How to solve cold drink addiction?

July 7, 2011 4:40am CST
I have addicted to cold drink since teenage age.I really enjoy to drink cold drink of carbonated soda drink, Ice cube tea or anything with Ice..I normally drink it after heavy meal like lunch or dinner..I always has ice cube available in my freezer at home. I am not sure how to solve it..Many people says this habit will ruin your health in the long run..Do you have any suggestion?How to avoid or solve this cold drink addiction?
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13 responses
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
hi, i think when the doctor will tell to you that you have to avoid to drink cold soda,they said that drinking of cold is not really good to the health of a person unlike the warm water because it will lessen the diseases and some toxic in the body of the person.
@beingwell (3625)
• Thailand
5 Aug 11
Hi omche! I didn't know that cold drinks are harmful to our health. I also drink cold drinks, but not all the time. Anyway, if you want to control it, you need to take it slow. When you drink water or sodas or juice from the fridge, don't add ice, at least. Then slowly, you'll be used to drinking not to cold drinks. Try drinking hot coffee or tea once in a while so your body may be acquainted with hot drinks, as well. I hope that helps.hihihi.. Best of luck!
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
9 Jul 11
If you were in America, it would be considered to be perfectly normal to drink cold drinks with ice cubes. For some reason, people in Asia seem to think that only hot drinks are good, even when it is hot outside. I know it is that way in China, I don't know about anywhere else. I get a cup of ice every night and day and that way I have cold water or soda or anything else at any time of day. I can see staying away from cold drinks if it is cold outside, but not when it is hot. Have a great weekend!!!
@jdyrj777 (6530)
• United States
9 Jul 11
I dont see a problem.
@anil02 (24688)
• India
8 Jul 11
Hello,To solve the problem of any type of addiction the important is will power. If you decide to quit your this habit nothing is hard for you. So first you decide it that you will quit this bad habit at every cost. Use lemon water with honey it will help you in solving your this problem. If you cannot quit it immediately than reduce quantity of your drink gradully.
• United States
7 Jul 11
I was addicted to mountain dew and the way I broke myself from it was I gradually started cutting back everyday. The next thing I new I was not drinking it at all. Start out by drinking smaller amounts at a time. Then start skipping the times you would drink it. Hope this helps. Have a Blessed Day!
@peavey (16936)
• United States
7 Jul 11
I don't think all cold drinks are bad for you; how could they be? Water can naturally be very cold and still good for you. Carbonated drinks are not good mainly because of the high fructose corn syrup and the phosphorus they use, but there are natural carbonated drinks that are actually good for you. I wouldn't worry about it too much, except to try to get way from regular carbonated drinks and pay attention to how much sugar you drink.
• India
7 Jul 11
Yes its probably true that Cold drink habits will cause you a threat in the long run. Now trying to break the habbit of cold drink we should have a strong desire in ourself that Cold drink should be substituted. If you have a strong will to do it surely you will benefit from that, after all minds control is the very first step to break a habbit, coming to the breakup part now whenever you feel like having a soft drink always make a substitute say for example water drink water instead of that. Also if your refrigerator is filled with Cold drink make it less or dont keep anything, It is necessary to break the source of it. So just try out these steps iam sure you will be able to break your habbit of Cold drinks.
@picjim (3002)
• India
7 Jul 11
Keep a certain time preferably before a meal and eat a fruit.It will reduce your hunger and also give the effect of drinking something as most fruits are juicy.You could also replace ice cold drinks with fruit juice as they will reduce your craving for cold drinks.Write or jot down the disastrous effects of drinking cold drinks to remind you to keep of such drinks.
@funnyGai (52)
• United States
7 Jul 11
hi omchesunche, the thing is you have be little more controlled, your shelf this is the best way i believe, alternatively what you can do is, you can have fresh juice or direct fruit. it will help you to over come out of that.
• Philippines
7 Jul 11
First of all, I wanna ask you what is your weight? Don't get offended but I am assuming you gain a little weight. I think soda had addictive element because this is caffeine and sugar. The caffeine is a stimulant, so if your body is used there is craving for replenish that makes you feel you are wanting again to drink it. Same with sugar, if your body is used to that level or sugar and suddenly starts to lower, you crave. To solve this, you better drink a lot of water, exercise so the excess amount of element of soda in your body is flushed out..:)
@pb0289 (66)
• India
7 Jul 11
its only the firm detemination that can help you instead try some natural drinks for some days and even you can consult to the docttor for the same.
• China
7 Jul 11
I used to drink these kind of drinks,too.But I don't drink them anymore now.You can just think they can kill you a little every time.Try to control yourself and you will give up drinking cold drinks.That's how I do it.