Were You Born This Way??

Valdosta, Georgia
July 7, 2011 12:17pm CST
Okay so I have another discussion kind of along this same path but not exactly the same... Do you think people are born gay? Or do you think it is a choice? Why or why not for either?
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14 responses
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
9 Jul 11
I believe it is caused by deformities of the hormones or something.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
8 Nov 11
I know 2 males that are gay. They are not in relationships with each other. I do not know their parteners. While talking to each of them i could forget that i was talking to a male. It would be as if i was talking to another female. For example; One was telling me how he had been ill for awhile. I almost asked if he was pregnant. We taked about crafts and relationship problems etc. Like two females talking. The other one is a foster parent to my son-in-law. Everytime i talk to him its like im talking to another female. He would make a excellent interior decorator. So if you have ever known a gay you may have noticed that yourself. thats why i say i think its hormonal.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Nov 11
Thanks, maybe your right...
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
8 Jul 11
I think it is a natural thing, some people have this in their genes. Nobody can have a decision of their own to be a straight, heterosexual or bi, because it is already in their genes. Human is not a robotic machine but a typical mechanical and emotional machine so nothing can do about that.
• India
9 Nov 11
I think gays will have some lady character. May be it has to take something with the astrogen and testosterones. I am not a bilologist so can't say much.
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! Some people are saying that it has not been proven to be in genes when your born. While there is no evidence yet of it I think it is in people's genes. I think they will prove it eventually.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I think it is a choice based on deception and delusion. Why? Because God doesn't make mistakes. He "made them male and female" and called elsewise an abomination.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Nov 11
Thank you for your opinion. =)
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
7 Jul 11
This question has been causing debate for some time and for the life of me, I don't see why it makes a difference anyway. Personally, I believe that it is mostly acquired through environmental influences although there is a possibility that a certain predisposition can exist that is stimulated by these environmental factors. For me, if one is born gay more power to them. If it is a choice they make, well more power to them also. I simply don't see why society has such a hang up about this subject.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
8 Jul 11
I apologize if i came across annoyed, it was not my intention. We all wonder from time to time what makes us who we are. The experts argue that it is a combination of biology and psychology. What side of the line your on will probably determine which has more influence. But bottom line, we are who we are.
• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! Well, for me it is a personal reason why I am asking, not something I am just curious about. I personally just need to know because I cannot think of anything that made me the way I am. So I am wondering what caused it if I wasn't born this way... Sorry if it made you annoyed...
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
In my opinion, these people are born gay. BUt as they grow and came to know that they are that, they try to suppress it at first. However, with the society now, accepting the gays and the gays openly doing their being that, their urge to suppress it was overcome by their desire to coming into the open too.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
8 Jul 11
Cheez I love that! I WISH I had a web cam so you could see me laughing my head off!
• United States
7 Jul 11
I REALLY can't say whether people are born gay or not. To my knowledge no 'gay' gene has been found yet, but I could be wrong. My godson played with his little sister when he was about 8. He liked playing Barbie dolls with her. He liked wearing her barbie high heels too. He's not gay. He is several years older and he has no hint of being gay. I will say that there was a woman on Discovery Health and she was a female with male DNA. She was built like a woman and is married with children but her DNA is male. She said finding this out was helpful because she felt attracted to women, though she has not acted on this. This makes me wonder if some gay people are the wrong gender in their DNA.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! I don't know of any gay gene either but maybe it just hasn't been found yet. Who knows? My nephew played with barbies, dressed in his mothers clothes, wore high heels, put make up on and he is VERY gay. He sure is. My sister in law has too many male genes also, there is a disorder with this and she has found the same things for her...She cannot have children and she likes women too...
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Jul 11
I wonder if there aren't lots of people born with the wrong gender in their DNA? I feel that God makes us the way we are, so I don't really think God gives a hoot if people are gay or not. The bible was written by men who believed that God was inspiring them. There has also been much taken away from the bible since the beginning... I believe that God accepts us as we are. Especially if he created us as we are. I'm not gay but I used to wonder when I was not attracted to my husband. I was brand new at being a bride and had never had experience so I thought something was wrong with me. I thought I had to be if I didn't want to be with him.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
30 Oct 11
I can only speak for the people I know that are gay and they tell me it isn't a choice anymore than it is a choice for me to be straight...it just is. I have a step daughter that is gay. I always suspected she was but I never said anything. I just thought she was because of the way she carried herself and the way she dressed and always wanted her hair really short. Things like that, plus she never had a date with a boy as she was growing up or ever talked about boys the way our other girls did. And then when she was 19 years old she came out of the closet. And she moved in with her girlfriend that she has been with since. She is now 28 years old and her and her partner are just as married as anyone other couple. They are now talking about getting married legally and having children. They don't have the money to do it through a doctor so they have a good friend that would father the baby the natural way. He has been their friend throughout school and they are very close. They're not sure yet which one of them would carry the baby either. They are still just talking about it and not really making any definite plans yet. But I can see it happening in the next few years. So I think that some gay people are born that way and some choose it for whatever reason. It isn't easy being gay, so I don't know why anyone would choose it. But I guess some do.... Cheers and Happy Mylotting my friend, Chris
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
8 Jul 11
I think we are born to be what we are...to be gay may be a choice but that requires a tendency to be gay or not...to me a gay person would show from an early age it means this person have a tendency one way or other to be more masculine/feminine...I don't know but at the end of the day I think it has to do with your genes! it may be an imbalance between the 2. To me homosexuality have existed since the creation of life! and is nothing to be ashame of.
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
9 Jul 11
Hi Loving! No matter how I disagree to it others will eventually choose to say 'let them be what they want to be. They have a choice to be who they are.I am fine with it'.People nowadays tend to ignore and mind their own business only.. I strongly believe that being gay and lesbian is just their own feeling. There is only male or female. Nothing between that.It is not a choice either. I believe that is the test from God to them- are they going to go with the nature or against it? Don't blame God for it as people tend to blame Him whenever they are not satisfied with things happen in their life..Don't get confused with your feelings and emotions. It is just that~ If you keep 'feeling' that, it will make you think it is 'true'. Like when you say you don't fall in love with B. But once you doubt that and 'feel' whether you have that'feeling' and try to figure out, the denial will be true and then you come with the opposite answer- I'm in love with B. Don't you feel scared when they are more homosexual people nowadays???It seems they like to be and purposely try to be abnormal.(others will say the groups have rights to do what they want)
• United States
8 Jul 11
Yes, I believe people are born gay. I have a grandson that was only 3 when he told my dad that he was a girl in a boys body. He started wanting to wear girls cloths and make - up. Now that he is older he says he is bi. Have a blessed Day
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Nov 11
Aw, poor thing. I know it gets harder as you get older from other people. =( People can be so mean and judgemental...
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
It's partly a choice.There's so many factors that influence of what we are;genes,environment,education,religion,friends,families,media and ourselves .I don't think that someone is born gay.It's just man and woman,and there's still no clear reasons why a person has become gay.Maybe part of it is weak religious faith,molding from your parents,peer pressure,social acceptability,and personal choice.Nobody is just born gay.
• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! See, I don't know if I can agree with that either because some people were never around anyone who was gay. And they were raised with a mom and dad and I for one wasn't allowed to watch anything on TV except cartoons until I was about 12. I realized I was Bi at 8. So how does that work? I'm confused on this one...
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
I don't believe so. The gay concept is, I think, a social construct and is only brought out by men's continuous thinking. You cannot be born gay because there are specific characteristics of you that tells you if your either a man or a woman. I think the environment affects much of being gay.
• United States
7 Jul 11
I doubt there's such thing as a gay gene. I'm sure it has something to do with the way one is conditioned (raised). Also I think decisions play into things. Some guys go from being married to being gay. I don't know how it works, but I'm happy with it. I just wish they weren't all so attractive :(
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jul 11
Thanks for your response! So, how do little kids that aren't raised around it and have never been around anyone gay people start acting gay? So what do you think plays a factor in it?
8 Jul 11
I think some people are born gay others make the choice themselves. I wouldn't say that they are "gay" genes but it is just part of being the person that they are. I mean there is the argument for nature. That the way people are brought up they can alter their sexuality. For me I think that being gay is just part of a person and not a defining feature but it is not something they can control.