Do we really know our friends?

@ptower76 (1616)
United States
July 11, 2011 8:49pm CST
Seems a very popular friend of mine has come across some hard times. Lost her job, broke up with her boyfriend. Stressed about paying her bills. Now all those people that were close to are nowhere to be found. Especially those that owe. I told her, "when your on top, your friends know who you are. When your down you know who your friends are." How true do you think this is? Has this also happened to you?
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24 responses
@samafayla33 (1856)
• United States
12 Jul 11
you are very right especially the right attitude and you have a very good heart to help her. Those are times we all have to go through, I don't know anyone who hasn't been through that. Priorities help you get out of problems if you can manage it. Priorities i mean are generalized as boyfriend last family and friends, bills first.
• United States
12 Jul 11
:) I like you alot and I hope that you are able to help her. Sometimes it doesn't take money to help, but just a little love and encouragement. :) Bless you
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Thanks for tose kind words. I always believed that those that have more experiences should help those that don't in the hopes of making their lives a little better. Us poor folk can only provide love and encouragement. Many times that is all that is needed.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Yes your right, priorities are what gets one out of the problems one manages to get into. It is sad though when one sees another facing life's challenges alone. It is also sad when one sees the disappointment that another faces at being let down by those one considered friends. Some say that the only friend one has is a dollar in one's pocket. I guess this seems like the case with those that don't have true friends.
• Indonesia
12 Jul 11
i like the way you told your friend there.. i most agree that if we looking for the real friend is when we down, when everything is lost. When the world leave you only your best friend stay beside you. And that is true.. That was happen to me when i was in my hard time.. struggle to survive.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
And can you share how you felt having someone that was truly your friend and that stuck by you in your time of hardship?
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Very inspiring experience. And a good friend is seems. God bless him for what he did for you.
• Indonesia
12 Jul 11
well his name was Husni.. i know him since junior high school, you can say we grew up together. first time i dont know why that he always help me, even when i dont ask him for help. after we graduate from senior high school (we have the same school too :))we go to college but with different university and different city to. from that time i have no word or news from him and i can reach him to. after im finish my college it seems my life going bad.. (my family life to..) when everything seems to hard to live with my parent (economic reason) i've decide to life all by my self (independent what we call). day by day i have to struggle just for eat, and then one day "BANGGG...!" he show up with out any sign and offering help. you know what help did he offer to me.. "Just accompany" until i can get up again. that was a great help, better than money, place to life or the similar thing. he know my dignity and that was the most important thing. for almost two year we fight together, even he is from a well family, temporary he left it, just to accompany me. he never offer me to lend his money, he always say " if you want to eat lets find some job but not using my money" and when im down n hopeless he always say "c'mon.. your life wont get better if you acting like that, the door is right over there.. Get out... !!!" and then he hit me :) step by step my life have change, a have a job from a house keeper, cleaner, driver and right now as administrative data entry. not much but but im really grateful. now every time we meet he always said "lose your spirit again you have to deal with me..!!". Thank my Best Friend guys.. :)
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
30 Jul 11
It is similar to ants will come only if sugar or sweet is there in a place. So friends, relatives are with us only as long as we can help them or we do not ask for help from them. But a friend in need is a friend indeed. I suggest u get employment for your friend from known sources. This is better than helping the friend with cash or things though you may initially consider doing it.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
30 Jul 11
Actually, I have helped her to get food stamps and she is registered for the fall semester in a University here in New York. I helped her fill out her financial aid and she qualifies for work study and so will have a job when school starts. She will also take a student loan and pay all her outstanding bills and start the fall fresh. You are right and i am a proponent of helping the individual achieve self determination. "give a hungry man a fish and you feed him for one day, teach him to fish and you feed him for the rest of his life." Thanks for the reply.
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Being popular is a magnet. People want to be your "friend" for their own advantage - just as long as they don't have to sacrifice anything in return. However as soon as the relationship is tested the popular will find many of their friends deserting. The "friendship" becomes pointless to them are soon as they have to give - something they never intended to do in the first place. The trying times are when when the legitimate friends show. I wish the best to the friend you mention. :)
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Thanks, she is really going through changes now. There is not really very much I can do for her now but lend her a shoulder to lean on and to help her explore options that might help. For me, its really not anything special since I would probably do that for anyone. But for her it has been comforting.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Thanks for the kinds words. Yes, it is my passion to help all that I can Friend of not.
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
12 Jul 11
You are a true friend then. Congratulations on your integrity. I don't know her, but I sympathize. I'm glad she has people around that are really helping her rather than just hiding behind their offline status.
• Bangladesh
12 Jul 11
you are 100% right bro.. only you can find out best friend during your bad time. but dont wish for bad time to know who is your best time. hope, bad time will never come to your life... it has happened to my life. for these, now a days i dont feel good to make friendship with any one... i cant trust any one.. can any one please tell how to trust a friend???
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
This is exactly what can happen when one feels one loses the trust of one's friend. It is almost like we lose faith in our abilities to make true friends. We lose our faith not only in individuals, but in all of mankind. I think one should remain true to one's self and maintain one's sense of who one is. This quote might help. My little sis dug it up somewhere and sent it to me. "Have you ever noticed that Rolls Royce or Bentley don't run commercials. REASON: they know the value of their product & it brings customers to them. LESSON: When you know your value, you don't have to beg people to be your friend or your mate, to spend time with you, or to love you.… Be confident in who GOD made you to be. Everybody can't afford or handle luxury." Keep yourself open to others, only give a little at a time. A true friend will appear over the horizon.
• Bangladesh
12 Jul 11
I am waiting for a true friend. But i do not know whether i will get or not. I used to keep open myself open and this is the problem. Some of my friends took this advantages. Actually i really feed up of my friends. Last time i got experience from my ex girl friend. Now a days, friends means something evil tome, but i still believe that a true friend will come one day . Thank you buddy for your nice comments
• United States
28 Oct 11
I feel that this is life everyone deals with it at some point or another in their life. The thing is do you learn from it? I believe that a friend is a gift to yourself, from yourself so chose them wisely!
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
28 Oct 11
good comment. Its true we should learn from our wxperiences since friends are so rare in this life.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 11
ptower hi oh yes indeed back in Sept of 2008 my son suddenly unexpectedly was laid off, and all the jobs that were there before now we gone, we got behind on the rent , were evicted, Nov we put our stuff in storage and were taken in for two weeks by an online friend whose house sold out from under us so we soon found that only two true friends remained and those were the two who stood by us till we found make shift lodgings for both of us,myson in hope haven apt sponsored by government and me in a retirement center paid for by my own social security and ssi checks. now 2011 we are still in the same places sad, but the economy is still bad, my son has only a part time job but through all our troubles our two real friends have been there for us.When we were in a good apt and my son was working we had lots of other friends. lol lol.But they deserted ship when my son lost his job and we were evicted. so it takes a calamity to really know who your real friends are, sad but so true.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Yes sad but true. It is interesting that it seems we have all had some type of similar experiences. One of life's teaching moments I guess.
@Zer0Stats (1147)
• India
12 Jul 11
Hmmm no,unless we're always around them,we'll never know.Things constantly happen to people,which can cause them to change in ways we never would have thought possible.People are so capable of easily hiding so many things from many of us,and we'd never even know why.The ones who will tell you everything about them are the ones who we can trust.But who knows? Maybe they're the worst ones? They could just be lying.It's hard to know but yes,you're right.You know who your true friends are when you're having a bad time.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Well since life never promises good times all the time, I guess we can use the bad times to clean our closets. After all, it is only those true blue individuals that really have your back that you want with you anyway. Good times and bad.
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Jul 11
I absolutely 100% agree with you! I have heard that saying all of my life. My parents practically drilled it into our heads when we were younger. It has happened to me and I realized real quick when that saying came back into my mind what was going on...
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
13 Jul 11
You know, I was sort of wondering when you would reply to this since I know where we're from, its a fact of life. I think your parents were much like mine. Family, family, family and don't put too much trust in friends. I think like you, I had experiences with this early on in life. Still, its a shame when one has to face life's challenges alone thinking one has good friends.
@bouncybug (614)
• South Africa
12 Jul 11
When we have bad times we definitely do find out who our true friends are! I realised this as well when I went through a bit of a rough patch lately. And I was completely amazed by how good most of my friends are to me, it showed me for once and for all that I have been very lucky in having amazing friends who will stand by me no matter what. Your friend should write off those people who were clearly only with her for her success and popularity, and find real friends who will be there to stay.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Yes its true. Believe me that is exactly what is on her mind. We learn, sometimes the hard way but nevertheless we see eventually.
@jdex_143 (1093)
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
Hi, there! I believe in that notion that when you're on top, your friends know who you are and when you're down, that's the time you'll know who your friends are. Sometimes, people become opportunist. They befriend those persons who they see can help them financially and treat them as friends but when the time comes that the person they turn to financially is in crisis, they will turn against them. So sad, but true.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Yes it is sad but true. I guess that is why they say that true friends stand the test of time. It is only through the time factor that we experience the many challenges of life and can then see who our real friends are.
@omarfw (50)
• United States
12 Jul 11
A question like this is a bit too blanketing and broad to be honest. Your friends are all different and unique and while you may connect well with some you may not connect as much with others and therefore may not know them as well. What's important is to be able to trust people well so that if you develop a friendship with someone who can trust you as well you can get to know them as much as possible. Trust is very important with this kind of thing.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
13 Jul 11
It is true that friends might be different and unique in their own kind of way. But the question here is, if they see you sliding, will they lean over and help you get back up. If not, Are they truly your friend?
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
There are times when I can say that I know someone well enough. But there are times that made me think if I really know who they really are. A question like if they were really like hat from the beginning. Real friends tend to stay with you, communicate with you even if you're at the opposite side of the earth, be with you during hard times, sad times, and happy times. Real friends make you feel somewhat special and make you feel very thankful for them always being there for you.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Yes I agree, it is really a blessing when we have real friends.
@RJlady1 (144)
• United States
12 Jul 11
I'm very lucky. I have very good friends who don't desert each other in hard times. In fact, everyone is very good about rallying around and being there for each other. I am very sorry your friend got involved with so many fair-weather friends. Maybe you can help your friend find better places to become acquainted with good people.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Well, she is a bit younger and helping her find friends is not very likely for me to do. I will only help her to figure out what it is that she needs to do to find a solution for her problems. I will be a friend. That is all I can do.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Jul 11
This is sad but true. Many people want to get from friendships but never want to give. Hard times will bring out the true colors. The funny thing about that is that those who give generally get more than those striving to get.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
I agree so much with that. There are not many more things as rewarding as sharing true friendships.
@sql_cell (1427)
• Indonesia
12 Jul 11
Such is the nature of the people in the world. They just want to be friends, when you're happy. When hard they all move away. It is very difficult to get a sincere friend of friends.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
So true. with all the people I know, I really can only count my true friends on one hand. I guess that what makes them even more precious to me.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
12 Jul 11
Yes I think it is very true. When you are down, you will indeed know who your true friends are coz some of them will not even bother giving you a tissue to cry on. Whenever this type of question pops, the only thing it reminds me of is my horrible breakup. I was so down and gloomy and there were comforting words coming from all over but there were only a few of my friends who took care of me. I wouldn't feel like eating, talking or getting out of my bed but they were always there for me. I am so glad I have them as friends, I owe them big. They are my angels.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
It is interesting that our adversities are learning environments as well. It is always reassuring to know that there are those true friends one can count on. Bless them
@Jelminrie (358)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
Yes, sometimes but not too harsh, only with simple things. Like you though you have given them you full trust but then later on the backstabbing will come.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
That is why although we all need contact with other's we should not really define ourselves with who we know but with who we are inside. Because when the backstabbing comes, one is prepared to move on.
@sheen02 (14)
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
As they say,true friends are hard to find.Only a few will be there for you during hard times.Its a harsh reality but proven.So we must treasure the people who are always willing to stick with you through thick and thin.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
Your right, we do need to treasure those people that stick by us. Its a shame though that it takes adversity to realize who these people truly are. They epitomize the word friend.
• Philippines
12 Jul 11
When we are facing problems and difficulties in life that's the time had determine who are our real friends. Because friends for me are like family that who will always be there to help you and support you in every way. I am lucky that I don't have such a friend like that. we make sure that even though we don't see that much when someone had a problem we are always there to cheer her up and to listen and help her in her problem.
@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
12 Jul 11
That is true. What do you tell a friend that is experiencing the betrayal of their perception of friendship? And what should one do when they don't have the support of a true friend?