Are Successful/Working Women Arrogant?

July 11, 2011 1:09am CST
There is a growing perception in society that women who are successful in career become arrogant.Most women become arrogant because they feel they are financially independent and care a hoot to other's in the family. This attitude is noticed particularly in India.
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31 responses
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
11 Jul 11
Hi preetha,In Indian society women have always been treated as second class citizens. All that is written about by women being worshiped and everything else remains only in print.Most men and the society in general would be happy if such a state of affairs continue.. Now with more and more women becoming successful in their career and becoming financially independent, it is but natural for them to feel confident about themselves and probably demand equal status with men. Is that wrong? I have a feeling that this is what is being termed as being arrogant..
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
16 Jul 11
I doubt if all women are the same and for that matter men too are arrogant because they think they are the ones who are bringing in the income.The moment a woman exudes confidence and is able to handle her life without depending on others she is immediately dubbed as arrogant and her approach and attitude begins to make people fume...
• India
14 Jul 11
yes true. I am not against women working. But why this change in approach and attitude towards others is what makes me fume
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
16 Jul 11
Yes, and you are aiding/abetting their arrogance by hinting that they are 'successful,' as if their purposes in life are substantially-met by 'working.' Their life-purpose IS NOT MET BY 'WORKING.' They are needed more in their 'unpaid' supporting-position (although--granted--they ARE 'fed and clothed and housed etc.' for it), supplying 'ignition' to their men's 'engines of ingenuity.'
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• India
18 Jul 11
I am not abetting anything\. I am trying to make women aware of a flaw that creeps into their nature when they become financially independent
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@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
19 Jul 11
I apologize if I'm 'overstepping the true accusation there' ... maybe 'abetting' isn't the right word, but it's what Christians do for Satan---when they blame Satan for anything, they're affirming his position as king of the world's "evil"! When the DMV 'sanctions' another driver's-license, they are making possible a lot of grief. Anyone with a driver's-license is partly accepting the guilt for any other driver's automotive-accident! goo-goo-g`joob! But I understand. However, using 'the devil's tools' to fight the devil--tho your cause may originally be worthy--lulls you into using the tools for the devil's purpose if you're not careful! (Maybe that's what my future wife will need ME for)
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
11 Jul 11
I do not think that is true. They might be financially independent but if they are given the respect due to them as a member of the family, most of them willingly part with their money. Including me, I know many women, who have used all their earnings for their family (which includes husband and kids) and also helping with their in-laws family. At the same time, I also know many woman who work for a lower salary not because they need to pitch in to make both ends meet but because they want to be financially independent who will not use a single pai of that money for household needs or anything else and they believe theirs is an extra income to do as they please while the husband's income should meet all the expenses of the home. That is arrogance....but I don't know the equation and what happens inside their home for them to take such a stand. A lot depends on the woman, the family and many other factors and I don't think we can generalize.
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• India
14 Jul 11
from experience i have seen that women begin to ignore the hubby's family members once she starts earning.All her earnings go towards her welfare and kids. But its not so with men. They take care of her and other members of the family
@anil02 (24688)
• India
12 Jul 11
It is not true. My wife is a working woman. She is not arrogant even when I had heath problem and I had not any earning she behave and serve me properly. It many possible when husband of a working woman like to live on the earning of his wife.
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• United States
25 Jul 11
I believe that people marry "For Richer and For Poorer, In Sickness and In Health", at least here in the United States. It seems that anil02 has that type of relationship. That's what many people wish for but not everyone is lucky enough to find it.
• India
18 Jul 11
Rare exception
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
11 Jul 11
Sounds to me like critics of working Indian women are calling them arrogant. Maybe some of them are, but I doubt all of them are. For centuries in Indian culture it has been the woman's roll to stay in the home and bear children. It is only recently that women there have gained some independence from this roll, but the majority remain less educated then men and thus limited to the domestic life. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but it seems the women ought have more choices in what they can do with their lives. I know that notion is very American in thought, but it does only seem fair. As for the generalization of working women being arrogant, it is probably a symptom of a backlash. Whenever there is change on the horizon in a long established culture there will be a backlash. I wonder what will the new culture war in India - traditional values or more recent modern values that have not been in India so long. In American culture the reverse is true - a woman with a career and goals is praised, but a woman who chooses to be a house wife or stay at home mom can be criticized as "lazy" or "shy and dependent." I remember my mother, who was a stay at home mom, getting rebuked for it on occasion.
• India
14 Jul 11
i am no a critic but defenitely one to raise my voice if i see an attitudinal change in women once they start earning
@bouncybug (614)
• South Africa
11 Jul 11
I think that maybe people are mistaking self-respect and independance for arrogance. Being able to take care of yourself and be successful is a fantastic quality, and I don't believe that every successful woman suddenly decides that she doesn't care about anyone else and is only out there for herself. I think that others should encourage women to become successful in their careers and be able to live, work and think for themselves! Its all about progress :)
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• India
14 Jul 11
no independence and self respect is not the same as arrogance.They show off as if they are everything and others are nobody
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Honestly, I've noticed that the Indian culture is rather patriarchal or male-centered. And I guess, since it's a new thing for Indian women to be empowered, the Indian men are finding it hard to adjust to these changes. I believe that what the men need to do is to celebrate the women's newfound confidence. A woman, at her heart, only wants to be loved. It is the man's need to be cherished for what he can do. Don't oppose the changes; rather, celebrate them. The women will get softer when they get their appreciation. As for the men, don't get insecure. You're not being threatened intentionally here. Women are just celebrating their newfound freedom and source of confidence. Take a positive, appreciative and accepting stance, and the women will respond accordingly.
@Galena (9110)
11 Jul 11
that sounds like a rather sexist attitude. that a woman can't do well for herself in life without developing character flaws. maybe they just become confidant, as they know they can support themselves, and not worry that they must rely on someone else for their security.
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@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
Not only India, I think. Because even here in our country those women who reach success in life will become arrogant also... Better for men to be successful than women...because I see some women here in our country that having a successful will became more and more disgusting...there God, is money
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
20 Jul 11
I agree with you, friend. I experience that to my partner. She is change when she has money...
• India
18 Jul 11
Yes most of the women do change their color when they become financially independent which shouldn't happen
@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
12 Jul 11
Hi friend! Sometimes we saw it as arrogant attitude while at the other time we saw it as high self-confidence. it is depends on how we look at it. Yes, I admit that there are some who raise and turn to the negative side while the rest still stay humble with themselves. It is best if they can act according to situations and this actually not just for women but every successful people.(^^)
• India
18 Jul 11
u call it wat ever but there is a perceptible change in their attitude
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@CTHanum (8233)
• Malaysia
18 Jul 11
It is normal, if the attitude changed after they become successful not just women but everyone else. But it was not the best attitude to adopt.(^^)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Personally I don't think so, women now a days are becoming more successful then men, but I don't think they are arrogant. They are probably self-confident knowing that they don't have to depend on anyone but themselves, and let me tell you that must be a great feeling.
• India
18 Jul 11
No doubt being independent is not a bad thing. But why show it off in public??
• United States
21 Jul 11
Why not, I mean no offense, but men do it all the time as well, what's the difference if women do show off as well. I mean personally I think they have every right to, they made this far, why not prove themselves. I personally don't see anything wrong with that, unless your ashamed.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
11 Jul 11
There are many people who are successful and I think we need men and women must be successful. I definitely like many successful women and they are happy. I think every woman has the right to be successful and strong. Because today we are all equal. Interesting discussion. Have a nice day!
• India
14 Jul 11
the truth of the matter is that women have begun to take their careers seriously only perhaps from the past decade or so. So they do not have an idea about how to handle even a small success in life Success goes to their head
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
18 Jul 11
For your information in my family even my grand mother was working as a teacher and so did my mother who retired as a lecturer....There are many such women who have been working for decades, I dont know from where you have got these ideas from? past decade indeed !!
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Maybe some, but not all I think. Maybe the perception of arrogance may have ben confused with intimidating. I think women of power and status are quite intimidating for the men who are under them. It bashes their ego that such women are more successful than they are whihc in turn makes them insecure and intimidated by the woman. Just my two cents in here!
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• Malaysia
13 Jul 11
i dont agree with you at all. In my country successful women not arrogant but they more to show their success. NOT ARROGANT. you know why ? As we know, long time ago world only recognize MAN is the BOSS and SUCCESS from women. But now its different. Women can compete with man. That why they want to show to public that they have good career.
• India
18 Jul 11
So u mean to say that women work to appease the public and not for herself? Earing money and being independent is not bad. But why show it off in public??
• Malaysia
19 Jul 11
Of course for themselves but Its feel great to let people know she have good career.
@gtdonna (1738)
13 Jul 11
Not all successful women are arrogant, but some do come over as up-tight and arrognt once they have become rich and successful and tend to look down on others. This can possibly be attributed to the feeling that they think they are better than other women who are not up there in their level and thus have to act like they are better than slice bread. To these women, I say, always remember what goes up, always comes down. To those ladies who are successful and humble, I applaud them for keeping a levl head.
• India
18 Jul 11
Its one thing being successful in one's career and quite another to show it off in public which is not a good attitude
• United States
17 Jul 11
A lot of times arrogance is from one feeling superior over others. That is why a lot of rich people have this attitude because they feel that their money makes them above others. I think this attitude in successful working people is more from feeling competent in what they do. When someone feels comfortable in their own knowledge and abilities is is often very easy to become arrogant even when they don't mean to or don't realize that is what they are doing. I think arrogance is something that should be watched for and not allowed to become part of your personality. A little humbleness goes a long way.
• India
18 Jul 11
why should a person change merely because she starts to earn a penny? cant she be modest as before?
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
I guess it all depends to the woman's personality. Successful or not,they tend to be arrogant if they are arrogant. An example is Ms. Patricia Hizon of the Philippines. She is successful, but she is so lovely and approachable. The mass dearly love her.
• India
18 Jul 11
The already arrogant become more arrogant and the modest one's become arrogant. Either way they change
@allknowing (142277)
• India
13 Jul 11
If they are surrounded by other women who are working and doing well the question of being arrogant will not arise as their success as a working woman will not be something that would be considered as rare or noticed.
• India
18 Jul 11
Yes like poles repel and its the unlike poles that feel the affect of a women's change in attitude.Money makes them feel proud
@sanjay91422 (2725)
• India
11 Jul 11
I don't have experience with the woman of such kind because I am also an arrogant person sometimes and I am also in contact with the women who are financially independent but never analysed them this way. It is not about the woman or man but I think everyone have a different character according to their genes and that is how the people become arrogant or humble.
• India
14 Jul 11
ur not aware because ur having the same nature and attitude like them.When two good people become friends they do not know or realise that even they have something bad in them. Only when a bad person mixes with a good one we can differentiate between the two
• United States
13 Jul 11
I've seen it both ways; some women are arrogant and some are more easygoing when employed. My guess is that women often have to fight harder to obtain higher positions and enjoy the same respect that men do. I'm not saying that this happens to all women in every industry but some women do have a natural presence and seem to have no trouble in asserting their authority and others need to put in more of an effort of being assertive. For example, take two queens well known to history. One Queen Elizabeth I and another Tsarina Alexandra Feodorvna. Both were born into royalty but as we look back, Elizabeth had an easier time in connecting with her people than Alexandra did. Alexandra almost had to force herself to do her public duties and was never comfortable. Elizabeth appeared to have an easier time in public, knowing what she had to do even though she may not have liked the situation. Hence, Elizabeth is usually viewed in favor with the public (even after 400 years!) and only recently has Alexandra been viewed with sympathy.
• India
18 Jul 11
easy going is another way meaning for arrogance. A women who till then was obedient and modest changes the moment some cents touch their hands.