Have you ever been so angry at some one for so long...
By ahgong
@ahgong (10064)
July 6, 2011 10:13pm CST
... that you actually forgotten what you are angry at that person about?
You just remember that you are angry at that person. And you know that something about that person in the past made you angry.
But when you actually sit down and think about it, you cannot actually remember what the incident or the issue was that you are angry at that person for.
Then it sorta makes you wonder... are you still angry at that person?
Why are you still angry at the person when you cannot even remember what that incident/issue was in the first place?
What would you do then?
Cannot forgive... but forgotten why... A real predicament, ain't it?
Share your thoughts.
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9 responses
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
Yes, it happened to me once and I only realized too late after I had done some greetings that I was supposed to be angry at this person. Anyway, after remembering that I am supposed to be angry at her I distanced myself but rather too late. Was she thinking I was making the first move? I usually don't do this. I am one hard-headed person and I don't easily forget hurt feelings. However at that time, it just escaped my memory.
@rattanchauhan (89)
• India
7 Jul 11
Well I'm exactly in this kind of situation right now. Well I had a fight with one of my best friends(a girl) six months ago as she was coming between me and my love. She has started crying for this reason only that she has fallen in love with me even when she knew that for me she's just my best friend and I love someone else. So I started ignoring her for her own good. Since then I'm not talking to her properly. I am angry over her coz one day she will make me lose my love if carry on with her as friends...Still I don't like to talk to her...Well my heart has not really forgiven her till now.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
9 Jul 11
haha, IF u dunno what u are angry about regarding that person, when why are u angry in the first place? We feel anger for something we know, but if we cant recall, then forget about it.. lol =D
I'm not one to remember anger for long. Once i sleep it off, i will forget the next day, and by time we meet again, it's more likely to feel awkward than anger.. haha 

@RBBantiles (347)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Initially, I will be very angry if a person violates my trust or causes me deep pain or takes advantage of me. But I will not allow my anger rule, define, and ruin my life. I will try to rise above the person and the incident by gleaning lessons from the incident, learning the circumstances surrounding the person at that specific time, and the hows and whys and motives of the commission or omission of the act. Then I move on, avoid that circumstance, of course avoid that person, and do things better and faster.
@RBBantiles (347)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Of course, initially, I will be very angry with a person who violates my trust, or takes grossly unfair advantage of me, or causes me deep pain. But I will not allow my anger to define, rule, and ruin my life. I will try my best to learn from the event and the person, and to draw lessons, and to thus transcend. Then, avoiding the person and similar circumstances, I will endeavor to do things better and faster.
@RBBantiles (347)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Sorry for the repetition Friend Ahgong. My computer/connection was acting up and I thought I lost the first sending and had to repeat and resend the comments; thus these two slightly different versions.
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
7 Jul 11
This happened so many times with my friends and I. Just a few months ago my closest friend and I were instant messaging each other when something happened and pretty soon we were hurling insults at each other for a page and a half. Then she stormed off and I claimed victory. Yes, mature I know.
The fire inside still burned when I thought of it. Of course I only thought about how she typed in all caps at me - I forgot or overlooked my side entirely. When one is angry for several days at a time one tends to forget THEIR own horrid behavior in whatever it is that caused the anger.
She didn't log back in and I held onto my anger. Of course the details on just what had set of our argument became foggy. Eventually I even forgot some of the less than polite name calling we exchanged. It was then that I began to feel like a fool. I am old enough to think and reason, yet I gave into rage and wouldn't let go. It is babies that get angry for petty reasons and then hold a grudge - not those old enough to think and have meaningful relationships. But I did it. Furthermore, she was (and thankfully still is) my best friend - she deserves better than to be object of my impulsive wrath.
Then there is the matter of my pride. By this time I felt guilty and I realized the whole thing was a damaging waste of time, but I was determined not to be the first to give in. I am not the weakling. She will the one that comes crawling back! Today I look back at that and feel ashamed. She is my best friend - not a rival to be humiliated. It is a sad day when pride comes before a best friend.
If I had stayed cool and sorted out the conflict with a level head, we both could have avoided a week of pain and anger.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
7 Jul 11
Well, this got me thinking and yet, I cannot remember any face on whom I was angry yet, cant remember the cause of anger. It might be so with some of my school / college friends but in my working place or otherwise in recent times, I don’t think I was so angry with any person yet, I cant remember the cause. I think its mainly coz though I get angry very fast, I cool down fast too…I just cant hold on to my anger in most cases. However, there are times when the other person has really crossed the limits and in such cases, I never forget the cause of anger and that particular person either…. In future, I usually try to avoid that person or if I do need to interact, I’m curt as much as possible to get the point across that I’ve never really forgotten.
@aaronthejustice (21)
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
I can certainly relate here, simply because I'm an insecure and jealous person.
Sometimes when my closest friends would go along with their friends without me, I tend to get mad and when I say mad it's really serious. All of a sudden I nag like I'm crazily, that made them wonder with my reaction. Sometimes, they just laugh at me and utter " you're out of your mine. Aren't you?" explaining their gimmick.....and laugh again.
However, when I try to sit in a corner, I would then laugh as I recall what I did.
"I was so ridiculous" exactly what I often called myself afterwards. I even feel like I acted so gross and it normally takes days to show myself to them and get along. I really don't know with myself but this is really the way I am.
I wanna quit acting like this.....anyone there, would you know how?
Good day.....
@surfer222 (1714)
• Indonesia
7 Jul 11
yes i have when i was in elementary school... even now i forget why i was mad at my friend, but i do remember that i got mad so long that it was the time for vacation and i went to the mall and i met my friend there and i try to leave without him noticing, as i went home i tried to think what was he do to make me mad and i can't remember... now i don't even remember how we became friends again too... i just remember that when i was in that mall i couldn't remember why i was mad at my friend....