Please pick up your plate!

United States
July 11, 2011 12:01pm CST
I work at a college in food service. Some nights I work the food line. I get so frustrated when people do not pick up their plates when they srevice themselves food! My favorites are with soup,sauces,gravy,mac and cheese and pasta! So I end up cleaning alot of messes up! I don't think this kids would do this is at home! There are signs up to pick up your plates,on the sneeze guards and we keep telling them to pick up their plates! It goes in one ear and out the next! It is like most people are raised to be slubs! it is crazy!
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8 responses
• United States
11 Jul 11
You are assuming they both see the signs And can read English, lol! They could been raised by the best parents and still not pick things up.
• United States
21 Jul 11
I think it is a little of both.
• United States
21 Jul 11
I just wonder if when grwoing up children are showned and told to pick up their plates when they serve themselves! they sure don't on the food line when they feed themselves! Food just gets everywhere! So much of the messes could be avoided if they would raise their plates and then put the food on their plates! These kids are either clueless or just lazy! It is crazy!
1 person likes this
• India
18 Jul 11
I am sorry to hear this, that is certainly not your job.. but this world is full of strange persons, who behave so bad, they were raised like that, i think so.. Thanks for sharing Have a nice day ahead. Professor ‘@Bhuwan@’. .
• United States
21 Jul 11
My rant I noticed was confusing to others and that is my fault! The kids aren't leaving their plates on the tables,they are not lifting their plates when they serve themselves! That is where the messes come in! They could aviod most of the messes if they picked up their plate to the food. Instead they seem lazy or clueless! It is not fun cleaning after slobs!
• United States
11 Jul 11
I'm sorry that you have to deal with this at your job. Maybe you can ask your management to put a sign on the tables to request the students to be respective of the workers and clean their own mess. At my college dining hall, all the students, including me, read the tabs on their table and it might help at your workplace too. I take my plate out always but out of respect for you, I would be extra clean next time. I hope everything works out.
• United States
21 Jul 11
We have put notes and signs on the tables about other things,like don't waste food and drinks. The students just ignored them! If we put more out there the same will happen! The many problem is the students and campers can serve themselves. When they do they had no clue they should pick up their plate and put the food on there that way! Instead when they serve themselves food gets all over the serving line! That leaves a lot of messes to clean up! I think alot of these college studnets are raised by wild animals! Yikes!
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
11 Jul 11
At home they can't get away with it, at college they can. It sounds like a bunch of inconsiderate college students. They should learn to pick up their plates, it's not like it would take more then ten seconds to throw their food in the trash instead of leaving it for other people to do. If they're going to be that incosiderate they should atleast leave money as a tip... you're not a waitress afterall.
• United States
21 Jul 11
Yes a few students do that but they are really slobs when they serve themselves food! When they go through the food line they are clueless that to avoid a mess you should pick up you plate! Instead they don't and messes are left on the food line which I clean up! I swear these kids are raised in a barn or they just are lazy!
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Those kids are spoiled brats. Perhaps when they buy foods again, they should be warned that if they will not pick up their plates after eating, they won't be made to eat there again. It's time that they be given a lesson.
• United States
21 Jul 11
It is not the plateswhen their doing eating that is the problem! Yes a few do that but the problem is they don't do it when they serve themselves food. To avoid messes on the food line when they serve themselves they have no clue they should pick up their plates! So instead alot of messes happen! If they aren't cluess theyare lazy! It is unreal!
• Pakistan
12 Jul 11
I know how you feel! The same happens with me..AT HOME!! Its a real mess when no one is around to help clean up the dishes.
• United States
21 Jul 11
It isn't so much that I was trying to get across it is these kids don't lift up their plates when they serve themselves food! Instead when they serve themselves they leave a big mess which could be avoided by lifting their plates up to the food! I don't get it! Are these kids clueless or just lazy? Not sure!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jul 11
hi bluepacker65 wow I would be pissed off too were I in your place. You mean they are so lazy that they serve themselves then expect someone else to carry their plates to a seat What on earth is wrong with these college students? surely at their ages they are intelligent enough to read and obey the signs? or maybe they stick at the work obey? sad indeed . I hope they are a little more active in their classes or they willk all be on the flunk list, not the dean's list.
• United States
21 Jul 11
Hatley you miss understood. People aren't picking up their plates when they serve themselves food! That is where the mess comes from! Students and campers should be picking up their plates when they serve themselves but aren't doing it! They are clueless about this! That is what my rant in about. Soory to confuse you!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
11 Jul 11
This is horrid. What spoiled lazy kids - and you would think by the time they are old enough to enter college that they have a realistic view of the world that includes PICKING UP AFTER THEMSELVES. Heh. I expect my SEVEN YEAR OLD and her FRIENDS to pick up after themselves, if she were 18 or 19 and leaving crap all over I would be pretty angry. I agree with you too, there are a lot of kids who ARE raised to be slobs! This is how it's happening - the parents don't care. They don't EXPECT their kids to learn how to pick up after themselves as a HABIT in their own HOME when they are small. They grow up and expect to just leave it, or think someone else will always pick up for them, these same stupid parents pick up after their kids. I told my older kids when they were teens that MOM is not spelled SLAVE and I meant it. I told them in no uncertain terms - you do your own laundry, pick up your own towels, clean YOUR bathroom, wash or load YOUR dishes in the dishwasher. Clean up YOUR room, and anything you spill or make a mess of, YOU deal with. I HOPE they are not embarrassing me by ever expecting someone ELSE to do those things for them, but they are grown and don't live at home any more lol. All a parent can do is hope their kid is not acting like a lazy slob.... I would start warning the kids that if they continued to not pick up after themselves, they would be barred from food service for a week lol.
• United States
21 Jul 11
Ok I am begining to release I am confusing people with this discussion. OOPS! These kids are able to serve food themselves and when they do,they spill food all over the place! They have no clue picking up their plate to put the food on it,to avoid the mess! So I end up cleaning up after the students and the campers! If not me someone else does. I agree that parents,alot,do everything for their kids. Children don't learn responsiblity and are lazy! We had a young woman who worked for us who was like that! Her parents did everything for her! Thanks to that she became so lazy she wouldn't lift a finger when she lived with a boyfriend! That is why they broke up! He had to do everything! Not good!