Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3

United States
July 12, 2011 5:36pm CST
President Obama on Tuesday said he cannot guarantee that retirees will receive their Social Security checks August 3 if Democrats and Republicans in Washington do not reach an agreement on reducing the deficit in the coming weeks. "I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it," Mr. Obama said in an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley, according to excerpts released by CBS News. Mr. Obama told Pelley "this is not just a matter of Social Security checks. These are veterans checks, these are folks on disability and their checks. There are about 70 million checks that go out." Mr. Obama's comments followed remarks from the Senate's top Republican, who said Tuesday that he did not see a way for Republicans and Democrats to come to agreement on meaningful deficit reduction as long as Mr. Obama remains in office. Mr. Obama has repeatedly said he wants a deal that would allow the U.S. to avoid confronting the issue again until after the 2012 election and vowed on Monday that he would "not sign a 30-day or a 60-day or a 90-day extension. This looks a lot like a threat ensuring Obummer's re-election. Is he holding seniors and veterans Ransom?? Anyone agree with me. I am one teed off senior and this is the second time he has threatened us and I think it is damned shame. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20078789-503544.html
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23 responses
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Jul 11
My Goodness. I honestly think when the BIG Businesses are expecting us Small people to continue to Bail them out, and send all of our hard earned $$ overseas instead of worrying about the people here in the US who have paid them the money to do all of this, something is really wrong. So if they quit Social Security for Seniors don't this mean they owe all working people a lot of $$ back? We paid it in, now what do we have? And does this mean we would get this much more a month on our checks if we work? Seriously what are they thinking. If the Politicians gave back enough to dole this out to everyone deserving of this it would be pennies compared to what they earn now. But most of them forget about what their lives were before office, or what would happen if it was them?
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Jul 11
Who knows! Supposedly Obummer has his czars keeping their eyes on everything including Internet forums. Although Obummer said in his speech the other day that he never reads or watch anything that is detrimental to him.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
15 Jul 11
That is totally true, but if they can't afford to send the money to seniors, they wouldn't be able to afford to pay everyone back what they paid in either. It really sucks, but what can we do? I don't think there are any politicians who are members of this site so they will never know how we feel about this.
@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I think I know what the answer is, and it isn't taking money from the elderly and disabled. They should stop bailing out failing businesses and sending people off to wars that are not helping the citizens of America. Much more money is spent on that than is spent on social services and we the people don't get anything in return for it. I think we need to get rid of ALL politicians and stop letting big businesses run our country.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
15 Jul 11
Here Here!! Agree 100%. But then if they let those of us who have been there and seen what these cuts are doing to the Disabled, and had to live our lives for 1 month maybe then they would see. If they would quit bailing out the Big Business and making us small Tax Payers foot the bills while raising our Interest rates, and taking away our Medical, jobs, better schooling help, etc. we would be better off.
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@daeckardt (6237)
• United States
15 Jul 11
What we really need to do is to get rid of ALL the politicians and start over. We could then bring all the military home and stop that spending and we could get rid of the bills that really don't need to be paid so that we can start taking care of the people, especially those who aren't rich. It is really not fair that we have to foot the bill for the rich so they can gallivant around the country/world while the lower income people struggle to survive!
@peavey (16936)
• United States
12 Jul 11
I'm a senior too, and on Social Security. IF this happens, do you think I'm going to stay silent? He's a thug - not an ounce of class about him. If Republicans don't do what he wants, he threatens to hurt your mother or your disabled loved one. You can bet he's not going to go without his salary, or his wife's whatever it is that she spends like water. Oh, no, that's off limits. Let's just take away the food from the tables of those who have worked for it honestly.
• United States
13 Jul 11
Seems he is really bringing his Chicago Thug habits into the White House.
• United States
13 Jul 11
I am also sure that John Boehner isn't going forgo his numerous vacations paid for by lobbyist, and expensive dinners that corporations take him to and write off their taxes. I live in Ohio, and I have NEVER seen anyone from Ohio that has a YEAR ROUND TAN!!!! It amazes me how republicans ignore facts even if they slap them in their face. It was republicans that made this a mandate on spending, not Obama. It was also republicans that want to cuts spending, as long as it isn't for corporate jets, or anything their lobbyist don't approve of. If you do some research, you will learn the facts, not just the talking points from one side
@peavey (16936)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I never said that Republicans were blameless. Politicians, as a rule, spend money like it was water because they're not held accountable. If you'd quit blaming everything on the Republicans, you'd see that Democrats are at fault, too.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Honestly, people shouldn't be on the government pay line to begin with. When you put your livelihood in the hands of someone else, you are doomed to be at their whim. People put their well being in the hands of government, and the fact is government doesn't have the money. Its time to grow up and take responsibility for the situation you put yourself in.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Oh, give me a break. It's our fault because our government doesn't know how to handle funds that were never theirs? And we GAVE it to them? I don't think so. You don't understand how it works. We paid into Social Security because it's the law. There is no choice, even now. Try to not pay it and see what happens. Why haven't you voted it out? Why haven't you changed it, if it's so bad? What's wrong with you, that you haven't fixed it yet??? Good grief. Go ahead and point your finger. If you live long enough, someone will be pointing their finger at you and telling you how you messed up.
• United States
13 Jul 11
White, I have paid into the system for over 20 years, and I know that I will NEVER see any of that money when I am your age. So why should I support your retirement, when I will have to save my own money to retire myself? Did you vote for GWB, when he took the Social Security surplus and gave it to the wealthy Americans? I bet you would have rather had that money saved for a time like now.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
13 Jul 11
No.... Sorry.... YOUR MONEY.... IS GONE GONE! Let me repeat that for the crowd... WhiteHeather's money is GONE. You gave your cash to the government... and it *SPENT IT*. Do you understand how the social security system works? Here is how it is designed to work. There is no bank account. There are no investments. Every single dollar that goes into social security, goes to one of two places. A: It goes to other social security recipients, and they spend it... and it is gone. B: Every dollar that is MORE than what is required to pay current recipients, is then used to purchase government bonds. What does that mean? Ok, if social security requires $4 Billion, and it collects $5 Billion, that is $1 Billion dollars surplus (sound familiar?). The Social Security Administration then takes that $1 Billion surplus, and buys Government bonds. In other words, an IOU. The Federal Government gets that money, and puts it into the general budget...... where.... *IT IS SPENT*.... AND IS GONE! There is no account. There is no money. There is no Social Security "trust fund". All there is... is a pile IOUs. A pile of government bonds. [u][b] AND WE DO NOT HAVE THE CASH TO PAY BACK THOSE BONDS[/b][/u] The government is broke. Sorry.... you paid into a snake oil investment, and the money is gone. GONE. THERE IS NO MONEY. You gave your money to government because FDR said he was 'for the little guy', and now the money is gone, government is broke, and the budget MUST be cut. Your fault. YOUR FAULT. Don't blame me. I'm 34 years old. I didn't vote like an idiot for a system that doesn't work. It wasn't my generation that screwed everything up. No excuses from the prior generation please. I don't want to hear it.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I read this earlier on another mail but believe me I never thought our world would come this! I do like your comment about holding us seniors hostage tho. It's the truth. I have to vote for him cuz I need my SS check? Not to mention my veteran husband's check........... Next month, if the checks don't come in, we will be in a world of hurt. I just can't see how our congressmen and legislators are allowing this to happen... It's time for action, but alls I hear is talk and nobody does anything. I got a petition in my emails to put down a candidate who is gung ho for Obama...... Maybe we mylotters need to start our own petition to stop this back stabbing of citizens who have worked their whole lives for a check they assumed would help them thru their "golden" years..........alls I see is doom and gloom...... I think all we have now is the hope that our own congressmen do their continuances justice by fighting for us old folks, veterans and those who are disabled. This really does suck and as you say, it's a damned shame.
• United States
13 Jul 11
Crossbones you said "He has proposed to make cuts to medicare and medicaid. He even said he would make cuts to social security. The President campaigned that he would never cut social security since it pays for itself. Now he did say he might have to make modifications to it because people are living a lot longer." So he is a liar and has his Obamacare in motion so that he can make sure the people do not live longer. Is is young people like you who keep this puppet in office who is only following orders from people like George Soros who is Obama's puppet-master and Obama is most likely making a lot of money while betraying our country. I was a staunch Democrat before Obama came in and contaminated the whole Democratic party.
• United States
13 Jul 11
Sorry Quita I posted the above comment to the wrong response. BTW Crossbones is only 34 year old and has a lot to learn. Hell we have been paying into SS since before he was born.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
13 Jul 11
It's quite ok. YOu and I and thousands like us will suffer but you are right as rain! Obama is a puppet and he is being dangled in ways that hurt us seniors and our service men. Who does he think serves/fights for us? Does his family need any kind of benefits? NO! and we don't even really know he deserves to be president. Sad, sad. In the end, the young people will see this when their own grandmas and grand daddy's die cuz they cannot eat or pay bills and are forced to live off their kids or worse..... I, myself have talked to my son about maybe living with them, but they have 3 boys and are short of room as it is, so hubby and I'll be doing what?? Seriously, we do not know.......... I hope people like this Crossbones isn't the majority but my guess is she is. AARP even backs Obama and that too sucks. This is a sad world when the elderly suffer due to the hands of a puppet and his maker...... God bless you White Heather..seems you and I can see the writing on the wall and others dont' say a word. I hope the next post we make is a more positive one....... hugs, as always, quita
@crossbones27 (50175)
• Mojave, California
13 Jul 11
This if for all the misinformed people. Pres Obama wants to get a a deal done with the Republicans so he can raise the Nations debt limit. The reason he wants to do this is so the U.S. doesn't default on all the debt it owes and end up like Greece. To do this the President has made compromises on a few different things. He put a new budget where he proposes to cut the national deficit by 4 trillion over the next 10 years. This is up 2 trillion from his original budget. This was all to make the tea party Republicans happy. He has proposed to make cuts to medicare and medicaid. He even said he would make cuts to social security. The President campaigned that he would never cut social security since it pays for itself. Now he did say he might have to make modifications to it because people are living a lot longer. Social security is sustainable for the next 25 years as long as congress passes the bill to raise the debt ceiling. Anyone who tells you that social security is broke is lying to you. So why is the President saying "70 million checks might not go out" if Democrats and Republicans can't get a deal done. He is saying this, because if we do not raise the debt ceiling the United States credit will be worthless. Pretty much we will be to broke to pay people social security , disability, unemployment, and all that good stuff. IF you do not believe me you go to YouTube and type in" Lindsey Graham on consequences of debt ceiling vote." He is a Republican from South Carolina who says if the debt ceiling weren’t raised: "financial collapse and calamity throughout the world." So I do not see the President holding anyone for ransom. If any one is holding anyone for ransom it is the Republicans. At first the Republicans said, the would not vote on the debt ceiling increase until we start to get our financial house in order. So the President comes out with a new budget. Then they said we are going to vote for the bill until we get cuts to medicare and medicaid. So the presidents comes up with a plan for that. Then they said we are not going to vote for the bill unless we fix social security. So the President comes up with a plan there to cut back on parts of social security. Now the Republicans say they won't vote for no bill unless tax hikes for the rich are taken off. I see the President bending over backwards to get a deal done. As usual the Party of no has yet to compromise on anything of significant value.
• United States
13 Jul 11
crossbones I posted my comment to you at the wrong response. Please see my comment to you at Response # 12.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
13 Jul 11
How old are you? Do you get a SS check every month? Does your husband get a VA check for fighting for our country as mine did.? My husband was a POW twice THAT IS A PRISONER OF WAR, did three tours of duty for our country in Nam and now this man who calls himself a President wants to hold his money? My husband signed a legal contract with the VA,a government institution , I might add and he deserves this money. The money the politicians have been stealing out of SS and VA should never have been touched. We , the people are not the guilty parties here, the politicians are. I don't give a tinkers' damn about Obama and his threats......he's only a puppet for some higher ups who have paid him millions to do what he is doing now. He doesn't use his own mind, his advisors tell him what to do and say... I hope you feel the pinch when we dont get our checks on the third....... How would you feel if your paycheck was cut off and you still had to work? and for no other reason but cuz some politicians say so....?? SS people, like me and White Heather have worked our entire lives for SS and you tell me the pres is doing this as a favor for our wonderful coutry??????????? We can't fix this unless we stand up for our rights and people get in their damned heads that us old folks need money too, have paid our part in working and the Veterans have paid their part by putting their lives on the line........... Our age alone stops us from taking on jobs.........., how do they politicians expect us to buy groceries or pay our bills.? Even if we are able to physically work, what employer in his right mind would hire and old person? Besides, the unemployment rate met a much higher percentage right?? How can anyone in a political office, not understand that the people have rights too and tho even us old folks don't mind giving a penny or two, we do without anyway cuz we now get no cost of living.........neither does my husband and thousands of other veterans regardless of the wars they fought in. Everything we eat, wear and utilities, gas ...all things that are necessities have shot up in price and now we will have no money to even buy food.........where does that put us millions of seniors? And Veterans? On welfare? Do you want to take us into your home?? I want you to think about this really hard as there is nobody in the oval office or any government office wanting to help us. They give themselves a raise every stinking month, why do we old folks and veterans have to be the ones who pay for them to live high on the hog ? I , myself, wont be able to live too long if my money is not sent to me next month. This is criminal to old people............and veterans alike. Ha! I don't see the Pres. is bending over backwards .........he is wanting the senior and veteran vote..........how convenient for him, huh? I do pray he is not elected for another term............ Do some thinking .... and try being in our shoes............
• Mojave, California
13 Jul 11
I am pretty much in your shoes. I have been unemployed for over a year now. The unemployment rate is at 13.2 percent in my area. So yes I can relate to your pain. The thing is you are blaming the President when the Republicans want to make Medicare/Medicaid into a voucher program. They keep saying Social Security is adding to the deficit when it is not, because people pay their hard earned money into it, so they can have extra money coming in when they retire. I am sure you already know that since you worked you whole life. To top it off they want to give tax breaks to the rich when it is already at the lowest since 1958. It is pretty sad when some one who makes 25,000 a year is paying more in taxes than these hedge fund managers. The funny thing is people keep voting these people in. Obviously they only care about rich people. Which is weird considering that only 1 to 2 percent of Americans are considered rich. So either a lot of people think they are rich, or they like getting screwed over. If you want to blame Obama, blame him for being a wimp for always caving in to these people who want to destroy the poor and middle class people. Anyway I saw on the news where you can go to this website and sign a petition for Social Security. Basically it is just a petition that says people don't want no cuts to Social Security. The website is called: http://strengthensocialsecurity.org/
• Canada
13 Jul 11
Damn them!!! My husband has been paying into the system for most of his life, and that is HIS money!! If any politician anywhere tries to muck with it, we're going straight to our lawyers, and raise hell!!
• Canada
13 Jul 11
Technically "my" elected officials are Canadian, and have nothing to do with this. I am a Canadian, and my husband is an American living in Canada. But I agree, someone needs to stop this!
• United States
13 Jul 11
If I thought it would do any good I would go with your. It seems our wimpy elected officials are afraid to say word against him. They have have too much to lose with all their benefits to piss him off.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I hadnt got this in my email yet thats why I hadnt responded . WHy should we be the ones targeted? ANd the Vets If he would have all the illeagles that draw everything out of the country we would have enough moeny maybe he shouldnt be paid either grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I think its a shame to for him to target us. Really he should put our money back in the SS that has been taken out to pay for these illeagles who draw SS or SSI this they didnt pay for we did all our lives grrrrrrrr
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I like your brand of discussoins this moring Americans true Americans SHould be up in arms about al thwe spending He does he needs to stop his spending and giving away our money to other countries! Pay us back Obama and you wouldnt be able to threaten any one!
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Thank you Lakota !! I've been doing my own brand of "discussing" this morning and you just hit the nail on the head !! Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, hugssssssssssssss
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Jul 11
He is a blackmailer pure and simple. It is what the mob did in the 20 and 30s. They threatened people if they did not pay protection money to them. The same deal. The meaning is that Americans had better make him president for a second time (and don't think that he will try to persuade the congress not to enact a law making a third term. He will.) or horrible tnings ill happen. And do not think that when the election comes that he will not have his Black Panther thugs making sure that only he is elected - he will. So all your seniors there will be thinking "I had better vote for Obama if I want to get my social security check" and if you do, you had better be prepared for a worsening America.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Jul 11
If you were forced to pay into social security, it is your money and you should be getting it when you are at the age of retirement or senior citizens. It is the same as our Canada Pensions up here. If we made a certain income, we had to pay so much into the Canada Pension that was not like our Retirement Funds, voluntary. And everyone had part of their paycheck deducted to pay for social assistance that was to pay the seniors when they reached 65. That money taken our of your paychecks like ours was given to the government, o they could invest it and gain more money for the retireees. We all know that had this money been invested wisely, there would have been no trouble. It was not so they could have a spending spree and believe it the democrats were more inclined to spend then the republicans. Or is there a double standard? The democrats cn spent and waste more and get no blame? Yet even a little spending by the republicans is to be blamed. Let me see. Obama spent more at his inauguration and put America at over a trillion or so of debt more then Bush did (not sure of the exact figure), yet he can get away with it because he is a Democrat and also part Black.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
13 Jul 11
give it up Debater. it isn't about republicans vs. democrats. Our government is corrupt on both sides. Social Security was something they took from us with the intent on helping us in our retirement. And it worked for years. The government has been robbing from this with the promise of replacing it now for years on both sides. It is much like borrowing from your kids college fund and not putting the money back only this is worse. When borrow from your child's education money at least you are borrowing from money you earned and put there. When the government borrows from our Social Security then they are borrowing from money that they took for us. They are borrowing our money without our permission and not paying it back and for whatever freakin reason, Debator, you think we shouldn't be angry??? For the life of me, I can't understand why you yourself are not angry
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Jul 11
Wasn't it the republicans who refused to extend the ceiling without huge spending cuts? So who was blackmailing how?
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Jul 11
If you want to be mad at someone, you should be the republicans who started this mess in the first place. If republicans want to play tough on an issue than they should be ready to deal with the consequences. Many republicans feel that you shouldn't get a check at all. They feel that it is your fault for not saving, and rich Americans shouldn't have to fund your lack of saving. I have no idea why you are mad at Obama, but what ever.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Really?? Are you for real here right now? The government literally takes this money out of our pay checks under the premise that we will get it back when we retire!!! That is the story we are told by the government and it goes way back. We don't have a "choice"....this is our government "forcing" us to save for retirement when in reality they have stolen from us!! It's the law...there is no choice. Social Security is NOT a dam handout!!!Maybe before you start running your fingers across the keyboard you might want to know what you are actually talking about. If you live in the US then you should be as pist as everyone else is. If you don't live in the US then there is now way you could understand and shouldn't be so judgemental.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
13 Jul 11
WOW!!! just looked at your profile and you do actually live in the US. You are really ok with the government taking money from you each week and telling you it is for your retirement and then not giving it to you when you retire because they've spent it on other things that really have nothing at all to do with you and in no way benefited you??? Well if you are so ok with it, can they take the amount that I give each week out of YOUR check instead of mine?
• United States
13 Jul 11
Personally I am seeing too much fear mongering...as usual. If it wasn't for all the political party pandering all of this could be solved. Yes he holding them ransom. But does he need to? No simple..don't raise the debt ceiling. Make the payment on our debt...then fund programs according to their "dire need". The most important programs get what's left over...the rest do without.
• United States
13 Jul 11
The government can pay the interest on the debt and pay out ssi and the vets....if they cut other things out that are not important....and without raising taxes. There are tons of wasted money and bs programs that could be cut in order to pay for the important things...they just don't want to.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Apparently , you are not too old either.... Make the payment? how do they do that? do they go ahead and raise the debt ceiling? And,which ones are considered in "dire need?" and I can go on and on....... Truth is, there is fear here....loads of it and most of it is bull s**t due to a government that cannot work together regardless of party. Why not come together in our "hour of need" and take the money of the Pres and our state reps and pay us elders and veterans the money we HAVE to HAVE just to live. Sure there is fear here. I don't want to be cold in the winter cuz I have no power for heat, or power of air conditioning.., or to eat, etc.... Just think about YOUR every day needs and think of us elders and veterans who will not have the same monies to help them. I have a or maybe I'll have a check coming in Aug.............and if I don't, how do I buy groceries or pay my bills, let alone go to the drs office with a complaint? Fear is what makes us stronger if we handle it right and not let it get out of hand. This is the reason for mylot. We discuss. The government isn't discussing at all. They are worrying about who wins the election in 2012!! Now, you think on that when you say too much fear mongering..... could be, the world as YOU know it too, changes.....get your saving accounts out and bury it in a jar in the back yard and be prepared to use it... The government is going to make sure we are not going to have a penny to our name if we don't FEAR for ourselves.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I think Obama never should have been elected. Perhaps people will see what exactly he is eventually and get rid of him with this next election. I am so sick and tired of our entire gooberment I think that it needs to be rehauled completely. These elected officials should take a severe "NO PAY" cut in their pay and stop harassing regular citizens!
• United States
13 Jul 11
I totally agree! (From your lips to God's ears!! Amen)
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
30 Jul 11
And, I do too and God bless you both !! quita
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
14 Jul 11
It's a scare tactic and a threat. Ironically it just proves how fake the trust fund is, though, which we knew all along.
• United States
14 Jul 11
That's exactly right. The fact they get to choose who gets paid, how much they get paid, and even if they get paid, goes to show the true nature of the beast. You pay in because you HAVE to pay in by law. They preach about it being for social safety nets. But as soon as they need it for something else, it's gone. The American people work damn hard and have their money taken away. Yes, it is definitely an inflated entitlement in some cases, but that's the fault of the government. They could have always allowed people to keep that money and invest it themselves. But, then, what use would we have for them? They're like the mafia up there.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
16 Jul 11
This despicable excuse for a "human being" is holding a whole country, plus Israel, hostage to his jihad. Of course, inevitable blackmail, lies, and deception will continue as long as our corrupt congress, courts, media and foolish constituency allow him to remain where he HAS NO RIGHT TO BE, rather than remove him to prison for continued and UNABATED crimes.
• United States
16 Jul 11
I could not have said it better myself.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
16 Jul 11
Keep Praying; be a "watchman on the wall"; exercise due diligence wherever possible. Thanks for the great discussion. I too will be directly impacted should it occur that benefits not be forthcoming, but we all will suffer unimaginably should this treason continue.
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I do not agree with threats like this, but something must be done. Our country needs to get some debt counseling. Some programs have to be cut and I am not sure what the answer is,but there are many people in the US getting disability checks that really do not need them. My mil is one of them. She has not worked for over 25 years and the only thing wrong with her is that she suffers from a weight issue and she had a rack in a restaurant fall on her once and she had a back injury. She can work in her garden bent over for a part of the day, she can mop her floor, sweep, etc and yet she can't work. I hurt my back when I fell off a set of gymnastics bars when I was in 8th grade and have been in pain most days since. I have always worked and managed to work in retail jobs which required lifting and standing for hours. She has used more than she ever paid in to Social Security. It is not fair that I have paid in my entire life and won't ever get my money back so Social Security is going to end at some time.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I really think you missing the point by saying your mil draws when she shouldn't. there are thousands who do and our social services are responsible for this not happening, but it seems they too draw a government wage, right? Get rid of our current President and maybe we older people will live in some measure of comfort and not be humiliated to live in a slum bucket.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 Jul 11
How low can he go? Yep, he went there. He started threatening veterans, seniors and the disabled. That's how low he will go, or will he go even lower? As of now the receipts (plus interest income) from the Social Security payroll tax are sufficient to cover the current benefits being paid so even if there is no increase in the debt limit, checks can continue. Basically, although we would eventually hit the point where checks might not be able to be paid, it wouldn't be in August. Unless... Unless Obama doesn't get his way. Unless he decides that purposely stopping the checks is the move that is most beneficial for him. Unless he thinks that not paying the disabled, seniors and veterans will ensure that everyone gets angry with his political opponents. Today, he lied (I know, hard to believe). My biggest fear is that he has the Audacity of Gloat to make his lies come true.
• United States
13 Jul 11
I cannot believe that The United States of America allows itself to be blackmailed into letting this so-called president get his own way. No matter who he hurts, he is a first rate S.O.B. and has no shame in letting the American citizens know he is holding them over a barrel. Last time he also threatened our Military Paychecks that will probably be next on his list of threats!
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@dark_joev (3034)
• United States
14 Jul 11
Well what do you think is going to happen when and if the country starts to default on its loans. I mean that would mean that the government would have to pick and choose what to pay out and paying loans to the foreign countries is far more important than paying people who shouldn't be on the pay of the federal government in the first place. Sorry but its the truth. Being reliant on a system like the Federal Government or any government for that matter is toxic to your well being. If he doesn't pay the money to the nations we owe guess what the IMF could step in and restructure our government no more Constitution no more Social Security as that will all be elimiated by the IMF rolling in their rules and regulations.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
14 Jul 11
I guess the implication of "Republicans don't want our military and their families to get paid" Obama used last time didn't tug at the heart strings enough to create the big wave of outrage he wanted to get. Now it's a bigger victim for a bigger response. I don't know if it will end badly if the debt ceiling doesn't get raised. All I know is that someone has to put the foot on the BRAKES eventually! If this is going to be the garbage that happens every single time someone wants to stop spending or stop taking on debt, we will never get the problem under control. All I'm hearing as a "solution" out of these bozos, in terms of raising debt limits and keeping spending where it's at, is to tax more. FFS. I can't even say anything further. I'm disgusted.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I really don't think there is any one person who is the "bad guy" here. Obama simply stated a fact...it is not a threat, and I really don't see how anyone can see it as a threat. The republicans are against taxing the people who have the most money...corporate jets and billions in profits...and Obama wants to close some tax loopholes so everyone pays their fair share. Does anyone think that everyone shouldn't pay their fair share? You have to be blind to not see that the Republicans are using this to get Obama out of office...in fact, they said that very thing...that this will not be solved as long as Obama is in office. NO ONE...and I mean NO ONE is working for the benefit of the American people. They all want power and they all want things their way or no way. If my husband and I don't get our checks next month, we will be done. We will have no food or medications. We have no other income, and there is always too much month left at the end of our money, so we can't even prepare. Does anyone care? Does any politician even begin to understand? NO. Republicans and democrats are equally guilty of screwing the American people. There is enough blame for everyone.
• United States
14 Jul 11
Right vs. Left aside, it is 100% a threat, in the sense that the government decides how to allocate all the money it takes in. (In a "fair" world, Americans' tax dollars would be spent in a way Americans deemed fit, not a gargantuan government whose entire purpose of getting elected is to get reelected! ) So if they choose to not pay SS payments and instead pay down more debt so that whole hypothetical "default" thing doesn't happen, they're doing it because they choose to. They could just as easily send the SS payments out and withhold their checks - "their," of course, being every politician. They could pay out the checks and cut NASA off for a while. They could pay out the checks and take a month off of uberdefense spending while they checked out other options. Etc... But what are those odds? The whole "you want helpless people to die" line is a much bigger threat. It grabs attention and actually affects lives. But I believe you're 100% right - they do not care. The most telling thing to me is that they continue to take in their money, to run up their tabs for lunches and parties, to continue to travel around in luxury regardless. America's government has turned into the biggest pyramid scheme in history. Only worse. We didn't choose to invest. They steal the money whether we want them to or not. Withhold that money and they'll throw you in prison.
• United States
13 Jul 11
Obummer I love it. I called him Crock Obama before he was even elected. He needs to have his money given to him once a month and left to manage it all month. From day one his priority has been to go after Medicaid and Medicare. He does not care about the poor in America or the disabled and family values are a laugh. He did not even live with his wife and kids before becoming President.