He Left and I am Really Sad...

Valdosta, Georgia
July 9, 2011 11:43am CST
So, my husband left this morning to go out of town to work. . I am really sad guys. I am heartbroken. My heart is aching. Last night we held each other and cried. My kids are having a hard time with daddy leaving. Gosh this is hard. Please keep us in your prayers. Any advice on how to make this time easier?
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14 responses
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 11
Can you keep in touch real time with texting, email, phone? Do you have access to a laptop with a webcam or video chat on your phone? I don't know how old the kids are but it's summer, so there are lots of activities you could get involved in. I would focus on planning some fun things daily and then have a nightly chat with daddy (and then some chat time for just you and him after the kids are asleep ) Also, do you have local mommy friends you can get together with? Meet at the park, go walking, bring snacks and have a picnic? Let the kids play inside at a play area and get ice cream if it's hot, a pool or lake would be fun too. School supplies are going on sale everywhere so pick up craft things, markers, crayons, glitter glue and have the kids create art projects to hang for daddy. Bake cookies together or blow bubbles outside. I know you will still miss him but concentrate on having fun together! Take pictures of the fun things you do and make a scrapbook so you can show him what you did while he was gone - like a memory book of your summer.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
11 Jul 11
Ugh! I am so sorry.... I guess that certainly does put a wrench in trying to do anything. Do you have any friends who live near who could pick you up? How close are things in your town?
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Aug 11
To be honest with you since he is at work all day with the car I don't get out to meet people so unfortunately I really don't have any friends at all. Everything is about a 30 minute walk from my house which wouldn't be bad if it wasn't so sticking HOT outside!! =(
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
We don't have access to a webcam or anything unfortunately so these 3 weeks are going to be VERY long for us. I don't have the car unfortunately so doing activities are limited. He took it with him to get there.
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@sjvg1976 (42079)
• Delhi, India
10 Jul 11
Hello LovingMyBabies, This is life and you have to bear it. I know how much pain you might be suffering from when your husband went for work.But you did not mention for how long he went out for work because if he has gone for few days then its OK you can pass more of your time with your kids and friends.And if he has gone for a longer period then you should keep your self busy by taking up some offline work. I know the pain of someone close going far from you because whenever i make a joke with my wife that company is sending me to some other location for few days for some urgent she becomes upset.But thats life you cannot let you work suffer as you earn livelihood from it.
@sjvg1976 (42079)
• Delhi, India
10 Jul 11
3 weeks seem to be big time but once you divert your mind to somewhere else you would find that these 3 weeks will become 3 days or less.May be when he gets work in that state you can relocate in that state with you hubby.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
Hey. He is gone for 3 weeks, possibly more but were hoping only 3. He went away to try to find some work in another state. I just want him to come back home.
@AmbiePam (96505)
• United States
9 Jul 11
How far away is his work?
@AmbiePam (96505)
• United States
10 Jul 11
No wonder you want to move.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
He is 10 hours away for 3 weeks.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
15 Jul 11
I've been on the other side of this equation, and I can attest that it was really difficult. I worked in another state, and although it was just a couple of hours drive away, it was still very difficult because the 4 hours I spent in driving each day, was 4 hours I took away from my kids. Just hang in there! Your kids need you to be their pillar of strength!
• Valdosta, Georgia
1 Aug 11
I think I have done an okay job so far with being strong for them. I try to only cry at night when they are sleeping. I have about 5 more days to go and I think I am doing okay now. Thanks so much! =)
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
9 Jul 11
There is not very much advise one can give since each of us suffers being away from family differently. Only thing I can advize is to keep the lines of communication open so when he has a moment he can reach you and pray that the time will go by quickly. God bless you guys and I'll pray along with you.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
Thank you for the prayers. We will definitely be keeping in touch with him while he's gone but of course its not the same...
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
10 Jul 11
Yeah, it won't be the same. But just think how much fun you'll have when he comes back.
@tink91879 (742)
• United States
10 Jul 11
My husband is in the Navy so I know how you feel. We have a 4 month deployment coming up. We dont get to talk to eachother though. Were lucky if the email is working. He is on a submarine. We just changed subs so now he is gone even more than before. Its hard. This year he misses all our birthday, anniversary and some holidays. Its not easy being seperated from your loved one. We have two kids so when hes gone Im a single parent. We have been doing this for about 13 years. Im just thankful he was home for the birth of our children. We all hate it when hes gone and my son acts out more than my daughter. I stay busy by seeing friends, doing new things with my kids and enjoying my hobbies. I dont have any fam close by so no one who can give me a break. Im still making friends. Im sure you would agree the night time is the hardest. The bed is bigger. I find myself rubbing his pillow sometimes. When hes gone I sleep on his side of the bed. Just know its not forever. Enjoy talking to him and soon he will be home. Just stay busy and enjoy some one on one time with the kids. Enjoy being in control of the remote. Any family traditions we have, like friday is pizza and movie night I continue to do. Its good for my kids to stay in the same routine. You can do 3 weeks. it will go by fast believe me. He will be home soon.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I couldn't do it either and I already know it. I have plenty of friends who have husbands who travel or get deployed and most of them always tell me I could, but they are wrong. I would never willingly choose military - I am grateful my husband got out of the air force before I met him. I would also not willingly choose to spend my life with someone who traveled a LOT for work and was rarely home. I've always been pretty up front with people about what I expect before anything goes so far that we are 'stuck'. I also believe that in job situations where you have an employee with a spouse and small children, they should have a better chance of getting a shift that allows them to be home with their family. Some people may not agree with me but it's hard for the parent who is at home to exist 'as a single parent', which is what it's like. Maybe they don't also work all day and have to use daycare, but sometimes the kids act out because they miss mom or dad, or feel they can get away with things in the absence of the other parent. It's also hard being alone at night and sleeping without someone, at least that's been my experience. I actually did have a period of time when my husband was on an off shift and it was terrible. I did see him every day but it was the middle of the night so I wasn't getting any sleep, period, in order to see him. The kids hardly saw him at all, our daughter did but she was very small and she would sleep at odd times and wake up to play with him at 2 AM when he got home...the older kids didn't see him at all because they had school so they were sleeping when he got home and he was sleeping when they went to school, and he left for work before I picked them up from school.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
I don't know how you do it! When I was 18 yrs old and still looking for my one military guys would come up to me in the club or whatever. I would always tell them no offense I think your great but there is no way I could be with a military man and deal with deployments all the time. A lot of them said wow I respect you for being honest and not getting into this relationship and cheating or leaving. I thought by avoiding the military I wouldn't have to go through this. I didn't choose this! This is not what I wanted at all. The night time sleeping in the bed alone is definitely the hardest part. I had a really hard time sleeping last night. Maybe I got a couple hours. I hope time goes super fast. I am just not used to being away from my husband.
@marty3888 (2355)
• Acme, Michigan
9 Jul 11
Well, hopefully, he will call every day or at least everey few days. But other thjan that, just try to keep busy. Maybe you and the kids can go to a movie or even a few of them. And don't be broken hearted. At least he has a job and he is coming back. When I first started to read your post, I thought you were saying he walked out on you. It sounds like you two have a really loving and special marriage. Remember that.
• Valdosta, Georgia
9 Jul 11
Thanks, he will call me every few days I'm sure. I am trying really hard to keep busy. I am at work right now and it's going really slow so too much time to think about it. . I hope the next 3 weeks goes really really fast. =(
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
9 Jul 11
Now I feel a bit silly. 3 weeks wow! My hubby has to leave every year for 4 days. He travels to Chicago to renew his certification. The class is 3 days long. and 1/2 day travel, there and back. I do two things. I sleep with the kids in bed with me. My daughter will be 8 shortly, our son 2 1/2. And if need be, I sleep in one of his t shirts. Here is hoping time flies.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
Why do you feel silly hun? I am not used to him leaving so 3 weeks is a really long time for us to be away from each other. But if a soldier's wife saw this she would be like that is cake. I didn't choose to be with a soldier for that reason, I cannot handle all of this. I love having him here with me besides when he goes to work. My kids are young and my oldest (5) is the only one that understands. The other two, (2 & 3) think daddy basically left us. Which breaks my heart even more...
@flzmlady (417)
• China
10 Jul 11
make yourself busy? you can try this, becoz i find when i'm really busy with my work, i seldomly feel very emotional or sentimental. I am not saying you're sentimental at all, besides.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
Yeah I have to work but this time of year at work (propane company) it is REALLY slow so time drags on! I'm sorry your not emotional or sentimental. I think it is a great quality to have. =)
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
10 Jul 11
oh, he simply out of town for work for a couple of days, the max is a week right? So, it shouldn't be a big deal. Learn to be take responsibility and independent from others. I will learn it if I am home alone. I could learn to take care of myself at least. You will pass this time, don't worry about it. You can still call him in his cell, and you guys will stay in contact.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
Um no. He is out of town for 3 weeks possibly more! It is a very big deal to me and his children... I can take care of myself but he is my husband and I miss him very much and so do the kids. How old are you? Are you married? You can't be or you would understand...
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
I guess all you need to do is spend more time with your children and make sure to keep in touch with your husband regularly. Make it a point to let your kids have a regular conversation with their dad even through phone because this is one way to inspire your husband to do better in his work. It is a big sacrifice for the family but you mentioned last time on your older post that he needs to have a much better job to support everyday living. Don't worry too much, just a regular prayer will keep the bond intact even if he's far away from home. Just always pray for his safety and health. I promise to include you guys in my prayers. Be strong for one another, every sacrifice will help and pay you better. I know that the good Lord will not let you down but instead He is giving you options to a better living, just be patient. God Bless your love and family.. :)
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
Thanks. Yeah I have been spending lots of time with them. Time is going so slow because of work. When he is in town he usually stops by on my lunch break so when I am there all I think about is him. I have been praying and I will keep praying until he comes home safe.
@syoti20 (5292)
• Philippines
9 Jul 11
If parents departed especially if work is related. Try not to be so hard on this kind of this situation. It will weigh more to the person who will depart. To make this situation much lighter. Try to have a constant communication with your husband. And try to have a surprise visit if you can since this is only an out of town business.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
It hurts and not really. He gets to go visit his brother and nieces and nephews since he is staying with his brother there. So, he has plenty of things to get this off his mind, I don't. I have to sleep in the empty bed, I have to look at all of his things and think about us being apart. I definitely have the harder situation here.
• United States
10 Jul 11
I'm sad for you :( Write him letters and send him.Sounds like you guys are very close...
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
Thanks I will write him letters. We are so close, we have an amazing relationship, besides financially struggling 24/7.
@thetis74 (1525)
9 Jul 11
It shouldn't be that hard because you have your kids with you everyday to take care of. I'm sure they keep you happy despite your missing your husband so much. Just focus on them more while you wait for husband to come home again. It's good to know that you love each other o much. I truly can relate to how you feel.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
Thanks but actually that sometimes makes it harder. My son especially reminds me so much of my husband it is unreal. I have been spending lots of time with them but I always do since most of the time I am a stay at home mom.