CT--bad news

@daeckardt (6237)
United States
July 6, 2011 6:07pm CST
Hi everyone! I was so happy about being done with chemo when they told me last week that I didn't have to do round 6 this week but that I would be having the CT scan today. I knew there was a problem when the doctor came in and said "bad news". I thought she was going to tell me that they found more cancer or something, but it wasn't that bad. She told me that they found a cyst over my bladder and that was what was causing the fevers I kept getting. They also found air in my abdomen that was coming from micro-perforations in my intestine that were caused by the avastin. That means that I won't be continuing on the study as that is one of the side effects (and probably the reason that the FDA decided that they can't use it for breast cancer treatment any more). But it also means another two weeks on antibiotics and they will have to drain the cyst and then I have to have another CT to make sure that is cleared up. Not exactly what I wanted to hear, but at least no more chemo. Oh well...I'm a fighter and I will overcome this obstacle! I just wish it would all just go away! Can I get a whole new body??? Have a great day!!!
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13 responses
• United States
7 Jul 11
It seems like everytime we take a step foward, some how it ends up being two steps backwards instead. But keep you head up, things happen for a reason. Keep you faith and most importantly don't ever lose it. Like you said you are a fighter and you need to keep on going. I will pray for you and have faith that everything will get better.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Jul 11
You are right. I feel like I am going backwards. My doctor said there was never a dull moment with me. I keep her on her toes most of the time it seems like. Nothing has really gone as planned so why should this be any different? Thanks for the response!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
17 Jul 11
I try to keep that in my mind, but sometimes it is hard. Thanks for the reminder!
• United States
11 Jul 11
Just remember to keep you head up and always stay positive. Remember your a fighter!!!
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@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
No cancer is good news. I hope you will continue getting the best medical care. I think it's good that the eventhough there is a cyst, the doctors found it so that it could be treated. Continue being strong, friend. Your attitude is admirable.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Jul 11
All I have to say is that I'm glad I'm here right now. If I were still in China, who knows what condition I would be in? I wish I still had my job that I had last fall, but I guess that everything happens for a reason even if we don't know what that reason is. Thanks for the response!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
8 Jul 11
If you get a new body, I want one too!! Oh how I wish we could do that. It would be so nice to get rid of all our ailments, wouldn't it? Oh if it were so easy. Anyway, hang in there sweetie, you've been through the worst part of your ordeal so you can get past this too. It's unfortunet that you have this on top of everything else but like you said, it's not cancer again so thank God for that. Now get better! OK?
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
8 Jul 11
Let's all go for the new bodies! I know that things are going to get better, it is just a matter of when. I just hope that getting rid of this infection and the cyst will help me feel less tired and that I will be able to get my strength back soon!
@marguicha (221915)
• Chile
10 Jul 11
Dearest Debbie, As I said about my own problems last week, I´ll try to take this as a bend on the road. Who knows what is ahead for us? My father, a scientist, always said that everything that happened to human beings was unique, as it was not like lab experiments where there were controls to measure what was right. Let us hope all this is for the best. Your body probably is asking for a time to rest and they have not found more cancer. I have been given a lot of eating indications with chemo, some of which I had never heard about. They forbid my eating all kinds of procesed cheese, for instance (and all types of nuts) as they have fungus which is bad for the intestine with chemo. There are a lot of other things like that. But they insisted in chicken broth, fresh light cheese and no fat milk for protein. I hope this helps. You could ask the doctors. A BIG HUG!!!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
10 Jul 11
It is probably better to stay away from most processed foods anyway, not just the cheese, and that is not just for chemo purposes. But unfortunately, unless you go for fresh produce only, it is hard to stay away from them. I didn't know that nuts had fungus. The first time I had chemo they told me to stay away from fresh produce unless it could be peeled and I followed that rule again this time even though I was told it wasn't necessary. I finally went out on Wednesday and bought some peaches and strawberries and ate those and it was great. I went to the ER today because I had been having shortness of breath, but they ruled out anything to do with heart or lungs so it is either related to the chemo, the infection, being out of shape, anxiety, or a combination of all of the above. I guess that is a good thing, but it is not a good feeling. I hope you are able to recover quickly. Have a great weekend!!!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
17 Jul 11
I did eat a lot of bananas and oranges this time around, but I was happy to start eating the other fruits after I finished chemo. They had told me I could eat things if they were thoroughly washed, but I stayed away anyway just to be safe. They gave me lorazepam (ativan) which says it's for nausea, vomiting, anxiety and sleep. I might try to get another refill on it since I am almost out and I still have some trouble sleeping. I hope things are going well for you. Have a great week!!!
@marguicha (221915)
• Chile
10 Jul 11
The doctors also forbid all fresh fruit or veggies unless peeled (or cooked, of course) but they accepted my own veggies from my garden. They did suggest though that I gave them a last wash with cold boiled water. I am taking a very small dose of clonazepam (ravotril) for anxiety. I told the doctor that I might not need it but she advised me not to try it. Our head also need some help, Deb.
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@margeryann (1845)
• United States
8 Jul 11
I'm sorry that the study didn't work out for you. Hopefully the cyst gets straightened out and everything works out for you.I will continue to keep you in my prayers that your health gets better. All cancer situations are so scary.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
8 Jul 11
That's life. And like the doctor told me, there is never a dull moment with me. I always kept her and her colleagues on their toes with calling them almost weekly at times because of the fevers (and they usually occurred after hours so I always had to call the on-call resident). Thanks for the response!
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
Oh my! I wouldn't want you to feel bad after all but I felt sometimes that the world isn't fair. I'm totally not feeling okay right now and upon seeing your post, I became sadder because I know that the simple requests of us are sometimes hard to attain.I really admire your spirit and I wish I have that too. Life should go on even though it's hard and even harder because some people are putting us down instead of helping us.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Jul 11
I'm not sure what parts of this are referring to. Life should go on even though it's hard and even harder because some people are putting us down instead of helping us. No one is putting me down right now. My doctor gave me some bad news that I have to deal with. Is that what you are talking about there or was it something to do with you? Please don't be sad because I am done with chemo and except for this infection, I'm doing fine! Thanks for the response!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
17 Jul 11
I hope that things start going better for you soon. I didn't realize you were talking about something that happened in your life. I hope that things start going better for you soon! It is hard to go through life if someone is putting you down. Feel better soon!!!
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
It has something to do with me. Sorry If i confused you. I'm just so down yesterday and needed someone to uplift my spirit. Happy that you are okay and feeling okay. Hope that I'll feel okay soon.I'm trying.
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@GardenGerty (160339)
• United States
7 Jul 11
I would say a plus is knowing about the cyst. That explains those unexplained fevers. Getting it under control will help you in your fight for health.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Jul 11
I agree that knowing about it is a plus, but I'm still tired of dealing with the problems that keep popping up! This is getting really old! I just wish my health would come back and these problems would stop coming up. Thanks for the response!
@bhanusb (5709)
• India
7 Jul 11
Hi daeckardt, It's hopeful that you need no more chemo. After removing the cyst you will be alright. Yes you are a brave fighter and sure you will overcome all the obstacles. Certainly you will get a new body and a new life. Hope for the best.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Jul 11
At least for the time being, I won't need any more chemo. I am still waiting to hear from the doctor on whether the intervention radiologist will be able to drain the cyst and if not, then she will talk to the urologist to see if he has any suggestions on taking care of it. Thanks for the response!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Jul 11
I am so sorry to hear that you will not be able to stay on the study. And having to take antibiotics for another two weeks really stinks as well. But, as you've pointed out, at least they didn't tell you that the CT showed that there was more cancer in your body. My husband had a follow-up PET scan today to restage his Hodgkin's and I'm actually pretty anxious to hear what the results of that were. He was a stage 2B in April when he was diagnosed and he has now been through 4 of a proposed 12 treatments.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Jul 11
I really do hope that the follow-up scan turns out to have good results. There are so many possibilities of what the results can be that it would be hard to wait for them. I'm sure that things will start looking up for him. Just think positive and it should be ok! Thanks for the response!
• United States
7 Jul 11
I am very happy to hear though that there is no more cancer there. Sadly the side effect caused the additional problem. You are a fighter and the antibiotic will seem like a breeze after all the Chemo you have been through. Prayers holding strong my dear as I know you are a fighter and you will beat this and life will allow you to have a brand new refurbished body. lol, just a little humor as I am sure you are probably exhausted from the day out at the CT center.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Jul 11
The sad thing is that when I used that type of humor at the hospital following surgery in January, the social services staff went and told my brother that I was depressed. I tried using humor and they took it all wrong! Thanks for the response!
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
7 Jul 11
I am so sorry you can't continue the study. And doubly sorry about the cyst over your bladder. I sure hope better days are headed for you soon!. I like you would like a new body with all my aches and pains. I finally found out a solution to one of my health problems after the GYN told me he could not help me as he did not know about fibromyalgia and nerve endings. So I went on an internet search and sure enough found it on my own. So now I have to make my appt to my Primary doctor sooner and see what he wants to do about it. This may explain my bouts with various UTI's I have done discussions on as well here. Please feel better soon!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Jul 11
It is amazing that we are often able to find solutions by doing an internet search when the doctors don't know the answers. It's even worse when you try to tell them what you found and they don't listen. That's what happened when I found out about the fistula, except my niece found the information when I could not and my nephew had to translate and talk to the doctors in Chinese. I hope you are able to get your problem solved soon. Thanks for the response!
@naija4real (1291)
7 Jul 11
I wish you good health as you recover fully.
• Malaysia
7 Jul 11
I'm sadden when I saw your title CT-bad news, thank God that is not so bad after all. Yes, you're a fighter and I wish you all the very best in your health. Take good care Daeckardt !
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
7 Jul 11
I was so happy last week and this just put a wet blanket on that. It's just a minor setback but it's something else that I have to deal with. Maybe it was a bad choice of titles, but it got your attention it looks like. Thanks for the response!