Rich vs. Poor
By theknute
@theknute (183)
July 10, 2011 4:23am CST
What separates rich people from the poor and middle class? What is it that keeps middle class and poor people in their economic situation? What do the rich all have in common that makes them rich? (Or, what do rich people do differently than poor people?) I'd love to hear your opinions and knowledge on this. :-)
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11 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Jul 11
It's been said,"If all the money in the world was divided equally between all the people in the world,- within 7 years those people who had the money before, would have it all back again!"
Its important to note- There are many varieties of wealth, aside from money.Some of those are- An ability to live off the land. To Share and be Kind. To love everyone even as you Love yourself. The gift of gab. An innate knowledge of right and wrong. The art of making do. Making something useful from Nothing. To be Happy with what you have, and enjoying each day as you live it!
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 11
And money is not the key to happiness. Money can certainly be a FACTOR but I see many people who seem to have everything money can buy and they are miserable. What they lack are things money can't buy - good lasting close relationships, laughter, acceptance, appreciation, respect, love, family, confidence, freedom.
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@theknute (183)
11 Jul 11
Money can't buy happiness and there is more to life than financial wealth. All the things you listed have great value and I agree strongly.
However, I do believe financial freedom has its' own benefits- some not just strictly monetary, such as: the ability to give to whom and what you choose, the time freedom to not be tied to a job, and more.
I think of it this way: those who are working a job are simply making their employer rich. Why not be the one on the receiving end of that income instead?
Having more money does not mean that one can't still enjoy the best things in life which are free. A rich person can still live off the land, many rich are benevolent and share their wealth. Money does not make one miserable, that is the person's own choice.
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 11
Ok here it is. I usually study these types of things because I am aiming to be upper class in the future. And i have a serious mind set towards it.
Poor people: These are the type of people who work a low income and at the same time sometimes they usually waste that small amount of money they have any unnecessary things they see.
Middle Class: These people work a good amount of money usually sometimes the same as upper or rich class. But these people usually buy a lot of things with their money. SO you could say their wealth only lay in their assets. Their money in their bank is much lower than upper class. These people are the type you will see buy ferraris and those type of cars. They live their life in luxury at times depending on the type of middle class you are. Because middle class you will later find out is divided into lower middle class, middle middle class and upper middle class. But here is usually where you find people buying all those things to show off.
Upper class: Now these most time usually get the same income as middle class. Yes it is surprising but it is a fact. And i will show you the difference between them and middle class though. Upper class usually ONLY buy things that can make more money. YOu see middle class buy things to relax. Upper class buy things to make more money. If they buy a luxury item such as a yatch that mean they plan to do something good with it like keep parties in it. I hope you see where I am going here.
That is why most famous people are still usually classify to be in the middle class area. The funny thing about it is that is hard to actually notice a upperclass person because while living others might perceive them as poor and that is true. I have seen upperclass people before. And i remembered two i met. They both went on a msall interview and to my surprise the first one wore SECOND HAND SHOES. and the second one drove a car that looks like it soon ready to break down. But when you look in their bank account they have over a 7 sum figure.
So there are the differences between all those classes. And if you want to research it for yourself you will find out that I am being factual. IF you like my response please select it as best response. Thanks in return

@theknute (183)
11 Jul 11
Renhard, I hope you do fulfill your dream of becoming "upper class" in the near future.
I like your post. I agree with much of what you said.
The "assets" of the middle class that you listed are really all liabilities. House, car, possessions... Many see those as assets, and the bank may count them as assets, but they are not.
In my view the rich know the difference between an asset and a liability, and they buy assets. The middle class and poor think mix the two up and spend their money on liabilities, which they sometimes think are assets. I think it is as simple as that.

@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
10 Jul 11
I think it's an attitude, and a knack for planning ahead. People who are rich or have a lot of assets spend time creating an environment that is positive and will support gaining more assets. They are also wise with what they have - meaning someone who has plenty of material things and knowledge doesn't spend or share everything they have, they are careful. They save for a rainy day, maintain and take care of things - ie perhaps own a car or two with no loan rather than constantly lease or purchase new cars just because they can.
Someone wise lives within their means, which doesn't mean they are scrooges or NEVER spend anything, yet they are not flashy and don't just impulse buy bigger and better because it exists.
I see a lot of people who struggle NOT save anything, spend everything they have as soon as they get it, buy junk they don't need - for instance on things like lotto tickets, pizza, nail sets, etc. Those are things that really aren't necessary and aren't going to help you get out of a bad situation even if they may help you feel better short term.
As far as what keeps people stuck in poverty - if they already don't make enough to live without help, and then they cannot make over a certain amount to continue receiving the help (like food stamps, housing assistance), their hands are tied. If they get a better job, they lose the food stamps and housing assistance and perhaps childcare that enables them to keep their job, and then they are back where they started, without enough to survive on. If they keep the same low paying job or only work enough hours to receive benefits, they can't get ahead because they are still only barely making ends meet.
People need to have opportunities to get OUT of a bad situation and still receive some help in a step-down form so they are able to get ahead and eventually not need the help. Taking it away immediately never works because then they still can't make it.
One more thing I see is a victim mentality 'i'm poor because i've always been poor'. It's like people who believe they are stupid and then use that as an excuse when they fail or have problems. People who are successful don't see things that way. They realize THEY are in control of what happens, if not literally, at least as far as their attitude towards it. While something bad may happen, one person might get depressed and give up and claim they are cursed, while another might be sad for a short while but then suck it up and figure out what they can learn from it and move on. That's the difference between success and failure.
@theknute (183)
11 Jul 11
You have a lot of good points there! There is a huge attitude difference between rich and poor.
Good point about the spending, in fact that is where many poor/middle class make the biggest mistakes: by spending and sometimes buying things that make them look/seem rich, without really having the wealth to back those decisions up.
Victim mentality is horrible and will not let a person achieve anything! An entitlement mentality goes hand in hand with the victim mentality, and I think the gov't has done more harm than good with its many programs and services designed to help the poor. The social services seem to keep the poor in those failing mindsets, rather then helping them out of those mindsets.
Thanks for your post!
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
10 Jul 11
What seperates the classes is money or rather how each perceives money. The way we perceive money influences what we do with it. Poor people for example perceive money as something to spend. Purchase groceries, pay rent, have a little left over and buy that nice new laptop, cell phone, or sneakers. Since their perceptions gears them towards spending, they rarely have any. Middle class on the other hand perceive money as something to manage. They spend their lives allocating money for this or that, saving for rainy day, saving for college fund for children, saving for house, saving for retirement etc. There money is used to preserve their lifestyle and economic situation. Rich people perceive money as capital. Something to invest. Rich people's money works for them, they don't work for their money. If one wants to move within the classes or gain upward mobility, one needs to change their perceptions of money.
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
10 Jul 11
We all know the huge difference from rich to poor. I mean the difference of income they have each other. Besides that, there is a difference in thinking between the two categories.
Poor or those less lucky in life, think of the rich as people with a destiny pink, full of rainbows and unicorns. They were born rich and that's not what they deserved, because the others work hard for a living.
Wealth, or the careless, to say the poor are just as scum of society that do not work in life, that if they work, and they would be rich. But they forget that they have no authority, can people without money.
Eventually, the two categories of people collide head. Each one keeps his. Maybe we all live better if we found a common point.
@theknute (183)
11 Jul 11
I agree that there is a difference in thinking between the rich and the poor.
I don't think the poor always judge the rich. Not everyone who has wealth has been born with it, although in some cases that helps. I think it is unfair to say that the wealthy are so harsh toward the poor. I don't see such a class between the two as you do. Many rich are big givers and help many non profit agencies and other causes.
I think there is much more to getting rich than just working hard. In fact, I think that is a big difference of thinking between the two. The poor think "If I just work hard in a good job and work my way up the latter, we'll be doing better." but that will not be enough to get rich. In fact, it's a vicious cycle. Work a job - make your employer/company rich... the taxes on your payroll is like working for the government to make them rich.... and the mortgage on a house is like working for the bank as well. When they get a raise, then they have more taxes withheld and possibly are in a higher tax bracket.
One difference is that the poor and middle class work for money, and the rich seek to have their money work for them. No matter how much the govt. tries to tax the rich more, the rich find ways to keep the taxes from touching their income and investments.
Thanks for your post!
@katzar0712 (324)
• Philippines
11 Jul 11
i read Robert Kiyosaki's book titled RICH DAD, POOR DAD and it says there that the difference between the rich and the poor is MINDSET.
if you are rich, you know how to be rich and you would want to acquire more.
if you are poor, you know how it is to be poor, sometimes you're stuck on being poor, and gives up on acquiring..
one more difference between the two is FINANCIAL LITERACY.
some people wants to earn and earn and earn.
most people wants to spend and spend and spend alone
@theknute (183)
11 Jul 11
That is an excellent book. I am in the middle of it now, and that book is where I was coming form in this thread. Mindset is everything. I am working on increasing my financial literacy right now. Any advice on that?
If I were to answer my own question on this thread, it would be that the poor/middle class do not know the difference between an asset and a liability and they spend their income on liabilities. The rich know the difference between an asset and a liability and they acquire assets.
Thanks for your post!
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
Hi there Theknute!
I believe that what separates rich people from poor and middle class are the opportunities to have a better life. Even though there's nothing impossible with a person who is determined, no matter what his economic status is, we have to admit that what is readily available for rich people is sometimes something that poor people have to work hard for for a very long time, sometimes, even taking them a lifetime and more often, passing away without seeing the fruits of their labor.
@theknute (183)
10 Jul 11
I agree that some rich people are born with wealth or may have better circumstances, making it easier for them to obtain wealth. However, those who are currently rich, no matter how they attained it, will have to do the same things to keep it, that if the poor did them, it would make them rich too. Keeping money is not easy. People who win the lottery often do not stay rich, but end up deep in debt. What causes lottery winners to become deep in debt? They WERE rich...
What do the rich do to keep their wealth?
@Althafk (172)
• India
11 Jul 11
I think,the thing which seperates the rich from the poor are many including the luxury car,the ornaments diamond or gold rich ornaments the rich women uses,the dress code of the rich,the status given to the rich people in the society,all these things seperates the rich and poor people.
The poor family child will be sent hardly to government schools while the rich family boys and girls are sent to the icse international level schools and universities.
The rich man man can continue to earn money by just keeping the money in bank and taking the interest,which is not possible for the poor people,they usually takes loans from banks and says interest to the banks.So its hard for a poor man to earn.
However,Hardwork can lead one poor man to the rich and then to richest :-)
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
10 Jul 11
Its just that some people have money and some people don't. It really cannot be any more simple or plain as something like that. It is pretty much the rich and the poor in this day and age, the middle class tends to be something that is extremely endangered in a number of ways. Right now its people who are fortunate enough to have the money and people who have plummeted right below the poverty line.
Sometimes rich people tend to get born into great money and are savvy enough to hang onto it, while adding to it in many ways. Granted a rich person can become rather poor if he is unable to properly manage his money in a way where he is unable to really keep a hold of it. Then a poor person can rise themselves above their level, through working hard and mostly being stubborn.
@theknute (183)
11 Jul 11
I think there is much more to it all than just having or not having money. I think a lot of it has to do with the mindset of the individual and how they see money. I agree that there may be less of a middle class, but I myself am middle class, and know many who are middle class as well.
I agree with you that the rich need to be savvy enough to hang onto their wealth. I am sure there are many cases where the rich have lost it all. Stubbornness may have a lot to do with attaining better than one already has! :)
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
11 Jul 11
The first factor is money between poor and rich people......
Yes, the financial difference is the main one.
Every body has to do hardwork to earn money, and to live with prestige in the society.
Live happily, if not, everything is somewhat a problem...
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
One main reason separate them is the "money" right? Rich have more money than they need, middle class only have enough but the poor are those who literally dont have enough money to support their family.
Rich people can have a good education than poor but rich people are more greedy than the poor one because they are craving for something that is too much of what they need. Rich people can protect themselves while the poor was not.

@theknute (183)
10 Jul 11
Well, one thing that separates the rich from the poor is money, but how do the rich get rich? Is it just an education? Many poor get an education, with the vast amount of college loans, grants and scholarships out there, the poor are not withheld an education.
Many rich people shun college education. I do believe the rich are educated, but
I think they always have a financial education, not necessarily through a school.
I think the rich understand how to use money and how to increase it. They have a respect for it.
Is every rich person necessarily greedy? Are the poor capable of greed? In my opinion, greed is simply the love of money. Many poor people love money, yet can't seem to hang onto it. I suppose a rich person may be greedy, but I don't believe all rich people are.
I do believe the rich have a right to every cent that they earn, as long as they do so lawfully.