Is there any solution ?

@krajibg (11922)
Guwahati, India
July 12, 2011 12:10pm CST
Hello my friends, After a long time that I am posting a discussion. But off and on was responding others. Well, at this time I am in need of your help. I met him on November 25, 2010 at the Academic Staff College, Ranchi University. He was one of the participants for a Refresher Course in English that we have to do for our promotion. The first week was about to be over and one evening I knocked at his door as it was dark and he was lying on the bed. On my query he told that he has suddenly developed some eye problem due to which he can not stand light at all The coordinator of the course exempted from attending lectures until he gets well. The next week he consulted all eye specialists at Rachi and all of them kind of experimented on him as no medicine prescribed by any of the doctors worked. Now let me elaborate his problem. as he opens his eyes he feels as if something like sand particles are rolling there. He feels pain too. December 13 was our valedictory function after that we all left for home. Later I came to know that the most reliable Eye center in India 'Shankar Netralaya' too failed to diagnose his case. Now friends if you have any solution to such eye problem please do help. Or any other place where it is possible that he gets rid of this problem. He is an assistant professor in a college and he can not read. Just feel his helplessness.
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15 responses
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
12 Jul 11
If the doctors can't diagnose him, I doubt I can do any good. But it does sound as if he has some irritation in his eye--perhaps he damaged his cornea? Has he tried eyedrops? There is a viscous (thick) type that is good for damaged eyes or eyes that have just had surgery, it keeps them wet and soothes them. The feeling of sand in his eyes says they have some irritation. I've just now, after typing that first paragraph, done a little search and came up with this: His symptom is about 4/5 of the way down the page. He may have more symptoms, you can follow the flow chart to get an idea of what to do about various symptoms. I hope he gets better soon. We only have 2 eyes and they are so precious! Try the eye drops in the meantime, his eyes need to be lubricated as much as possible, especially if they are damaged in any way.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
12 Jul 11
Hello my friend, I agree with you on the first sentence. And see how helpful and informative were the following lines. Yes, He used three different types of eye drops within a short span of 20 days. And if or not he is using now I do not know for (he lives around 1100 KM from my home town.) I have not called him on phone for a week or so. Do not you think some virus had made their way into his eye? One such case I saw on Discovery Chanel on TV. And thank you very much for doing some research for my friend's sake. When he get well I will bring him to mylot and show who were the people were really concerned about his eyes problem.
• United States
12 Jul 11
sounds like he has tear duct malfunction/dry eye.that'll cause salt and crap to build up causing the'll also make you sensitive because your eyes are feeling all the grit buildup.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
12 Jul 11
Hi scarlet, Actually I have very little knowledge on medical terminology. The phrase 'tear duct' is first time heard. Yes, the second doctor he went to told him that he had, I mean his eyes were dry and to moisture them gave some ointment. It slightly relieved the pain and irritation But of no use. Thanks for sharing.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
13 Jul 11
Hello Rajib, Happy to see you back with a new topic. Hope you are doing fine. I know an ayurvedic eye hospital in Kerala, I have visited there, which is situated in Ernakulam district and people are coming from far away places for treating eye problems. The chief doctor do visits some famous cities to extend his help of treatment and he is coming in Delhi too once in a month. I believe this particular hospital can help your friend, but I know the distance is a problem and expenses are comparatively high there. Our eye and vision is very important for us that is the reason I am sharing this information to you, if it helps your friend it will be really good. Here is the link you can read about that hospital.
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
14 Jul 11
Before going abroad, he can check with this hospital and I felt it will be worth..
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
13 Jul 11
Hi srikala, I am good. Thank you. So far I know he has not yet adopted Ayurveda. I have seen some people get well instantly after taking Ayurveda medicine. Now only two options left. Either he goes abroad or change the method of treatment. But we all want to get his eyes getting normal.
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@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Well, maybe I can help a little here. I have an eye problem that sounds jus like what you are talking about. What I have is called KERATITIS. I know it sounds horrible, but it's just annoying and painful. I get the feeling of sand particles in the eye and they are sensitive to light. Now, let me explain what I know about Keratitis. From what I was told by my doctor, the feeling of sand is really the blood vessels in the eye, they become inflamed. Thats what he's feeling. I get it on the top part of the eye and the blood vessels run from the white part under the cornea. They swell up and deform the cornea, so you feel pain, sand like particles and light sensitivity. Now, I was diagnosed years ago with this condition and I still get bouts of it. Sometimes a bout could last a day, a week, a month or more. When I was diagnosed, they sent me to a specialist in the city. The specialist told me it could be one of two types of Keratitis. One of them is considered good but annoying, the other is considered bad and a herpes. So, if I were you, get him to an eye doctor right away and have it checked. Mention to the doctor about Keratitis. It could be that. Or it could just be what they call pink eye or conjunctivitis. I feel helpless when I get bouts with that. I have been suffering on and off the last few weeks. Hope he gets it taken care of.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
16 Jul 11
Hello inercia, I am really grateful to you that you have delved almost into the same pain that my friend is under going now. Yesterday when I made him a call he said there is less irritation now but that has been replaced by ore pain and you know the pain starting on eyes slides down to his chest and there he feels heaviness. Noe always however. He was happy when I told him about your version. See the irony despite having computer and Internet at home he himself can not access.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
13 Jul 11
Hi inertia, Oh, at least one person was there who underwent similar problem. And yes, it is exactly the same what you what described. I am surprised when he went to the best Eye Medical in India at least they/should have detected KERATITIS if at all he was suffering. In the Academic Staff College hostel he was my wall mate and this is how I got involved into his problem. Thank you very much for the detailed information.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
15 Jul 11
I am glad to help. As a mater of fact, right now I am having about with Keratitis. I have been for the last 3 weeks now. This is not something that will go away. It will flare up from time to time. Sometimes for a day, a week or a month at a time. The only known treatment that I know of is silver nitrate. Thats what my Doctor told me. I have had about 5 treatments in the last 20 years. This condition is a form of Conjunctivitis. It is just plain annoying and painful at times. It feels as if something is in your eye. It is the blood vessels that become inflamed along with the outer part of the cornea. The version that I have is really called Superior Limbic Kerato Keratitis. Which means it affects top top portion of the eye, where the white of the eye meets the cornea. I feel bad for him because I know how it feels and it is not nice. And like I said before, light does not help. But, again, I am very glad I could help, please get him to a good eye doctor and have it diagnosed properly.
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
13 Jul 11
It must be dreadful to have that in his eyes. How about zone theraphy someone who knows which nerves goes to the eyes and do acupuncture. Or an herbal doctor who has study the Chinese art of herbals and body self healing process. I went to one and she by feeling the heart beat on my different fingers told me about how my liver was, my fuction on my lungs ...... She also could say what was wrong in different organs in a human body and then recommend what treatment would be good for a cure. So I was impressed by the herbal doctor who had study Chinese medicine for five years.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
16 Jul 11
And this has to be carried out by an experienced hand or else there there is a chance of misreading. Right?
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
15 Jul 11
Hello QeeGood, Is it touch therapy you are taking about? Yes even I have head the magical effect of this treatment on human being. It was really a huge information or an idea that you have inserted into my mind and today itself I will ask him to try this 'Zone therapy'. Thank you very much.
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
15 Jul 11
Zone theraphy is an alternative, because someone who knows where the nerves in our body goes it can be stimulated giving the body impulses for healing what's needed to heal. However the healing process with zone theraphy is slow like when you take herbs as a cure. It takes time for the body to help it self. but I think as long as you notice a positive healing progress it is worth it.
@amitgune (877)
• India
17 Jul 11
Sorry to hear that. It is indeed a very bad situation. Unfortunately I am as bad as anyone else when it comes to understanding medecine. So I cannot be of much help. But I hope that his situation improves and certainly wish that he is able to use his eyesight without any difficulty...All the best to him.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
17 Jul 11
Hi amitgune, Thank you very much for your good wishes for my friend. And this is not necessary that one should have thorough knowledge on the subject.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
17 Jul 11
Yes amit, it is unique and strange. If you come across any one dealing such problems please let me know.
@amitgune (877)
• India
17 Jul 11
Unfortunately, not that I know off. I have had friends experiencing similar problems but obviously to a much lesser degree, so they got sorted out with just a few eyedrops prescribed by a good ophthalmologist. But this seems to be something different and when you have said that so many people have failed in suggesting something, I really do not know what the solution could be.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
14 Jul 11
Wow!! This does not sound fun. I know that I have had issues with being able to see etc. and it was I had cataracts. It might be they just have not been able to find out what is wrong with him, and there is nothing they feel they can do. Has he seen some type of Eye specialist? Have they tried any special medications or such to see if anything brings any relief? I will say a Prayer for him that a better solution can be found.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
14 Jul 11
Hi KrauseHome, Yeah, this is really a serious issue. This is almost nine months since he has been suffering from this unknown problem. He went to the best Eye Hospital in India but they could not understand what was the problem and why was it. I do not know if he has applied any other medicine but as he told me just an hour ago over phone that he has not. Thanks for the information.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
12 Jul 11
hi krajibg I sure am no doctor but when I was a young woman and could not seem to recover from hepatitis my parents sent me to the Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota and I got help immediately to make me get well in a few weeks. It is renowned all over the world and have specialists in every kind of health situation, I can imagine that they might be able to diagnose and cure your Professor friend.I can only begin to imagine his feelings of helplessness. how dreadful. I am in the USA by the way another American in California.I sure hope I have been of some help to you. hugs f rom hatley
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
12 Jul 11
Hi Hatley Come on, one needs not be a doctor to share and suggest. Now probably he would have to make arrangement to fly to America as India could not cure him. Though it would be a bit expensive we can not compromise with our health and specially eyes and on top of that when he is a college teacher. Thank you for assuring help as and when he and say me land on your land.
@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Jul 11
That would be terrible to be in college and not be able to read. I would wonder if he is allergic to something in his environment. Sounds like he has very dry eyes. I would look at allergies. If the specialists have checked all major eye possible problems then I would think of allergies and set forth checking everything he possibly comes into contact with on a daily basis.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
13 Jul 11
Yes Celti, that is the main issue for him right now. There is no doubt that he would get leave for three months with pay on medical ground but where to go. Doctors there too suspected his having dry eye and prescribed him some eye ointment. A little relief nut the nest day it is the same. Can certain form of allergens cause such things? I am not sure if he really got tat test done.
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Jul 11
I would think that if allergies are left undetected and cared for they can give a person severe symptoms. I would check into that.
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
15 Jul 11
That is a tough place to be. Sounds like to me he could use some eye drops for dry eyes. Visine makes several kinds of drops for different issues. Is he allergic to something? Maybe it is an allergy. I do hope they find out what is wrong with his eyes. Take care.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
15 Jul 11
Hi Jen, He has already tried a variety of eye drops but but with no result. When I asked him if he was allergic to something he said he had no. It sometimes aggravates and some time recedes. But he is waiting that some where some one would find a solution to this problem of his.
@silvercoin (2101)
• Lithuania
13 Jul 11
Well, several questions must be answered.Is his eyes painful or just irritated, itchy?If they are only irritated and itchy, it might be conjunctivitis.It is caused by viral infection, could be allergy.Viral conjunctivitis can't be treated with antibiotics.Herbal medicine is recommended. If it's PAIN, ask your friend if he haven't hit his head, make sure there was no trauma directly to the eye, some objects, any flying particle,maybe he rubbed his eyes after touching some chemical?If answers to these questions are No, let's move forward. Very important:is his vision getting worse or it's the same after these symptoms started?Does he have headache together with light sensitivity?I hope it's not glaucoma because it's very dangerous and might lead to blindness.An urgent help is required. Has he been to this clinic already? I hope it's only a viral infection, give him the best support you can.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
14 Jul 11
Hi silvercoin, You are right there are several questions. Today he told me on phone that he is having more pain than irritation. If he sits down with a book he feels as if the pain starting from his eyes comes down to his chest. He feels a heavy chest. No, it is not conjunctivitis. Of course he could have some allergic problem. But he denies. Yes most of these questions do not correspond to his problems. I am not sure if his vision has been affected but so far head ache he has that. And also light sensitivity. I am also afraid lest it turns out something unwarranted. Thank you for the suggestion.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
13 Jul 11
I am not a doctor and if doctor specialists can't help his eye problem maybe he can asks some help to non government organization in your place that sponsors medical problem. Why not try to search some organization in your area,they might know any institution abroad esp in the US that specialized with his condition and are willing to give free-medical assistance. This reminds me of one great world famous singer Andrea Bocelli who is diagnosed with "congenital glaucoma" and lost his eyesight at the age of 12. He is still singing till this day and conducting concert. I am sure your friend can still continue his profession,but of course in different manner if ever he will totally lost his sight (hopefully not) Hope you can find ways to help your we wish we could help too.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
13 Jul 11
Hi jaiho, I did not mean only the doctors respond here. My point was to hear your story if you had seen some people suffering with such problem. Who knows he is having a minor problem and doctors are looking for the bigger ones. The example of Andrea Bo Bocelli might be inspiring for him. Thank you very much.
• United States
12 Jul 11
Hi krajibg This has to be so irritating to have that constant feeling in his eyes and lids. If he is feeling there is particles in there, perhaps it could be related to his eys lashes? Could he possibly have ingrown eyelashes in there constantly rubbing in the inside? Or could he possibly have a clogged tear duct? My son went through this for an awfully long time where I had to place warm compresses on the outer eye and massage it for several minutes twice a day. The light use to irritate my son also and we had to place a patch over the one eye he had the problem with. It finally loosened up and began to heal. Though I am not sure what he could have if a doctor can remedy, but maybe the warm compresses and massages may help.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
12 Jul 11
Hi dear, When things were not going in his favour I too suspected of the ingrown eyelashes. But hat was not the case. Irritation inside the eye and sometime the pain causing his life miserable. I will tell him the the way you had adopted for your son. May be it works. Thank you.
@ravisivan (14082)
• India
12 Jul 11
That is life. What happens next moment is not known to us. As far as I know Sankara Nethralaya is supposed to be the best hospital. I wish your friend gets cured early. I am sorry I cannot suggest any other hospital other than Sankara Nethralaya Egmore, Chennai.
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
13 Jul 11
Hi ravisivan, After the course was over he was taken o the Sankar Netralaya there but of no use. He is getting frustrated day by day and I am scarred lest he should take the ultimate step.
• Philippines
24 Apr 12
hello, do you have a chiropractor in your area? a ligitimate one for sure. also tell him to have an eye exercise. find the eye exercise in the net, there is a free article that i copy and i do apply the exercise whenever my eyes gets tired. i hope it helps.