How Talented You Are.. ?

July 10, 2011 2:20pm CST
How talented you are.. that was a big question. let me know.. if you have one..
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10 responses
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 11
I am talented in mathematics. Yes I said it mathematics. I have this type of brain where i usually think differently than others even in the simplest of things I usually think different. This talent help me a lot through physics and other things as well.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
10 Jul 11
Im jealous, Maths have always been my weak point
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
22 Jul 11
You have a gift for numbers, everyone has their own gift. All I can say is thank god for calculators and computers lol. I can't even manage long division on paper to this day
@Renhard (3471)
• Jamaica
10 Jul 11
I know a lot of people actually have this as their weak point. But is it possible for a talent to travel through your family? Because I know my cousins and other people are great in maths as well. But I am still the best out of all of them still. I have had teachers and other adult coming to me for help. But the problem is I cant teach i dont know how to teach or explain how i do mathematical stuff. I can just do it for myself.
• Valdosta, Georgia
10 Jul 11
I think the only talent I have is being able to sing. And maybe write. That's about it.
@alquizar (480)
• Philippines
10 Jul 11
I am good at listening and I really do love music.I am not a singer but I can really sing in a good tune.I am good in cooking and playing badminton.:)
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
11 Jul 11
Being able to sing is a great thing. The song is quite important in the education of a person.
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
10 Jul 11
I have a few but I keep them to myself
@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
10 Jul 11
@davlyn (8)
• South Africa
11 Jul 11
love also to care for my family
@didi13 (2926)
• Romania
22 Jul 11
I think talent is a divine gift. I write now thinking about my case specifically painting. Attend a course as a hobby. I myself know something because if I were anti-talent I would be looking there. But how I work I would be able to reach the perfection of the innate talent. It is true that not only talent that sometimes reach every area, even art has its rules and have learned and have persevered to reach perfection. In other areas have yet to have inclinations or pleasure to practice and hard work to reach the top Junge. I admire the talent of the great artists, painters, musicians, sculptors, architects, etc.., I admire those who have talent in business, etc.. As with beauty admire a beautiful woman or a man but I know it's not their merit than to preserve and take care of the gift that has been endowed. But I admire even more those who, through hard work and perseverance have succeeded in life.
• Netherlands
12 Jul 11
My talent.. Good question, I must say. People say I am a great writer (in dutch that is), but I hate to say something like that about myself. I think my talent is in the creative area. Love painting and thinking of putting them online (my house is getting too crowded). Also love writing, although I experience that writing in an other lanuage is quiet more difficult. Though it is a good excersize. What are your own talents? Are you somehow using your talents for your benefit?
• United States
10 Jul 11
I love to write poetry,songs,stories...Don't know if that is talent to most people.I enjoy my self though and its my form of self expression.I love word play...
@rambansal (574)
• India
10 Jul 11
Talent of somebody is to be judged by others, and not by oneself. So, I look for talents in others. If you like this way, this itself is my talent.
@Rick1950 (1575)
• Lima, Peru
11 Jul 11
I'm able to draw and paint pictures as well. However, I need more practice and have time for it.
@uzunova (75)
• Bulgaria
10 Jul 11
Interesting question!Writing,I think.But who knows,may be I have some hidden talents!