If we see the world as nothing but Evil, are we evil, ourselves??

@bird123 (10658)
United States
July 9, 2011 1:30am CST
So many times religion compares good and evil. They teach people to recognize evil. So many religions do such a good job pointing out evil that many tend to see the world as evil. Do you see the world as evil?? If you see only evil, doesn't that make you evil too?? Doesn't that generate hate?? How can you ever be happy hating?? We all have the power to choose what we value. Let's focus on the goodness in people because that is what we value the most. If you really look, there are many more good people in this world than evil. It's our choice. We can value the Love, Kindness, and Goodness OR we can value the hate, revenge, and anger. Are we to allow evil's actions to change us?? Is this really how we should choose to define ourselves?? It doesn't matter what everyone else does. It's what you do that counts. What will you do??? I strive to see and nuture the goodness I see in everyone. I try to do as God is doing. I try to make sure truth is out there for people to discover, loving everyone unconditionally the very best I can. I don't see a bunch of evil rotten people. I see wonderful children of God. Most are working and striving to become more than they currently are. The need to learn and grow is there. For those who make really bad choices, we must all be willing to help point them in the right direction without anger, hate, or rejection. After all, what better way for evil people to discover goodness than to be surrounded by good people pointing. Indeed, many times it takes a long time, however we can move a mountain one grain of sand at a time if we are patient. OK, people out there. Tell me all about it.
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12 responses
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
14 Jul 11
You say the world is good. But is it? I live in a big city. some years ago the police went on strike. What happened? There was looting. Few people were obeying traffic laws. Montreal became a jungle. What does that tell you? The world is evil. There are some good people but most are not. They may behave because of a police presence. They may behave out of fear and not out of love. What usually happens in a schoolroom when the teacher leaves the room? What happens when the police go on strike? We already had WW1 and WW2. We have enough nuclear bombs to blow up everyone a number of times. This is the reality! When I see a beautiful sunset, I don't think bad or evil. But when I read about abortions, child abuse, murders, what do you want me to think?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
17 Jul 11
If most people were good we would need very little police presence? What happens when there is police presence on a highway? Everyone goes the speed limit. No police, everyone speeds. That is the reality! The majority of people are selfish, greedy and only care for themselves. That is the reality! Do some research? See how many abortions take place each year? See how many people die because of lack of food?
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
18 Jul 11
I do not see evil in everyone, only where it exists. This world is evil and that is why God will replace it with a new world. 1 John 5:19 New Living Translation (NLT) 19 We know that we are children of God and that the world around us is under the control of the evil one. 2 Peter 3:13 New Living Translation (NLT) 13 But we are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth he has promised, a world filled with God’s righteousness.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
14 Jul 11
Without police, one can expect some trouble, however a few troublemakers will never mean the majority of people are evil. Statistical census numbers would prove this out. School can be hard and boring at times. Even adults can act up and go to talking when the teacher leaves the room. As for WW1 and WW2, lots of people get caught up in war. There are many many lessons to be learned. Why would people follow into war when the problem starts off so small? The common man out number everyone. If they would stand up and demand peace, how could they be stopped in the long run? With knowledge comes more capabilities and more responsibilities. Nuclear is merely the tip of the iceburg. Kiddies must learn and grow then handle the responsibilities of knowledge. This is part of learning. This is part of life. Perhaps those who do choose evil need good people around them to point the way. Make them your best friend.
• United States
10 Jul 11
Regardless of what religions say, people will never stop being judgmental or discussing who is evil and who is not. A religious person might see himself and his own religion as the best while concluding that all others are bound to go to hell. Meanwhile, an atheist might think that religious people are evil due to what they read in the newspaper. I feel majority of the people spend their entire lives discussing how others are doing things wrong, gossiping how others are so evil and that this world is evil itself. We can simply say that its another meaning is complaining. But this matter is not limited to atheist and pious. The rich think poor people are evil, they commit all the crimes in the society and a country is poor only because of them. Meanwhile, the poor ones complain that the rich steal and control all the wealth and thus they are the ones who are poor. In between, the middle class feels sandwiched and thus, they think both poor and rich are evil. The antisocial believes that the social people do not let them be social. Meanwhile, the social ones think antisocial people are rude (evil) for which they cannot make friends. So in a way, in this world, the opposites always see each other as evil. We cannot do much about it. People find complaining about someone being bad juicy and entertaining. Some even go a step by saying that it lets them feel relieved. This world is odd, isn't it? But thats how we all are no matter which country we come from.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Jul 11
You make lots of good points. Opposites are in this world to teach each other. It moves both toward the middle. I think you are right that people do complain. Seems we want what we don't have then complain about those who do have it. Human nature is a bit odd. So many search for happiness in what they don't have instead of what they do. How can anyone find happiness when their focus is not on the goodness??? We do have a choice of how we value and view things.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Yes, I've seen it many many times. All those pointing fingers along with the excuses make me grow tired. I could care less about blame. I care only for results. If people would strive only for results, they would realize that pointing fingers and blame gets one nowhere. Still, like you said, many people are like that. We have our work cut out for us. Move a grain of sand at a time. Watch the change happen.
• United States
11 Jul 11
Thanks. The problem is that humans are never satisfied. The solution is in improvement led by actions. But most people would first spend hours talking about why they are victims and this is where they start blaming the opposite.
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
9 Jul 11
Seeing evil and focusing on evil maybe won't make the person evil, but angry, sad and unhealthy - yes.People who often criticize others have an unpleasant face expression, their face skin looks older because of the marks of negative emotions on it.I believe in this:you judge, you will be judged.If you don't want to be judged by God, stop judging others.It's as simple as that.Show kindness, teach kindness, and you will receive kindness.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jul 11
Very good point.You can see it in their faces when they focus on the evil. It isn't a pretty picture. To be angry,sad, and unhealthy ,as you say, could never be happy. Kind of makes one wonder why they do it at all.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
@silvercoin, when i see the picture of coin in your avatar, that first thing that comes unto my mind is ebay...
• Lithuania
13 Jul 11
I'm a coin collector, it's one of my hobbies.Hope that explains.
• Mexico
11 Jul 11
Hi bird: I agree with you. In fact I am not the type of person that loves judging people. I don't see everything in trhat way. Of course there's a dark side of the world but at the same time we can see the presence of God here. Love is in the earth too. Here we have the possibility to get our salvation and if we are God's creation, there's light in us. I don'tg like when people can't discover this beautiful part of humanity. We have big problems but we also have hope. ALVARO
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Let's not forget to point for those who are blind to the goodness. Gotta get some light in somehow.
• India
11 Jul 11
yes, like u said its our choice to choose what to see.theres both good and evil in the world but its human nature to get attracted to negetive thing than the good things. but at a point of time u can see that theres more good than evil. when a person faces defeat,betrayal,pain he tends to see only evil.good is not visible to his eyes but that doesnt make him evil.he is just blind at that situation. he needs to be waken up.that can be done only with good.if u tend to change that person using violent means he will surely turn into evil. hope im not talking crap
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Jul 11
I think you make a very good point. People who see only evil are probably just blind. Like you said, sometimes hurt shifts the focus only on the pain. It's up to all of us to shine the light of goodness so that people who see only evil have an opportunity to see.
• India
11 Jul 11
so i wasnt talking crap huh thankyou xD
• Mexico
9 Jul 11
No I would consider myself to be quite a good person. I hate it when people say that this world is evil. Just because there are a few bad people doesn't make everyone one.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jul 11
Yes. it's funny how the evil gets so much more attention. Maybe the news media is to blame for part of this. How many goodness stories do they report on compared to the trouble stories? In any event, like you, we should see what actually is. Lots of great people in this world.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
20 Jul 11
Is there a few bad people in this world or a few good people? When war breaks out, how many refuse at all costs to get involved in killing one another? When the police go on strike what happens?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Jul 11
1hopefulman. When the police go on strike, the silent majority stay home. War isn't as simple to answer. There are many variables to consider. I agree people should refuse war at all costs. On the other hand, evil can sometimes, through leadership, control people who follow blindly. Can we allow evil to take over by refusing to oppose it? Should we allow the real truth to be hidden? If so, Hitler would be ruling the world today. Mankind's greatest problem is that everybody wants to rule the world. Much time is needed before mankind outgrows this. Wars will end when mankind acquires enough knowledge and wisdom. There are many many people in the world today who are teaching and leading others toward that goal. We must be patient.
@munhozmib (3836)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
9 Jul 11
Hello, bird123. You chose an interesting topic to talk about. And I have to agree with you, I don't see this world as evil, I don't see it like media shows it. Watching the TV, all that I can see are bad news, people getting killed, robbed, interviewing victims or their relatives... That makes me sad, I don't think that it should only be focused on that. I can't tell somebody as evil just because he or she killed someone. And I can't say they are good just for helping somebody to cross the street. What would define it is summing up their entire lives. Overall, were they good or evil? But I try not to judge, I don't see why judge. Shouldn't people be able to choose their side, since they have free will? There is a detail, if you consider a war between good x evil, that cannot be left out. A man alone can take months building his own house, having all the tools required. But, having all the tools required, somebody could put it down in one day. The same with the world. It is much faster and easier to destroy things, than to build them up. And if the planet is still here, even though it is damaged, then believe me: there is a huge quantity of good people. If the world was evil, everything would already be teared apart. Respectfully, Munhozmib.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jul 11
Interesting?? Since it is easier to destroy than create,we must have many many more good people in this world or the place would be in a real mess. OK. That makes sense to me. Good logic!! So if people see only evil in this world, clearly they need to correct their view if the want to see reality.
• India
2 Jun 12
if I see only apples on an apple tree, does that mean I am an apple? If I see only water in the ocea, does that mean I am water?
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
9 Jul 11
If good is there, then definitely there should be evil and bad will also presents. Good is having a bad friend, its name is "evil". In our society good is there, evil is there. We all have to consider the good as our best friend, then have to see the "evil" as our enemy.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jul 11
If we have a very evil friend, shouldn't we make them our best friend?? How else will they ever see goodness?? Of course, one must be careful not to fall into what they are about. If one really understands evil before going in, there could be no chance of doing that.
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
9 Jul 11
I think those are the words of wisdom, but if you recollect the information from your past then you will realize that one spends a lot of time discussing how evil the other people are and then they complain about them with other people but never take the action for it. I think it is good to point out the evil but then next thing that is must is to take the action against the evil. Do something to remove it from your way.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Jul 11
Yes, but doesn't it become evil when all one can focus on is evil??? Like you said. People love talking about the evil of others, but how often do they discuss the goodness??
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I don't view people as evil. There is good in a lot of people. There are also people who do bad things and I just view them that way. I try not to judge others, but i don't allow myself to be around people who do such things. God warns against bad association in his word and I try to heed it.When people make adjustments and change for the better that is wonderful and I'm happy for them.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Jul 11
If all the good people avoid the bad people, how can the bad people ever know what good is??? Do not avoid them. Point them in the right direction. So many times even a few words can make a major difference in someone's life.
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
10 Jul 11
Hi bird I do not believe in God and evil.It's only our thought. God and evil situated inside us. We are trying to become good human being. If all the people try to become good human being then world become haven. Is,t it?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
10 Jul 11
So, you do not believe in God or Evil. How do you judge what is good without knowing what evil is??? Maybe you just define some things better than others then strive for the best. You are right. Mankind could make this world a paradise for all, however many more lessons need to be learned before that is possible. You say you do not believe in God. OK, I can accept that. Do not discount the possibility that God does exist. Yesterday, I did not believe or know that you existed. Today I have my proof. Simply because you can not agree with religion's view of God, doesn't mean God does not exist. I think it's always best for people to discover God for themselves rather than depend on others.