When you are in a bad mood,what would you do ?

July 7, 2011 10:27pm CST
everyone will have a lot of things everyday. when you are in a bad mood ,what would you do ? yesterday ,i find a way ,i was in a bad mood yesterday ,but when i eat candy after, it is better ,what are you ? said your opinion.
10 responses
10 Jul 11
i rather watched comedy films but after ,bad mood come again isnt it? shopping : you spend your money at least you happy but then bad come again. talking with friends which is in good mood not to helpful. i know we have own defence mechanism to cope with that..... the best way just be alone, give your self space to anyone coz it cant help u probaly argue with someone....just listen music which are alive not too dramatic until you goin to sleep when you wake up might you be calm and relax...
• United States
8 Jul 11
When I am in a bad mood I get on the computer and start working. Have a Blessed Day
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
when i feel bad, i usually write about it, its my way of letting it out and i feel better afterwards. but i usually throw it after except for the poems.
• India
8 Jul 11
Whenever I'm in a bad mood, I put my earphones on and just listen to my favorite music forgetting the whole world. Its instantly cheers me up and I always feel refreshed after listening to music. If that is not possible then I call some of my friend and usually end up having a laugh about the thing that made my mood bad.
@alquizar (480)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Sometimes when I am in my bad mood I usually listen to music,sometimes eat and workout.I must do something productive in my day so that It will help ease my bad mood and shopping is really a great help too.I usually in the bad mood when I expect things to happen but It was not happening.I had knew a lot of people who are always on their bad mood and I don't usually go with them better hang out with jolly personality than a moody one.
@meemii (28)
• United States
8 Jul 11
When I'm in a bad mood, sometimes listening to music will help, or watching a comedy on television. Sometimes going to get some comforting food like a nice cup of relaxing tea, or maybe taking a bubble bath. Sometimes you just have to be by yourself and ride it out.
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
basically, I visit my facebook and cast everything there. I pity my facebook. heheheh
@irene66 (1669)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Doing something to divert our mood in times it becomes bad is really a good idea. I do gardening to get rid of it. This may modify my mood while doing something better rather than to spend my energy pouting or shouting or to entertain anger. Sometimes I walk for a distance and come back with a better mood.
@cmang83 (285)
• Malaysia
8 Jul 11
When i was in a bad mood, i like to do outdoor sport activities like jogging and running. I feel better every time after i finished the activity and i found that i work especially joggin.
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
Whenever such things happen, i always try to look on the bright side of life. Positive thinking will help you erase the bad mood that you have. That candy treat is a nice way too of treating your bad mood. i guess eating a lot diverges your focus from the bad things to digesting food. During bad days, I usually pampers myself or treat myself to something nice. Even simple things like ice cream, buying a new shirt or playing games. I use it to keep off the bad vibrations away.