if u knew that u would never find the right person, would u want to die?

cute couple - boy is holding the hand of the girl he loves close to his heart^^
July 6, 2011 12:28pm CST
hi guys^^ i know that im a bit too sensitive ahah but i would like to know your opinions about how love affects your life.. if you knew that you would never find the right one for you would you want to die? about me i would feel very very sad i must say. love is a very important thing in my life. i would feel like im nothing if i just couldnt find the right guy ever.. but people say that we always find the right person so^^ please share your opinions^^
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19 responses
6 Jul 11
Since I've found the right person, I suppose I should say "Oh, I'd want to dieeeee"... but it's not true. It wouldn't bother me that much. I've always been someone who believes it's better to have never loved at all than to have loved and lost. Yeah, love's great and all (and I'm seriously mushy and romantic, I can assure you) but it's also overrated. An odd point of view, I know.
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• Portugal
6 Jul 11
i understand^^ you just prefer to have a calm life right?^^ love is good but complicates our lives thats true. anyway i dont think that our life can be so happy if we dont have someone that loves us. we all need someone to loves us back sooner or later. i say this bcs i take love too serious. i know maybe i shouldnt be that serious about love but i am. i wish i could be more relaxed sometimes but im just way too sensitive ^^
6 Jul 11
"we all need someone to loves us back" - that's what cats are for.
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• Portugal
6 Jul 11
ahah cats? ^^ well thats funny bcs in the place im working we have a few clients women that love cats a lot. i dont want to love cats so much when i get old ahah^^ they talk about their cats like they are their kids. they are like crazy for those pets^^ anyway i understand what you mean. we can have a pet and be like a part of family too right? like a kid like it is for these women. but i guess that with people we can have a deeper connection bcs they can talk back ahah^^
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• United States
7 Jul 11
Before I " fell" for my ex, I thought love wasn't for me. i had friends and a job I love but romantic love was for others and then this guy said he loved me? Me? Really? Anyway it was fleeting and I got my heart broken. But it was a good thing . Why? I took thr time to mend and in the meantime my heart remained open and as soon as I was well enough and willing, I met my guy , my One! So I went from not believing that love was for me to having so much love in my life. So to answer your question, unless it is a message from G-d or your Deity , Don't Believe It. There is someone for everyone! I'm living proof.Your One may not look how you pictured him/her but they do exist.
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• United States
8 Jul 11
Do you know for sure? Can you contact him? He may be thinking the same thing about you. It is hard to keep a long distance love affair alive but it isn't impossible! Don't give up until you are sure , really sure it is over! But if it is over, just give yourself some time to grieve and then , when you are ready, try again . Never give up. Your match is out there. Take Care.
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
sarah thanks so much for your sweet answer^^ it really was helpful and made me smile and feel a bit emotional^^ i really wish that i found my one already. i thought i found it but right now my life is being so complicated.. im so afraid that i lost the chance to be with this guy forever.. you know, we are like miles miles apart and to see him is so hard. i wish i can be with him and that he is still loving me.. bcs im so afraid that he doesnt anymore..
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@isloooboy (1733)
• United Arab Emirates
7 Jul 11
So pure, I agreed :D
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@Bannybanzie (1397)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
Hi! For me, hell no! I don't care if I don't find that so called right person. For me, life is not just about finding someone to love. I already got a lot of people to love, my family, friends and I'm still meeting new people who are good friends. For me, it's not that important to find someone to "share" your life with. Share yourself to everybody and make them happy and make yourself happy. For me, that's better.
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
banny im happy that you value your friends a lot^^ everyone should value their friends much. we all need friends^^ its good that your family and your friends can make you happy enough^^ and about being single well thats good but only when you dont love someone. if you love then it just brings worries ahah ^^ nurseclare yes is good that we share ourselves with many people so we can have a lot of friends. it is always important to have good friends in our lives^^ enjoy your day
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• Philippines
7 Jul 11
Hi! Yeah.. the babies.. Well thanks to my mom and dad they met each other. Enjoy the freedom of being single, right?!
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• Philippines
7 Jul 11
i agree! we must share our self or self to everybody and everybody is happy1 You could go wherever you like because you don't have babies left at home.haha
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@dev1506 (167)
• India
6 Jul 11
would i want to die ? No, never, i mean why should I die ? even if i know that i cant find right one for me, yeah than also i dont want die i want to live this wonderful life, you asked about effects of love, this is the effect of love that i cant live with her even if i know she is not right one for me..... why ????? because i love her...
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• Portugal
6 Jul 11
she isnt the right one for you? but you love her.. so why do you say that she isnt the one for you? well i wish that she loves you back ^^ anyway im happy that you would want to be alive still even if you couldnt find your true love. even without a true love we can still be loved right?^^ know more people and know different feelings for different people^^ you are right life is good but just we sometimes cant see it when life gets a bit complicated for us..
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
i understand what you mean dev^^ yes we shouldnt forget our friends that also make our life happy^^ its not that i dont value my friends but love for me is so important. i dont know why but i think im just a very emotional person and just want to live an happy life with a lot of love. actually i think that everyone feels the same way but they are just too strong when things are going wrong for them. i wish that i was so strong also^^
@dev1506 (167)
• India
7 Jul 11
when life get in a bit complicated situations, then you have friends...
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• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jul 11
I think I would want to die. My husband is the love of my life and if I didn't find him then I wouldn't ever be truly happy so what's the point of living if your never going to be happy? I think you will eventually find the person your truly meant to be with. I think if your looking for them you will find them. Your young so just give it some time. =) You will find the one!
• Portugal
7 Jul 11
he loved me^^ and he just said a few time ago that he keeps loving me.. the problem is that we live very very far. im portuguese and he is a filipino. its super far. i have a job but i cant be paid bcs im working in my family's restaurant and the business is going like super bad :( my country is crossing a big big crisis. and he also didnt find a job yet i think. but the truth is that i still feel that he is meant for me. for two years he was after me for me to love him. i liked other guys and he always waited for my love. the only problem is that we are always so so far. i tried just to find even an online job in part time that could pay me like teaching english or something but is being like super hard. in my countries is being impossible to find other job.. but i dont want to lose him for sure.
• Portugal
6 Jul 11
i thought that i found the one already.. but he is being so so different now. i dont even know what to think anymore. but like you say, im very young yet so i can for sure find a good guy that will love me for who i am^^ i wish that this one just loves me again.. i love him and i wouldnt like to just let him go.. but if he lets me go then it just means that i never was a big love in his life right?^^ sometimes i feel a bit confused about actions in love.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jul 11
Here is a quote I absolutely love and I think it applies to you here. If you love something (or someone) let it go, if it comes back it's yours if not it was never meant to be. Let me ask you this, if he never loved you or doesn't anymore do you really want to spend your life waiting for him to love you? Or would you rather find someone that loves you without even trying? I would rather someone that wants to love me I don't wanna push him into it. You know? If he doesn't love you then he doesn't deserve your love either... It will get easier with time trust me. I have had many heartbreaks. One I can think of was harder than any other but when I realized what I am telling you now I didn't want to waste anymore of my time and heart on him...
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• Philippines
7 Jul 11
If I would not find the right person, I would not want to die. There is a life to be lived, there are objectives to be reached out there, even if I were single. There is really no marriage that is made in heaven. There are times when the couple is happy, but there are times too as if one is going through hell as far as emotional relationship, financial stability, etc. are concerned. What really counts is that both are determined to make a go of it, no matter what, day after day, hour after hour. And you must believe with your partner that the next day, the next week will be different. There are times too when you doubt sometimes whether you have chosen the wrong partner. That's normal, even if at the beginning of the relationship, you thought the person was the perfect match for you. When you are in this mood of doubt, try to count what you have done together, what has made you happy with him/her, what good (family, friends, relatives, material things, sense of well being, sense of fulfillment, love, respect and regard, etc.) has the person brought to your life. In other words, COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS with him/her. Then you will realize, especially when you have lived together for a long time, that you will never ever exchange him/her for all the money and any other beauty or handsome boy in the world.
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
i like when you say that we realize that there is no money or beauty in the world that can be better than to have the one we love near us. about me im in a very sad and bad situation.. i feel that i lost the guy i love so much and i dont know how that happened. thats why i value love so much. bcs since i started to feel that i lost him my life is just being harder and harder. sometimes i just want to go and cry a lot. i dont want to lose him :( i just feel that i lost his love ...
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• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Perhaps your feeling that you have lost his love is unjustified. He may just be distracted with work and other concerns. But in case you are not really very sure, test him by inviting him to let your relationship evolve into a higher plane, such as an engagement ring, for example, or a common account in preparation for marriage and family, a house in both your names, a business done together, or whatever that signals a deeper commitment to each other and to which both of you can commit and can do wholeheartedly and consistently together. But always, make him feel that you are there for him, providing him inspiration, emotional support, understanding, companionship, whatever. By doing this, you attach him to you. But don't be too suffocating to him, and to yourself too. Do not submerge yourself too much. Always keep in mind that you also have a life outside this relationship: your original family, relatives, and friends.
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• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Add career and coworkers to your life outside your relationship with your loved one.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
4 May 12
Remember that you cannot put your happiness in somebody else's hands. I think if I am to know that I will never find the right person, then perhaps I would better enjoy myself finding other things or people to love. Love doesn't come only by the men or partner we can have, but by other things as well. If a man can't love me, why not just adopt kids or have kids of my own. These kids I guess would love me more than any man/partner would. It's sad really that most people are lonely because they think that it's only the love of a partner that can make them feel whole. There is other forms of love, a more pure and honest one. As for wanting to die, I don't think so. Why should I die if I can't find the right person? does this mean that I'm just worth it when somebody loves me? I wouldn't be in this world if I would live life full of insecurity. You can be happy. It's up to you if you want to truly be happy. Have a great MyLot experience ahead!
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• Portugal
6 May 12
yes laydee^^ we all can be happy bcs we have our family and friends^^ and you are right kids are great. i wish i worked with kids^^ they are so lovable. mostly when they are babies. they are so peaceful and caring^^ i wish everyone could be innocent forever^^ love is important but isnt everything you are right^^ i think i used to be very childish and forgot other things that are important too^^ thanks for your advises^^ have a wonderful weekend^^
@shaggin (73251)
• United States
7 Jul 11
When I was young and in a terrible state of depression all the time I did feel like I wanted to die because I didnt think I would ever meet anyone. Now I have my kids and honestly if I wind up alone I dont care. My kids mean more to me then the love from a man.
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@shaggin (73251)
• United States
11 Jul 11
I know I used to enjoy reading your posts but you are not nearly as active on mylot as you used to be. What have you been up to thats keeping you away? My friend and I were doing really well but got in a fight and hadent spoken for 5 days. We are speaking now and seem to be doing good. I love him I wouldnt want to ruin what we have.
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• Portugal
6 May 12
yes shaggin i liked your posts too^^ now im back to mylot^^ for awhile i couldnt go to internet bcs of lack of money :( thats why i was absent for so long. also i found a job so my free time wasnt so much as it used to be. but for now i can be online here a bit everyday^^ so i can create new posts and be more active^^ not like before but at least i can be here everyday a bit^^ sorry that you and your friend argued. i wish that things are going great for you^^ wish you visit me in my posts again^^
• Portugal
7 Jul 11
im very happy that you value your kids so much^^ im sure that they also love you a lot bcs you are such a good mother^^ anyway i missed to talk to you shaggin^^ it has been awhile. how are you? and that guy that you liked? how is he doing? i wish that everything is ok :) and that he is liking you^^ i will just wait that you give me good news very soon^^ you deserve to be very happy. you like him a lot right?^^ the best for you
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• Mexico
11 Jul 11
Hi sweet love forever:I think this would be a hard feeling but at least I have myself. I love myself and I have God. That's enough for me. I can smile even if I couldn't be able to find the love of my life. Love is important but life is full of beautiful things. Finding your match is not the only thing we can accomplish here. ALVARO
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• Portugal
6 May 12
yes alvaro there are a lot of beautiful things^^ wish you find your match anyway^^ and sure you have yourself. thats right we shouldnt feel lonely never. we are fighters everyday^^ we always smile even if we dont want to. everyone should be proud of who they are^^ thanks for your opinion. you deserve to be happy always^^ have a happy weekend^^
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
I think, it would be selfish of you to want to die just because you didn't find the right person. You have your family, who loves you so much, so your wanting to die will be an expression that they are not important to you. Love knows no age, so you don't know if later in life your right person will finally come.
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
yes family is also very important^^ thats true.. but i say this bcs i think that we all need love on our lives. family is always important but if we never find the right guy how can i just be happy? i value love a lot you know. for me love is like the main reason to live. anyway im happy that you wouldnt give up of your life bcs of love. that means that you value your life a lot^^
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
If i couldn't find the the person that God has prepared for me its ok. Coz i know there are some people out there like friends and my son who would love me more and more. My world will not stop just because i have no partner. God is there too to love me also :-) So don't be sad for sure your family would love and care for you more and more each day.
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
im very happy that your family and your son love you a lot^^ for sure you deserve it^^ its like people say: no matter what happens family and friends always stay isnt it? i think this is true bcs those that really care, are always there in good and in bad moments^^ mostly in bad moments we find this out, who cares much and who doesnt. yes i know that my family loves me thanks so much for telling me that^^ love is everything but there are many kinds^^
@eldeenz (25)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
Finding the "RIGHT ONE" is a quest life has given us. It is a spice of life that we must savor while we live. Keep in mind that all of us should have our better half and it is our mission to find him. Now, if you give up finding him definitely you wouldnt have him. And if you think of killing yourself because you have lost the hope of finding him, you can be the so-called biggest loser on Earth. Prank as it is that's what i could say about this.
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
here i meant if you never found it. like it was a sure thing that you will never find it so what would you do. sure in our lives we are not sure if we find the right guy or not. but i meant if we knew that we wouldnt find it. anyway sure we shouldnt just end our life bcs of it but life without a true love is really sad. we all dream to have someone that loves us more than everything. i say this bcs is what we all really feel. no one can be happy without a true love :)
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
8 Jul 11
what?? hell no! i love my life even now and probably forever will be single but i love my life... some people are meant to find their love one some people don't, just love what you have, if what you have is yourself then you just got to love yourself...
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• Portugal
6 May 12
everyone finds love someday^^ i was just wondering what if we couldnt? would be too sad to live a life without someone that would love us more than everything.. anyway wish that doesnt happen to no one^^ and you are right there are other loves in life. friends love, family love^^ so we should be happy no matter what^^ wish you a lot of happiness^^
7 Jul 11
Life without love is more of an existence, it has no purpose or reason to go on more importantly no one to go home too. I could not live a lonely life. I need love otherwise I just stop, my life stays in some kind of stasis frozen in time. But I would never end my life because of it, there is always something to live for if your life has no love you must dedicate your time to finding it.
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
i like your answer^^ yes life is nothing without love. i absolutely agree but it is like you say. we should always give a meaning to life and not give up of finding our happiness. we all can be happy if we just fight for it. im happy that you would just find other ways to be happy without end your life. to find it is a good thing. the best thing in life actually thats why i was thinking would be terrible if we never found it.
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@inertia4 (27960)
• United States
7 Jul 11
If I never found the right person I would not want to die. I would want to live, after all I wold have a life of my own. Having the right person is awesome, there is no other feeling like it but if you never had it, you wouldn't know about it. Enjoy yourself.
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
yes we should enjoy life no matter what happens^^ i understand the way you think. sure we should just try to have much fun and have a good life. its bad that we cant find the right person but if we just ended our life then would be bad too bcs we would be always in doubt what if i stayed alive? maybe we could change the fact that we wouldnt meet the right person isnt?^^ like people say that we can change our destiny.. that not everything is written.
@isloooboy (1733)
• United Arab Emirates
7 Jul 11
Well If I never find a right person for me than I wish someone find me as a right person. So my problem will be solved and I will do my best to make him happy no matter what it cost :D cheers
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
ahah i like your answer^^ so you will be the right person and will make her happy^^ im very happy with the way you think. that would be a good way to be happy i didnt think about it before. thanks for reminding me and to make this a good solution. it is better than just live without love at all. if we can be the right person for someone thats such a big honor right?^^ someone choosing us to be the love of their life.. super cute^^
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• United States
7 Jul 11
It would be sad but I would not want to die. There are other things worth living for besides love. I have been lucky and had more than one chance to love. There is a down fall to love. You always take that risk of getting your heart broken. With every relation ship I have had I always made sure I kept enough distance that if they left me I new I would still survive. My husband get aggravated with me because I am so independent. I tried to explain to him that it's not because I do not love him. It because nothing in life is guaranteed.He may not always be there and I may have to survive on my own. Some people get so involved and dependent on others that if something happens they are completely crushed. I have seen it many times with my friends. You can love but just be causes. Have a blessed day!
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• Portugal
7 Jul 11
im jealous of the way you think^^ i wish i could also be so independent and think like you. its like you say, sometimes we be completely crushed when lose the one we love. but we all find the right guy so we shouldnt be sad right? sooner or later things go ok for us to be happy. you know, sometimes im just afraid that i cant be so happy. i love this guy but we are so so far that is like almost impossible to see each other near.. i feel so so sad sometimes.
• Indonesia
7 Jul 11
Wow... hai sweetloveforeve, it was not sensitive but rather pesimistic! God has made the creature in pairs, so i think everyone will get a soulmate. Just a matter of time. But when i experienced it so, then i will pray to God to immediatelly to connected me with my soulmate.
• Portugal
7 Jul 11
i didnt mean that i wont find it never. i just think that if we knew for sure that we could never find the one for us that life would be like meaningless. would be super sad if we couldnt find happiness i mean total happiness in life. i wish that you can find the right girl and that you can be so so happy^^ but sure sooner or later we all find the one ahah^^ wish you the best really^^ for sure you find a good girl that will love you so much very soon^^
@nurseclare (2209)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
Ofcourse, I wouldn't want to die, my life is too precious to be wasted! I will surely spend my whole time working and makes lot of money. Why are you asking this kind of question? I bet you're taken and so in love right now.. :)
• Portugal
7 Jul 11
im happy that you wouldnt die bcs of it^^ to work a lot and make much money well thats a good way to try to have a good life^^ about me being so happy in love hum thats not really true. im in love but im not happy. im just feeling that i lost the guy that i love forever.. i feel so sad and worried lately. i wish he could just say to me that he loves me and regrets the way he acted to me.. i love him so much.. why cant he just see that?
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