Should I be Ashamed of Myself?

July 9, 2011 12:35am CST
I did not take college after school. I only too a short course, but I'm happy since I was easily able to find work and had been working since I finished that eight-month course. I also don't have much stress with my work. Back then, I am an honor student. I am one of those who can get scholarship easily if I wanted. But obviously, that is not the path I've taken. Sometimes, I feel so happy and blessed since I see a lot of graduates struggling to find a job and so all the effort and money they've spent are wasted. But when I get involve with the rest of my family, my aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews, sometimes I feel sad, ashamed, and disgusted. Most of my nieces and nephews are studying medicine, law, and engineering. They are becoming successful in the path they've taken. Sometimes I feel sad and think, "maybe I should have used my knowledge into something better". The reason why I can't study now though I'm still young is because I really don't know what I want. I'm also not sure if we can afford high tuition fees and all the costs of studying. I'm happy with my work right now though it's not high paying. But looking in the long run, I don't think my work can help me survive life. What do you think should I do?
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48 responses
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
hello BB, I understand your feelings I've been with same dilemma before my cousins who is just my age is taking up law she always a honor student from elementary and finished college with flying colors I feel ashamed every time her parents will say about her achievements until one day I realized that I should be thankful for not being like her because her mom is complaining that her daughter doesn't know how to give care to her parents unlike what I am doing to my parents. I rather have a middle education rather than swallow by my ambition and forget what is love and care all about. You choose it because you know you will be happy on it we should not have regrets it will never too late for you to study again if you wanted too. We must be proud of ourselves because we have something that others don't have happy mylotting
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Thank you so much. I think that's what I should really just look at. What I have others don't. Thanks !!!
@allknowing (142691)
• India
9 Jul 11
The truth of the matter is that those who are still studying must be envying you when your pocket is jingling. It is a fallacy to think that only those with higher studies can make a living. If one is talented sky is the limited where one can reach!
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@allknowing (142691)
• India
10 Jul 11
There are so many online courses which you could attend - courses on subjects in which you have interest.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Yes, sometimes they say I envy you because at such a young age you're working already... but what bothers me is what will happen in the long run.. Thanks anyway!
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Jul 11
What if you worked for another year. In your off time you did research on what does interest you. Talk to your family and tell them this. Try to save some money for tuition fees to help out. Can't you get a student loan? You obviously want to do something different with your life though you seem happy with your work right now. I think after a years time you may know more of what you want to do.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Jul 11
Well, you need to think of your retirement. The earlier you start out the better that will be if you save for it. SOme companies match your savings to a certain point. I would do some research and see where your interests lie.
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• Philippines
9 Jul 11
Hi! I know I'm still young (18), but I heard someone said "it's hard to get employed after 23" and that scares me... Geee... Also, if I leave my work, it's not something I could easily go back to. Employers require continuous work experience.. But I hope some time I'd be able to do what really would make me happy. Thanks!
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@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
20 Jul 11
It's interesting how you say you feel so happy and blessed when you are doing what you feel is right for you. It seems the problem comes in when you take in the opinion of others and compare yourself to them. In your eyes you do not measure up to what they are doing so you then feel shame. The truth is that a lot of people do a lot of studying and schooling because that is what is expected of them. they think it will make them happy and sometimes it does, but there are so many professionals who are not happy with their careers and they spend all their time working to continue to measure up to someone else's standards. Personally, I think you are very courageous to be going down the path that works for you. That path may change later and if it does I am sure you will be up to the task of doing what you need to do. But just make sure it because you want to do it and not to please other people. Let the guilt does not serve you at all. Do not be disgusted with yourself, you are ok right where you are!
• Philippines
20 Jul 11
Hi! Guess what..? I smiled when I saw your picture.. It used to be my facebook profile pic.. Anyways, you're right. Sometimes, they really do it not because it's what they like but because it's what the people around them like. Thank you for such encouraging words and have a nice day!
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Let me ask you, are you happy? If you're answer is YES, you need not be ashamed of yourself. We may be of the same dilemma, if that is what it should be called. I am an achiever back when I was still studying. Sometimes, I felt a little down knowing that most of my classmates back then are climbing the corporate ladder, while I am somewhat walking through the path of simplicity. Should I really be down, or ashamed for that matter? Definitely NOT. Why? Because I am happy. This is what I want. Most of my peers might be in the corporate world, but, are they happy? No money nor job position can buy happiness. Though it may be a plus factor to sum, ultimately, it all boils down to one thing - your happiness.
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• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! well.. I can smile. I am not so happy honestly. I think my job can be good, but I need a better employer. Anyways, thanks. You're definitely right. Money is not the key to become happy and if life is not happy, then it's useless. Thanks.
• Mexico
9 Jul 11
No you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself but you should really think about what direction you want your life to go in. Right now you are in total control of changing anything you want to achieve and you have the chance to make it happen. If you want to go to college now, why not? Think about it for a bit and be sure that whatever you decide is best for you.
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• Philippines
9 Jul 11
Hi, Thank you for the advice. I have been thinking lately what I want to do.. and there are a lot of things I want to do, but none of them involved studying.. LOL.. I'm not really studious.. I think that's the main problem. Thanks! Have a nice day!
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9 Jul 11
you not be ashamed to yourself be proud of it...there's a lot of graduate but they don't get thier jobs...but if you can go to college why not?
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@megamatt (14291)
• United States
9 Jul 11
I think that its your life and whatever you want to do with it, then that's what you want to do it. I think that some people find themselves pressured into attending college and that can lead to it not being the beneficial experience like it could be. There are reasons why people tend to burn out and in many cases drop out all too soon. It is because they are not ready. So just take a good long and hard reflection about what you want to do about your life. It is stressed that this is something that you, yourself want to do about your life and not something that you are really going to be pressured all that much into doing. If you feel like its going to really help you, then go about it, if it feasible then go for it. However it won't work if you're not one hundred percent committed.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! You're right. I need to have some time on my own and think of everything in my life and decide from there. Thanks!
• United States
9 Jul 11
There is nothing to be ashamed of. College is not for everyone no matter how intelligent or non-intelligent one is. There are those who do well without college, take Bill Gate, lol... You are however doing the right thing in thinking long term though. It is wise to think what and how will I survive in the future. Maybe college is not the answer as life experiences can get a person far ahead in life. There are college graduates with Masters degree who opt later to do something completely outside of their studied field. I would certainly sit and think about all involved with regards to returning to college, such as costs, length of time to complete and the pros/cons as to which field you would enter. It is not something you can do in one sitting, after all it will be something you are looking forward to in the future. Sitting with a College counselor will also help too. You may find that all of this is helpful in making your decision to return helpful and or it may also help you decide that returning back to school is not for you. Not an easy decision but something to certainly consider while young as it would be easier now then later in life. At any rate, good luck with which decision you make and don't forget it is your decision and what is best for you.
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Thank you so much. Lately, I've been thinking of things and trying to weigh them to make a decision I know I would not regret.. Right now, I think I just need to go with the flow. Thank you!
• United States
9 Jul 11
I think if your happy right now I would not worry to much about it. It is hard finding a job that you like and is low stress. I am 50 and never took college class and I have a job that I love. I will not get rich with it but I will make it. Maybe the day will come when you feel like going back. If your not into it right now it will make it harder to study and will probably stress you out. Have a Blessed Day
1 person likes this
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Yeah, it is better to do a low paying job which makes you happy than a high paying job but stresses you out. Anyways, I hope I figure out soon what I love and be able to pursue it. Thank you so much!
• United States
10 Jul 11
You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself. Some people succeed without college. A person is never too old to go back to school so once you figure out what you want then maybe in time you will go back to school. I'm in my 40's and took college classes on-line through a local college. I'm not sure where I was going with it but I figure some college credits is better than none. In the US low income people can get student loans and grants to go back to school.
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• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! I must agree with you. Not everyone who succeed went to college and not everyone who went to college succeed. Thanks and have a great day! Sad there's no student loans and grants here in my country.
• China
9 Jul 11
Hi Ban, I just want to tell you that people should learn to content. There is no need to ashamed of yourself for that reason. You have your own life and I believe you can survive with your current work but on the premise that you are willing to put your mind to working. Moreover, don't discard your desire to do better.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Thanks for your response. Hope the best for us! I hope you're right.. that I can survive w/ my work. Thanks!
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
It's still best to get an education. Do not wait until you're too old to go back to school. But then again, age really doesn't matter. It's nice to have something to fall back on.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Yeah, I'm afraid also I'll be too old someday to study.. But for now, I just hope the best for all of us! Thank you!
@vivamir (671)
10 Jul 11 should never feel ashamed of yourself, due to others high expectations- thats a world full of stress that you dont deserve to put yourself through..I mean surely your own happiness and self satisfaction is of a higher value.? Comparing yourself to others, in a negative manner usually means your not happy with yourself- and you know you can do so much more..and your making excuses as to not 'making yourself happy' or your anxious of how long you will be able to survive comfortably with your current employment.. I hope all works out for you my only you know how to make yourself a success in yourself..and to feel good about it too- whatever it may be..(",)
1 person likes this
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
Hi! Thank you! I guess your right. I shouldn't add unnecessary stress when in fact I should not be stressed at all. T hanks and hope the best for both of us!
• United States
9 Jul 11
No, you should not be ashamed of yourself. As long as you are happy with what ur doing,then that is all that matters.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! That's the problem.. I'm not so happy......... Thanks anyway!
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
9 Jul 11
Hello Dear Bannybanzie! From your discussion I can make out that you are an intelligent,intellectual, determined, hardworking, honest and sincere individual! since you have taken up the eight months course all by your self without any external pressures influencing your decision, there is no point is feeling guilty about it! You are feeling happy that you are placed much better than many college passed outs who are still making desperate attempts to finding a suitable job for themselves. You need not feel sad or ashamed when you are looking at your cousins who are pursuing their studies in some professional courses, as you know that you too can do any type of professional course at any given time as you are young and you have got talent to pursue such courses. For an honor student who can avail scholarship studying is no big problem at all! This I am saying with so confidence that I too was an honor student who had Merit Scholarship during my undergraduate course and Post graduation too! Since you were confused and you were not having the idea about the course which one would be better suited to you you have taken this short term course, so that instead of wasting time and money you can directly start earning at early life! Now since you don't have any mental pressure now and you are placed comfortably financially also, you can coolly think about your area of interest and the chances of getting success in the chosen field before entering the course! Otherwise also, since you are talented and have all above said qualities in you I think you can start your own business in the present field after gaining some good experience! Remember there are many industrialists in this World who never have seen the College in their life time but they are very successful and can teach Management graduates just out of their life time experience! Thus if you are determined and have an ambition to climb the heights in life, please don't get discouraged and please stick to your decision and implement it! Oh one more thing you are a person who is very critical analysing your own self which is again a very good quality you have, which will be a big asset for you through out your life in any field you select! Wish you best of luck and I am happy to meet a sensible and practical person today on this forum! Thanks for the discussion, I liked participating in it!
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! I had a hart time reading your entire response 'cause I'm in a little hurry.. Anyways, I really appreciate all you said and thank you very much. I think I need to focus more on the positive side now and think things clearly. Thanks!!!
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
9 Jul 11
Go for it. Knowledge is the only personal asset that nobody can steal away from you. With papers and working experiences you can go anywhere to seek employment. Since you are still young, take this opportunity to further your studies in what ever fields that interest you most.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Thanks for the great advice. I hope I find out what pleasures me most soon and pursue it. Thank you!
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
9 Jul 11
Hello there, Bannybanzie. Our feelings will tell a lot about the way we relate to the world and to ourselves. It's good to know you are young. Sometimes we put a lot of effort into our lives, and then we look around, and we see people getting rich, millionaire, in their 20s. And I, personaly, think: HOW is that possible? I am 19, and I'm not even close to my first million. And yes, of course I'd like to be there too! But every person follow its own path, accordingly to what they understand of life. You took a different road, you didn't follow your relatives. Would you want to be like them? If I had to give you an advice, I would tell you to study. If you don't know what you want, that would be EVEN better: you're opening up the doors for life to surprise you. You should read a little about the paths you have to choose to study, and then pick one and go! Life is always doing that to us, requiring us to take choices when we don't even know what we want. Choose one, study, finish it, master it. You have nothing to lose. Respectfully, Munhozmib.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Thank you for your advice. Now, I'm really thinking. I'm 18, just a year younger than you, and I hope we find the path we should take. Thanks and hope the best for our lives!
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
hello Banny, You don't have to be ashamed. See,you have a good job while there are many professionals who are jobless here in our country,or going abroad and end up working as DH or working in a job that is not related to their field. But since you are still young,I suggest that you continue with your study,who knows you might find a better job or you will be promoted in your present job. Have a great weekend
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Thank you so much for the encouraging words.. I'll try more to look at the bright side of life.. that way I'm going to have less stress. Thanks!
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
9 Jul 11
From what you say, you sound like a smart person who chose a path in life and is doing well. It's normal not to know what would you want to study in case of going to university, so many people just choose any random major, lose their time in university a few years and after that work in something unrelated. That's why I think that unless you know what do you want to become knowledgeable in, you can go on with your job, as it's never too late to go to college if you want to in the future, once you know what is it that you would like to study. If you end up not wanting to go to college, I see no problem either, as it's not mandatory in order to be successful in life.
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! I see your point and I think you're right. Not everyone who finished college is successful, just as not every successful man finished college. Thank you!
• Indonesia
9 Jul 11
hi, dear, how old you are now??As you said that you're still young, so now you have many chances to be better than you were.You don't have to regret your pass and ashamed with yourself because it's not make sense anymore.Change what you can change.Even your job don't pay high I think you can collect little by little to take a collage.You have condition that almost similar with me.I'm not came from rich family, so I can't take a collage after graduate.Actually I'm very clever on school and have some worthy certificate.I made stupid mistake by resign from my first job that pay good because my friend influence.But after I resign, I see other friends succeed on same place while I'm getting hard to get job.Now I'm job with not high salary but I have plan to take collage on open university this August.Open university is not expensive so I hope I can get it.You're not late, so don't be ashamed, chase your dream!
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• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi! Right now, I'm 18. I also regret it when I resigned in my job. I cried for days. But fortunately, my employer hired me again with better terms. Thanks and hope good for both of us!