your children about this issue. Sometimes it's just fun playing there. And they like their grandparents. This is a good thing. Another important thing that needs to realize is that what is their attitude when they come back home? Are they still excited or they are sleeping or depressed.. That's a good way to determine how they feel and you can express your own ideas to the children how you feel about this stuff. Thanks.
• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! My children are much too young to talk with about any adult concepts. =) They like it there and I like that they do. I just miss them when they go and when they don't wanna come home of course it makes mommy sad!
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Yes, you should be glad when your children go to their granny's house and love it there. At least , you could be rested from taking care of them for a few days. My daughter loves to go to my parents' house also. But she would come back after a day or two She misses some of her favorite show on TV, which she cannot watch by herself there, because they only have a big TV in the living room , where everybody gathers to watch their unified liked shows. But she said she enjoys having to watch TV with my parents and other grandchildren because they get to laugh together and enjoy them.
@bouncybug (614)
• South Africa
8 Jul 11
I don't have kids myself but I've seen this same kind of thing happen with my cousins, who always want to stay at our house when they come over rather than go home. I don't think you should take it personally - your kids love you more than anything but I think they just enjoy the added special attention that I'm sure they get at their grandma's house. it's just something new and exciting to them but it doesn't mean that they love you any less - I bet if they had to stay at their grandma's house for a long time they would be asking about you and would be desperate to see their mom!!