A visit to Strynoe (a Danish island)

@Porcospino (31366)
July 10, 2011 11:29am CST
Today husband and I visited a Danish island called Strynoe. We also live on a island, but Strynoe is much smaller than our island, and we didn't bring our car. When we got there we walked from the ferry to the village in the central part of the island. We saw the church and a small lake and many thatched houses. Only 200 people live on that island and the village consists of very few streets, so it was easy to walk from one part of the village to another. We had lunch near an old windmill from 1832. Did you visit any islands this year? What did you see? Are there many islands or few islands in the area where you live?
3 responses
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
11 Jul 11
I really like the sound of the small island that you and your husband visited. I love the thatched house sort of look. When walking around it is easy to see lots of scenery. I live in a seaside town which overlooks two little islands. I have been to one of them and that is Steep Holm Island. It is home to lots of sea birds. The other island is called Flat Holm Island and it has a light house on it. It was reached from Wales until recently. Off the coast of the next county down from where I live is Lundy Island. A few years ago I had a day trip there. It is a very beautiful island with pretty flowers, lovely looking cottages, a tower that people can go up and an old church. I would love to go back to that gorgeous looking island. There are other islands a bit further away like the Isle of Wight. That is a bigger island with cars, buses and trains on it. I love to visit islands and when I go off traveling tropical islands with palm trees are my favorite.
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
15 Jul 11
I also like thatched houses, I think that they are beautiful. Before my husband and I bought our house we looked at many other houses, and some of them were thatched houses. I thought that they were really beautiful and charming, but unfortuneately there are also bad things about them like the fire risk and the maintenance and we decided to buy an ordinary house instead. The islands close to your home sound interesting. I have been to the UK a couple of times, but I have never had the chance to visit any of the small islands. I think that it could be nice to visit some of those small islands. Lundy island also sound like an interesting place to visit
@bouncybug (614)
• South Africa
11 Jul 11
This island sounds so beautiful and quaint! I have visited some islands in Thailand this year, and they were so so beautiful. Crystal clear water with these huge rocks everywhere - we actually even got to go to the island where they filmed the movie 'The Beach.' It was such a great experience!
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@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
15 Jul 11
It sounds amazing. I have never been to Thailand, but I would love to go there one day. I have always had a dream about visiting Asia, and I am sure that there are a lot of beautiful and interesting places. At the moment I can't afford to to visit countries far away from my home, so I visit some of the Danish islands instead. There are many small islands in the area where I live and I haven't seen all of them yet.
@me1823 (26)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
11 Jul 11
Your trip sound nice. I haven't been to Denmark and would like to visit it in the future. As for islands, my country Croatia has a great number of island, and sometimes i think that we don't even know how many because in every commercial they say a different number but the official one is 1246 islands out of which only 67 are inhabited. I have been to only 4 so far and would like to visit them all one day. The islands here are really beautiful and diverse, form big ones with forests and cities to very small ones that are practically just rock. I think that the best part of the islands that you can visit as a tourist is that all of the villages and town are old Mediterranean towns with old buildings in the centers that just make you feel like a part of history and in some mysterious way make you relax even more. Maybe because things were allot simpler back then. And the beaches... you can just pick what kind of beach you like. do you want urbanized, rocky, sand, gravel.... you can find what suits you best. I would like to travel in my life but my country is beautiful and i'm in love with it and most of all i would like to visit all the beautiful places in it and make them a part of me.
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
11 Jul 11
I have never been to Croatia, but I would love to visit your country one day. One of my friends went to Croatia in 2009 and in 2010. I don't remember the names of the islands that he visited, but he liked your country very much. 1246 islands that is a lot. We have about 400, and they are also very different from eachother. On some of them there are cities and on some of them there are no houses and no people. The islands in Croatia sound very interesting. I would like to see some of those old buildings and the beaches.