Divine Monotheism

July 13, 2011 5:39am CST
Nearly 6 billion people on this earth belives in existence of GOD but they are not ready to accept that GOD of these 6 billion people is ONE and not many .What i am trying to say is that all religions in the world firmly belive in existence of a divine entity called GOD and they base their philosphies on divine conceptualization of GOD .But still they do try to segregate their gods from one another and propagate that only their GOD is true and rest all GOD of other religions is false or less divine .They try to undermine the underlying principle of every true religion and that is :- Divine Monotheism- "GOD IS ONE " .If all religions of the world accept this principle whole heartedly ,there would be no religious disputes , no religious wars and communal clashes on name of different religions . GOD is not present somewhere outside in any haeaven or any divine place instead he is present in each of us in our heart . Therefore we should realise that we all are children of one GOD and not many GODS .
3 responses
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
16 Jul 11
Good day,I am afraid your idea of everyone on the earth believing in a "God" is wrong. It may surprise you to find out just how many people do not believe in any form of a "God" It is also true that,it is not the faith in one "God",but the interpretation of "Gods" words that cause the trouble between beliefs. The only way for there to be total peace for all people,is to do away with religious beliefs all together.( Which of course will never happen). Good discussion.
• India
17 Jul 11
hello mac1946 , Its good to know that at least you considered to respond to this discussion . Well i would like to tell you that there is a common thing between believers of god and non believers of GOD and that common thing is that both have a common reference point that is GOD . In other words both are talking and thinking about GOD but one is rejecting GOD and one is accepting GOD . That is why i said that nearly all people of the world believe in GOD . True religion is not a sect or community , it has no leader and no follower instead it is universal and pure in its character and provide us real knowledge . therefore we should know that peace cannot be obtained by discarding or accepting religious beliefs but it can only be obtained by knowing ourself and our true nature through true religion
@mac1946 (1602)
• Calgary, Alberta
20 Jul 11
While I am a believer in many Gods and Goddesses,I feel that the main problem is just how different religions teach the children to hate any that do not conform to the parents beliefs.If each sect were to not pay any attention to other beliefs and lived their own lives,there would be much less hatred and fighting. Take care. mac
@bird123 (10643)
• United States
24 Jul 11
You must remember that religion is also a Business. The goal of every business is to be a Monopoly. Now we can't do that saying those other guys have as valid a product as we do. People also like to feel better than others. Religion feeds into this. We are God's chosen then the rest aren't quite good enough. Then there is the power issue. One can be very powerful with God's backing. Clearly, there are many many issues around religion. Religion is a catalyst that brings so many problems to the surface so they have to be dealt with. If it was only about God, things could be cleared up pretty quickly. There are a million lessons to learn around religion. None of them are about God.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
19 Jul 11
I agree that God is present in each of our hearts. I do not believe that God is an external factor, but the inner-essence of our being. I believe that God is the collective consciousness. I believe that all religions are spreading the same basic message, just expressed in different ways. The importance is not in what we believe; just in the acceptance and respect for people, regardless of their beliefs.