How to get idea of topics for discussions?

July 6, 2011 12:02pm CST
Where from do you gather idea of topics for your discussions? Do they spontaneously arise in your mind or do you think them out or do you get them from your own practical experiences in life or from others like friends, colleagues, family members or from other sources?
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12 responses
@celticeagle (165272)
• Boise, Idaho
7 Jul 11
Everywhere. I overhear things, see things online that seem like they woould be interesting to discuss and get others view on, things happen in my life, see something online or on tv that sparks something, or I have seen a movie and want to tell others about it. All in all they just pop up in life.
@beingwell (3625)
• Thailand
5 Aug 11
Hi DoctorDD! At least, I am able to catch up, up to this point. This discussion is 5-weeks old! Still, allow me to share my views. I get my topics from my everyday life. Whatever comes to mind, and I feel like discussing with you guys here, I create a topic about it. However, I limit my topics from giving out personal details such as names or relations to whomever since I'd like to maintain privacy of my own life. I only go as far as relating to a friend or a relative but not as much as saying which friend or which relative.
@jak2010 (1550)
• Papua New Guinea
7 Jul 11
Normally I do not post discussion posts. I only answer to friends posts. The best way I would like to do is to have a note close by whenever I work on my computer or read a newspaper or watch TV, when I question or issue come from such activities which I do not know, work it or newed further enquiries, I would jot them and post them on mylot. That will generate dicussion, increase research and so forth. I hate posts of users who knew the answers to the issue or how problem works, bu they just post it to confirm what they are thinking.
@syoti20 (5292)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
Topics comes naturally my friend. Try not to rush things up. Because you cannot create or think a good topic to open. Simple keyword can make you a good topic. And most of all, incident happen to your daily life.
• Malaysia
7 Jul 11
Normally is happening from our everyday life and anything that inspire me to share with all myLotters :)
@Humanicon (328)
• India
7 Jul 11
I am new here.and i am gathering ideas from other discussion.I have shortlisted some.And will be using them soon .But still a funn thing is happening here.Before i post a discussion here others are posting a similar one just a day before i want to do.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
6 Jul 11
I get ideas from people I talk to, what I read, sometimes from other discussion I read and often they just come to mind.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
6 Jul 11
I get discussion topics from everywhere! I get them form my life,my family,my friends,my job,sports,news and other things! It doesn't take me long to go through ideas for discussions! Some of my best discusssions come from things that happen around me,
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
6 Jul 11
I only get my idea of topics for discussion from what happening in my daily life, and what I encounter during my days. Or when I have a problem, I will ask opinion and views here.
• United States
6 Jul 11
Though I do not start many discussions, when I do, I do then strictly of what interests me. I usually suggest to others that by responding to other discussions it can inspire them to come up with topics and interests of their own. Pretty much anything can be spoken about here, so as long as it falls withing the guidelines. Day to day offline issues to pretty much anything as the guidelines say talk about anything under the sun.
@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
7 Jul 11
My ideas come from my thoughts, my life experience and many other places. I do not write them out somewhere else and then write them here, I come straight here and post and respond to discussions. You might be doing something with a friend or watching a movie and an idea for a topic might pop into you mind. If you are not near the computer, jot it down for later, but if you are near the computer, just log in and write.
@sjvg1976 (41247)
• Delhi, India
7 Jul 11
Hello doctor Didi, They just come from the daily experiences. there is nothing you need to think much before starting & posting a discussion. For me whatever i think,feel or experience i put it in my discussion before that i ensure that it is not repeated or a similar with some old discussion.Don't stress your mind much about this and start whatever comes in you mind never think of number of responses you get on your discussion just share it with people.