Do you think boys or girls are harder to raise?
By Marcia
@emilyn1997 (171)
United States
July 7, 2011 12:08am CST
I would like to hear from others on what their experiences is.
I have 8 children. 5 boys 3 girls plus I done daycare for 25 years.
My experience is that girls are much harder to raise than boys.
Boys are normally more high strung than girls but girls whine and complain.
You can but 10 boys together and they get along fine but you put three girls together and you got trouble.
When boys have an issue they will deal with it amongst themself. They may even go as far a dooking it out but then they get over it and they are friends again. Girls on the other hand are drama queens and stay mad for ever.
My one daughter was just terrible. She fought with everyone. When she got older she got into all kinds of trouble with the law. She has sense straightened up but boy did she give me a run for my money.
The teenage years are the worst. Ex- specially when they start high school. My girls were trouble about arguing with me.
My boys never did.
Now don't get me wrong I love my girls just as much as my boys but boy can they drive me crazy.
4 responses
@brannray (132)
• United States
7 Jul 11
I couldn't agree more! I have a big family, and when it came to cousins my age I grew up with boys, but now also have a lot of girls in my family, including my 2 year old daughter. She is def a handful! Very prissy and demanding! My little cousin who is soon to be 16 is the same way! Always drama with her, a's well a's the other girls. With the guys though, things are much more laid back. If they get mad they tell you about it, then it's done. You talk it out and it's dropped. Not that way with the girls at all though!! Like I said, drama! Lol... So, I'm with you. Girls are much harder to raise! I love them more than life though! Wouldn't change them for the world, but sometime you just wanna knock some sense into them! Not that I ever would, because obviously I wouldn't!
@tink91879 (742)
• United States
11 Jul 11
This is a hard one. My son is definatly harder than my daughter. He is constantly doing something or getting into trouble. He is 5 and always on the go. I am always telling him to stop. he dosent seem to entertain himself well at all. Ill play with him, give him attention, make play dates and its never enough. He roughs house all the time with the dogs or his siter. He likes to hear her scream I think. My daughter is more mellow. She is hype and diagnosed ADHD, so on meds she is much better. The doc thinks she possibly has something else going on because she cant show emotions very well and other things different topic. When you get a bunch of girls together or even when she had one friend over or spend the night there was no relaxing. I thought she would go play, no if she wasnt telling her friend her friend was telling on her, or they were screaming, or laughing, or running around, or fighting, etc. My son when he has a friend over I dont hear from them. Like you said they handle everything on their own. I think for me its equal. They have their good and bad. Easy and hard moments. My sister and brother in-law are having their fourth and finally a boy. i told them it isnt all you think it is. Boys are harder than girls in a different way. You will get your first gray hair once hes moving, since they are always looking for a way to injure themself or something. My son has definatly seen the doc more than my daughter. He is all boy. Once we meet the teenage years Im not sure what to expect.
@brightlight (24)
• United States
7 Jul 11
In my opinion, I think boy are more difficult than girls to raise. :-)