College vs no college?
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
United States
July 7, 2011 7:23pm CST
On The View they mentioned that some are saying there are many teens that are being forced by their parents to go to college only to wind up with a low paying job and Huge student loans and that many students who are smart enough to go and succeed in college are not going . Instead they are starting businesses. See I never went to college because I didn't have a dream job that required a degree. As a teen I didn't know what I wanted to do and since I could see nothing , that's what I thought my future was Nothing. Now I see that there are many who Need college and others that don't. I think it is sad if a person is forced to go and gets nothing out it. But worst is wanting to go and never getting to go.Your thoughts.
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21 responses
@agent807 (751)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I am going to be honest, I am in college right now, and I have attended it before. My family and school always had the belief that college is what I should do. Due to a bad injury, I wasn't allowed to join the military, but I was told either work, or school, so I did both, so I could support myself. The first time I went to school, I didn't like the fact that I was ridiculed badly because I was wasn't as smart as they wanted me to be. Because of my size, I was told that I am more prepared for football, than engineering. That felt offensive. I admit, I am not the smartest person,but I thought school was supposed to be a place of learning. If I wanted to play football, I would have but couldn't because of an injury. I wanted to be an engineer, and went for mechanical engineering, but I didn't have the grades to keep going. So I took the time off and worked untilI found something else. I didn't have a very strong support system for encouraging a person to do things in the first place, so everything I did was on my own. The problem that I see is that first of all, society needs to realize that not everyone is college material. Some find an actual job, some go to the military, some start a business. Some are too smart for school. Some think that college is a joke, a ripoff, nothing but extortion. College is good, if you are pursuing to become a doctor, engineer, lawyer, scientist, or maybe a professional athlete. But a lot of jobs shouldn't require a degree because they are things you don't need college for. What's worse is that, companies, are not looking just for an associates degree, but bachelors degrees, and masters degrees for entry level jobs. The companies up the ante I guess in an effort to keep the number of people down. Just because a person has two three or four degree does not make them very smart. I have ran into people who are constantly trying to make me look bad because I didn't finish college. Even some of my friend proudly brag over me about having a masters' degree, and I have nothing, but I worked like hell, had my own place, and gain actual life experience before dealing with school again. The college I go to now, is a little different. It is not very elitist so there aren't snobby kids running around living off rich parents. Everyone hear is working like crazy to strive for something. And this school, I don't know if it is because it is in the middle of the city, but it forces one to learn the art of the hustle outside of the classroom as well. The fact that I don't feel like some dumb outcast here makes the blow of substantial debt easier to take. Even if school doesn't work out for me, I am working on starting a couple of projects that hopefully will start a new business or career path. Mind you, both of these things come from hobbies, not classwork. My goal is to prove that I do have some brain qualities over brawn to make it.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
11 Jul 11
I never wanted to do something strong enough. Once they said I Couldn't support myself as a musician , I thought well then I won;t do it for money. And since I couldn't see Anything I could do for money, by Junior year in highschool , I played my best in Orchestra. Dream fulfilled! So I planned to graduate and then disappear. Unlike you, my mom was so positive , I was the pessimist.All she wanted was for me to be happy. Now I am , no degree. No pessimism either! If I wanted to go to college my sister would be supportive. I lost my mom 5 years ago. I so glad you got all the Nay Sayers out of your life.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
10 Jul 11
You already have! Just by going back , you are a success.A brilliant success.You are a strong person, I mean Mentally strong. Me? Not so much as a teen. My first reaction was , I can disappear. They Want me to do this , I can't so I will disappear. If I had been forced to go to college I wouldn't be here today. I totally agree that college isn't for everyone and if companies are looking for the highly educated for their entry jobs , they will soon be understaffed. Many will not even try for those jobs.Or worse will not stay.And there are many like me , never finished college and never will, who Will stay. It is sad, But It would be a waste of time and money for me to go to school. I'm stronger now, I mean if they try to get me to do things I say No! I will not! So there is no way I would ever get a degree. And once I come out , I wouldn't try to use my college work to get a job. See the subjects I like are not the ones I want to find a job in. Let me end by saying I wish you luck. I hope you get your dream job. and me being me I hope all the doubters have a worst life than you.
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@agent807 (751)
• United States
11 Jul 11
Thanks. I think the only reason that I have even made it this far is because I started ignoring and defying everyone. Their pessimism was in the way. I can't afford to have someone else's negativity around me. I already have enough going on before this. I think the fact that I don't listen to people as much has cause me to rely on myself more. If they were offering valuable positive feedback then it would have been a different story, but they weren't. I don't need that kind of weight on my back. I probably would not have finish college if it weren't for my hobby of drawing requires a degree. There are quite a few people who became very successful without a college degree. I wouldn't let a degree intimidate me. Or success or happiness for that matter.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
11 Jul 11
I was one of the lucky few who was able to go to college because I wanted to. My parents couldn't afford much, but I was able to get into a partial scholarship which I managed until I graduated. I wanted to, because I had big dreams when I was young!
Now, I am saving up for my kid's college/education. I bought out a plan which I struggle paying regularly. But one stipulation that I wanted in their plans was that IF they decided not to go, they (or I) could get the money!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
11 Jul 11
I'm your complete polar opposite. As you were planning for college , I was planning leaving this world. You had Huge dreams , all I wanted I got to do in highschool , Finally. Junior year. I got to play my best in Orchestra and Finally had fun At school, No bullies and plenty of friends. But I thought this wasn't to last nor was I Suppose to be That happy.
Way to go Dad! You are prepared if your kids want to go and will not be disappointed if they don't want to go. No Pressure. Fantastic!
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@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
20 Jul 11
If someone wants to go to college, there is no reason for that person not to go. Scholarships are easier to find now (thanks to the internet) than when I went, so students don't necessarily end up taking out huge loans.
If I ever have children, I would certainly strongly encourage them to attend college. Attending college offers many opportunities that one wouldn't otherwise have.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
20 Jul 11
What if your child didn't want to go to college?
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
21 Jul 11
Am I glad I am not that child. I feel the pressure already.
@wilsongoddard (7291)
• United States
20 Jul 11
I can't force her or him to go to college, but there is a very strong emphasis on academics within our household, within my boyfriend's family, amongst our social circle, and within my boyfriend's religious tradition. (S)he would be growing up with the expectation that college would be part of her/his future, because most of the people (s)he would routinely interact with hold degrees.
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@allknowing (142690)
• India
8 Jul 11
My niece was 26 when she became a full fledged physiotherapist. She got her Masters in the USA. She is now married and has no plans to start a career as her husband is doing well and wants to start a family. There are so many such cases where money and time is spent which is of no avail. And there are others who go for higher studies and choose anything that is available and not what they would really want to do. Very few get to do what they want and even get jobs of their liking but this percentage is very small. Higher studies are the demands of employers although someone who is an undergraduate could do that job quite well or even better. But when society demands that prospective employees should be loaded with degrees prior to specialisation there is no choice but to go for it. And as for starting one's own business without bothering to go for higher studies here again one should have the acumen for business. At the end of the day it is ones destiny that rules.
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@allknowing (142690)
• India
8 Jul 11
It matters little long as you are contented with your life.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Jul 11
I am finally. The moment I felt not respected but needed at my current job I felt it was ok I didn't go to college. My mom was always proud of me I See now. before I thought not only was I failure but a waste of time just because I didn't go to college.
@daniel_khoa94 (56)
8 Jul 11
Your opinion is true when you are in your country. But for our country Vietnam, if you do not go to college you will not find a job and no future. Because Vietnam is a society's degree ....
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Jul 11
The way the U.S. is going, you can go to college only to come out and only get a modest job that isn't in the field you studied. And worse, you may be come out and not be able to get any job. Why? with your college degree to some you are over qualified!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
9 Jul 11
I would love to learn about Vietnam's education system. Can you briefly explain it?
@daniel_khoa94 (56)
8 Jul 11
what you say may be true of Americans. Because Americans can know that their skills right choice of careers that may not need a degree. But in Vietnam is different now because you do not live in Vietnam for less so you may not understand the learning mode and lifestyle in Vietnam.
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@way2vision (613)
• Canada
8 Jul 11
The truth is, going to college and getting that degree allows you to have a safe zone to fall back on. Something that you can wave around for a related job to your degree just in case what ever you planned in your life goes wrong. Many who don't have this safe zone end up with their grocery or fast food jobs that any teenager can get but will be stuck for the rest of your life, if you don't try to achieve more.
I say "don't try to achieve more" is because if you landed a job in a grocery store early, instead of going to college, you may have already hinted to not want to achieve more. (this is just an example).
By experience, parents know the best for their children. Unless your lucky strike riches somewhere. But your parents are not wrong by forcing you to college. They know what the world is like after high school. All they want is the best for you.
The expression is, do you want to struggle now? or struggle later?

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
10 Jul 11
Thanks. I like research too. I always loved history.
@youless (112923)
• Guangzhou, China
8 Jul 11
Here the fact is the better education, the better job. So going to the college seems to be so important. And it seems you have to have a college degree so that you can apply for some jobs. So no matter whether you like it or not, most students have to choose to go to the college.
I love China

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Jul 11
Here it used to be you could get a good job without a college degree. You needed college if you wanted to be a doctor or a lawyer. Then somehow college turned into a necessity but now the jobs are gone. So now you have college grads working at jobs that highschool students used to do.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
9 Jul 11
Dreams are very personal and parents sometimes get a little too involved in their children's. It's like they are almost living through their children and if it was their dream or the thing they thought would bring them success..they tend to push their children towards it. I don't think a person has to go to college to be successful. It is something I wanted to go back and do...but that was just my dream. It's not really to make me successful...just a little more competitive if something ever happened to the place that I work for now. That still doesn't guaranteee a job though.
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@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
8 Jul 11
I work at at a college as you know. I see alot of students there who are only going because their parents want them to. Alot of those students do graduate and end up in no where jobs with the loans! Then there are the ones who comes to college because the parents make them but never finish! They either drop out or fluck out! We also have alot of students who are smart but most of them aren't! We do have alot of international students who come because they want an education. Some of the international students end up where I work because they can't get a good education at all in there country! So there are all kinds! I believe if a kid or adult wants an college eduacation should only go if they want. Some don't need it. I never wanted to go to college because I knew I wasn't smart enough! I did know what I wanted to do but I knew I could not get through the courses I nneded to get through for the career I wanted to go into. I have worked in that field and I am happy I never went into it as a career full-time! It was not for me in the long run!
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Jul 11
All I wanted to do was play music with my friends. Around 8th grade I was told truthfully that I couldn't Just play music I would need another job. Well, being the pessimist I was, I took it that I would never be able to play music for money. There wasn't anything else I wanted to do so I just played in the orchestra at school and planned to die after highschool. I used to tell my mom , yes she could send me to college but I would make sure it had a high tower so when I flunk out I could just jump off. I couldn't see spending money to go to classes of subjects I didn't like, to get a degree would never use!So now I still haven't been to college but I have studied what I wanted. Now with online classes I could seeing myself studying more but not for a degree! It woulds be purely for fun.
@abingabanger (100)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
I, myself, wanted to go to get myself a degree but ended up with just some college. But I'm already working and it's too hard to give up my job and take a degree again. I think this is something people can't really escape from and instead of going back, it's better for us to just make us of what we have right now. It's never too late to do something new.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Jul 11
True it is never too late. There are online classes. I hope you get to go back. Best of luck.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Jul 11
I can see Having to study to be a doctor or lawyer or a teacher or any other learned profession, but to work any other type of job? Why?
@gingerberrie (191)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Hi sarah,
I would say that having a better education is a must if you want a better career. Yes, it is true that some of the graduates right now end up to food chains and call centers.
In my case, I'm a married and I wasn't able to finish my college successfully due to financial constraint. My father is a simple fisherman and my mom is a homemaker. Sometimes it is really hard to get the job that you'd like and you know that you can do it however you are not qualified because of the educational issue. Right now, I am a full time mom, I am also teaching a Sunday school for preschool every Sunday in the church. I am working on the net and saving money because I do still want to pursue with my studies.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Jul 11
Brava! You have a dream job and it requires a college degree! I hope you get to do the work you want. Good Luck!
@sayatta123 (27)
• Jamaica
8 Jul 11
I totally agree with you as college don't serve as a catalyts to become rich.having an education does not mean a person can become financiallly free but it is good to have an education though.Its sad that persons who want to go can't afford it because of financial constraints.
@ernakienchaie (33)
9 Jul 11
Yes, I agree with you sayatta. Having a college is not a guarantee that you'll become rich. My parents didn't finish college but still they were able to send me to school and provide all the things needed in my studies. They were able to support me financially because they have a business which is trading barbecue at the market. God is so good that that business really doing well. The business was not easy, it takes a lot of effort and energy to really gain money. So my parents have an attitude and skills which led them to become successful person.
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@ernakienchaie (33)
9 Jul 11
In my case, I am a nursing graduate from a reputable school. I had passed the licensure exam. I thought having all of these things will enable me to easily get a good job. I was wrong with my perception because upon seeking a job I was always denied. In nursing , the trend nowadays is that if you're already a registered nurse, you should still volunteer to get a hospital experience and within that days we are not paid so it's very hard to volunteer without receiving even an allowance. So maybe, it's a case to case basis. Some courses are very hiring to a lot of companies. I would rather go to having a college degree because it's a big advantage in your part and it depends on how you would use it.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
9 Jul 11
The subjects I liked at school I wouldn't use as a profession. So I would be just going to college Just to go. i wouldn't get a degree and I wouldn't take any subject I didn't like. It would be a fortune pi$$ed away.
I wish you luck. If you want to be a nurse , be a nurse! follow your bliss!
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
17 Jul 11
I didn't go to colleve/university either. My mother wanted me to, but I didn't. She even made me go for the interviews, and I'm thankful I didn't get in. I "almost" got in, but didn't. It would have been too much stress, and it would have cost way too much money.
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@maharlikah (1045)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
College is not that easy to acquire. We'll experience different struggles in life specially if the budget for education is limited. Well, good if after college, the education obtained will be useful. But worst if, students who finished a college course is not given the chance to exercise his profession.
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@rog0322 (2828)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
8 Jul 11
Hi Sarah,
Our town is now in an industrial zone with lots of new establishments coming up. Most of the work demands focus on tech-vocational courses that promises to pay high with regular tenure. Some successful business entrepreneurs also are school dropouts who made it big on the retail and wholesale industry. So, who needs a college degree for that? It is very tedious, costly, demanding and in the end one just adds up to the long list of unemployed due to "over qualification" or just plain over supply of "professionals."
However, I fell that a college degree may be a big advantage over the undergrads in the long run, in terms of promotions, merits or rank given the same skills and capabilities.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
8 Jul 11
I never went to college either. I never had a dream job either. But I feel that if they had computers back then I might have had some incentive to go to college to do something in that field. Now that I am older, I do not have the same ambition. I could only hope my children have some desire to do something different. I will never force them but I will encourage them to get good grades in school.
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
8 Jul 11
Bravo Dad! All my mom wanted was for me to graduate highschool. College was my choice.I didn't see the point.
@changjiangzhibin89 (16886)
• China
8 Jul 11
I think It is better for one to go to college where he or she can study in a systematic way.In general,graduates have greater ability to do thing than those who haven't gone to college.However It dosen't mean graduate can get a dream job, because It has to do with economy,opportunity,people's EQ ,etc.But again,many people who haven't gone to college become professional through independent study.
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