How to transfer my earnings to my DEBIT CARD.

July 8, 2011 9:51pm CST
Hi mylotters, I'm a newbie and I would like to ask this one. How to transfer my earnings to my debit card,visa. It's allowed to use my debit card right? Please clear up my mind You are so much appreciated. Thank you :) Happy mylotting!
1 response
• United States
9 Jul 11
Hi nurseclare, Our earnings here will automatically go to PayPal on or about the 15 of the month provided we meet the minimum or more. If you have your debit card in PayPal verified then you will transfer your earnings from Paypal to the debit card.
9 Jul 11
Hello hardworkinggurl, I don't know how to log in paypal, do you have their site?please send me one..thanks a lot..So is there any process there in transferring my earnings to paypal? What exactly will i do..thanks again
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
hardworkinggurl-- okay..thanks for that,,that helped me a lot. nanethjim10-- please check the upper respond. I already post the site for paypal.check it out, please!