The Bare-Faced Cheek Of Mum's Employers Is Astounding
By Janey1966
@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
July 13, 2011 10:13am CST
As you know Mum is being "potted" from her job because she is 65, despite wanting to stay on for two years.
Next week will be her final week in her kitchen and - not surprisingly, she's not looking forward to it as she's worked on School Dinners since 1974, primarily in that kitchen.
Anyway, the last person she expected to see popped her head round and told Mum she's "going to be helping" her out Thursday, Friday of this week and next week.
Who is this person?
The woman who got made redundant (pay-out of 6 grand) from Buffets, only to be reinstated as a dinner-lady in another kitchen..and the lady she was covering for has come back off sick.
I don't know about you but I smell a rat. For starters, Debbie even ADMITTED she wanted Mum's job a few months ago. It's like she's known what was going to happen all along. Also, the boss Steve..a source close to him has told Mum that he wants to give the "younger ones a chance."
Mmm! Does he now. How old is Debbie you may ask?
When Mum asked Debbie if she's after her job she denied it and said she's only in to help her..but why? If I know Mum, even if she gets upset during her last week the kids will not suffer and she will hold her emotions in check up until the very end. Having Debbie there will only make matters worse, in my opinion.
Between us (online over the phone) we sent a form to the Employment Tribunal for a claim for Constructive Dismissal Due To Age on Princess Di's birthday on 1st July...hoping it will bring her luck. Even if she wins her claim it only amounts to 2 months' pay. She also wants to write a letter to the local rag.
It just goes to show you cannot trust ANYBODY (so-called friends) within the workforce as it's Dog Eat Dog. Debbie doesn't even need the money, she wants the power.
I'd be tempted to push her out the kitchen and say, "Sod off!"

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10 responses
@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
14 Jul 11
Do they fry anything where your mom works? Hot oil does hurt you know!!
Sorry but I used to work with someone like this...oh wait.....I had one of them b*tches in just about every job I had
Theres nothing much you can do about "those" but ignore them. Ive learned that ignoring them really kills them. What those b*tches want is the attention, so by not giving it to them, well makes them angry but Im sure your mom could put up a smile knowing she makes her very angry.
IF I were your mum, Id pretend that Im really happy to go and make it sound as if the job is something I really want to get away from (dont make it look good to her). If your mom gives her a piece of her mind towards the end of the week, that'll only make that b*tch happy, knowing she achieve exactly what she wanted to.
Between you and me, your mom is way better off away from there, away from that b*tch!!
Good Luck to her and hope she'll be able to enjoy her "retirement".

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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Jul 11
I agree with you, the place (and Debbie) is making her ill. She rang me earlier and wasn't that coherent, to be honest, therefore I'm a bit worried for her welfare during her final week. I've told her to go in tomorrow as normal..but don't go in next week. Debbie is already running round as though she owns the place and she doesn't realise (because she's thick) that her presence is upsetting Mum. If this carries on Mum will have a nervous breakdown, I just know it.

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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
15 Jul 11
I can understand what she's going through as I went through the same with a previous job. You need to tell her that you think its too much for her. She needs to get out of there ASAP. Tell her how fun it'll be if she's not working....maybe ask her to come spend some time at your place?
@margerydaw14 (735)
13 Jul 11
your poor mum, I really feel for her, she shouldnt have to put up with such treatment, but we, as women, (yes it always seems to be women, sorry guys
) have such treatment meted out to us on a regular business. I used to work for a big engineering company years and years ago, in my 40's, and I missed being made redundant at least 6 times, in the 11plus years I worked there, but I couldnt get away with it forever. In those days, if you got made redundant, it meant your job was finished,gone, redundant. In fact after I left, my job was shared out between 3 different people(all men!) as my job was varied and very intense. But I didnt know about that til long, long time afterwards. But during the time after getting my redundancy letter and leaving, one of the young guys asked me about my job and my files and it slowly dawned on me that he was going to be doing my job . I am sorry to say I got very cross with him, but on reflection the poor guy was probably told to pick my brains for details of my job. But going back to your mum, she sounds really lovely and very patient. and truly if I was in your mums shoes I would probably push her face into the batter mix or whatever we were doing that day !!!

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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Jul 11
Haha! What a great idea. I can see it now..Debbie's face full of sh* batter lol.

@p1kef1sh (45681)
13 Jul 11
I can understand your Mum's irritation but the law is the law. If she received notice from her employer BEFORE 6 Apr 2011 (she should have received at least 6 months notice) that she is to retire then it is probably legal but worth contesting. From October it is no longer legal to force someone to retire on age grounds (there are exceptions - the armed forces, fire brigade etc). However, her employers can reasonably be expected to fill the vacancy caused by your Mum's retirement. Provided that they do so within their own procedures (which will have been agreed with the Trades Unions) who that person is is a matter entirely for the employer. I can imagine your Mum's consternation though. I really think that it is worth her pursuing this - if she is a union member she should talk to them and see if they would be willing to fund or assist with her case.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Jul 11
The Union has been a waste of time, if truth be known. My Mum has done more on her own her Union Rep. He "has a lot going on" in other words, strikes that he gets paid for because he's a union else who strikes does. They make me sick. In fact, it was the Union guy who sent me via email the link for the Employment Tribunal form, that's how much he wants to get involved in all this. If I ever work for a Council again I shall never join a Union after the way Mum has been treated.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
13 Jul 11
Oh that is terrible! I believe that as long as one is willing and able, they should not be forced out of a job! Something definitely sounds fishy with this Debbie lady! I hate that your mom is being forced out of a job she's loved for so many years, and I am sure the children will miss her also. A long time ago I had made friends with the lunch lady at my elementary school, luckily I got to see her again at another school that attended later in my school years!
Well I hope she wins the claim, even if it doesn't amount to anything, it'll show that she didn't want to be pushed out of work! So wrong! I bet that Steve was guiled on by Debbie!
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Jul 11
Debbie is supposed to loathe this Steve but she can't do if she's allowing herself to work in Mum's kitchen again. She works at a high speed as well, which doesn't go down well with the girls..Debbie has been known to start on the next day's food because she has to do EVERYTHING all at once. It will be interesting to see how Mum plays this. If it were me I wouldn't let Debbie dictate what goes on in the kitchen..after all it's Mum's last week and Debbie should respect this.
It's all a bit of a mess isn't it?

@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
15 Jul 11
Hiya Janey,
Oh that is so nasty when someone does something like that. It really does hurt you know and all the living in tension while it´s all going on as well it gets to you eventually.
I have read it from top to bottom and it sounds just like what almost happened to me in a Job I was in it was a temporary one to start off with but then became permanent after.
I had to sit next to a certain someone who I won´t name and her Dad was a high up Person up the top of the pile you know very important.
Short of trying to make my life impossible she tried everything she could for me to go.
I can´t begin to describe all of it now but it was more hell for her than for me I was just not interested in her silly ways.
I would just get on with my Job and ignore her all I could I needed that money you see like any other girl.
Well one Day she twitted on me and thought that it would be me out of a Job for good.
I had been feeling off for a couple of Days and was too ill to even phone for an appointment so I did not go anywhere.
When I got myself together I went down to the Post Office which is about 20 yards away from where I was living around the Corner and bought the Newspaper and something else.
When I got back and I had been gone only five minutes there and back the little sneak oops I almost said her name then lol had knocked on the Door of our House and asked where I was and my Husband said I was down the Post Office and would not be long.
What on earth she was doing there in the first place goodness knows obviously trying to catch me out.
That was the only time I had been out in all the two Days.
Needless to say it got back to where it got back to and I was left without Pay for two Days I was going to go to the Doctor to get a special Note the same night but she beat me to it.
All in all she did not get my Job she earned herself a reputation as a sneak and untrustworthy person.
My Boss had to take the money off me because she had gone blabbering it off to her Dad up there and he took action right away.
Everyone was on my side I was bewildered with the support I had from them sometimes you think you know People and really you don´t.
I expected this kind of thing from her really but never thought she would do it as she was always trying to be super friendly as well.
Enough to drive you nuts I can tell you.
It was really touching all the support I had and I never went skiving off from work any Day or anywhere where I was working.
The Private Sick Note would have been useless as she went tongue wagging to the top of the pile and that is what got me into trouble just because I had been out five measly minutes.
I wish I had thrown a Party on the Town to give her something real to talk about but there you go.
It´s all water under the bridge now but it was a big piece of skin off her nose to still have to work with me after lol and she did have to as well.
Feel really sorry for your Mom as I have almost been there but I had so much support from all the Factory including the Floorworkers they all got to know about it and I stayed in my Job because they said it was not fair on me.
Eventually she left thank goodness and for some Months we all knew what peace and quiet was woohoo.
I don´t hate the girl or dislike her I think that someone else was in it as well and I would be capable of talking to her today if I met her in the Street.
Yes it is barefaced cheek at least that what it seems to me too much of a coincidence your poor Mom she must be devastated too after being there all those years as well.
I wish her lots of luck as she can still get a Job I think even if it´s only

@lovinangelsinstead21 (36850)
• Pamplona, Spain
17 Jul 11
Hiya Janey,
Wow that is a nasty piece of work you had to put up with there as well. To have been so nasty to you does´nt credit belief either.
I wonder why we put up with things like this sometimes just for the sake of a Job I suppose.
At the Telephone Exchange you could not even begin to dream of retaliating back at someone then as you would have been right out on your ear as well guilty or not. It was really sort of like being in the Army sometimes there as it is a public Entity. I don´t think it´s half as strict as what is was now.
Then in the Hotels I had to contend with one or two of them as well but nothing like the one I had to put with the one I first mentioned they were just little skirmishes compared to that one.
I was so happy to be free from the Telephone Exchange and its strictness being on a Factory Switchboard was like being in Heaven (grin). However from this one Girl who wanted to give so much aggro she disliked me having been a G.P.O. Telephonist I know and I always played that down you see as I never wanted to go back to being a proper one I just wanted to be ordinary but without doing a bad job you know.
I was correct but never ultra correct so I tried to make it easy for her but she did not want it that way ever. Never once did I show off about having had that status which had got to be more like a curse than anything else.
I did train a Girl or two from the Offices but you know I was so Friends with everybody there I could not be a proper Telephonist anymore not on that level.
I knew almost everyone and they knew me and did not see me as she wanted to see me some sort of snob which I never was not even in the G.P.O. it´s just another place to have a Job there was nothing glorified about it at all.
We had to swallow a lot in that place and say nothing or out that was it gal.
I loved that place because I always felt on the same level as them if you know what I mean never anything stuck up there in the Sky.
You can´t please everyone can you. You must have been very good at your Job too this is what I am getting at and she just wanted to have a go at you that´s all and it backfired on her in the end eh gal?.xxx
Love to your Mom she has my admiration for having been in a Job for so long she will really miss it as well I guess.

@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
15 Jul 11
She's 65 at the wrong time, so she won't be able to get another job but thanks anyway.
That was awful..what happened to you. I once was made permanent but my supervisor chose not to tell me! She went all round the houses (the job was up in the air due to two guys needing to be re-deployed, if either of them had wanted my job, I'd be out on my ear) so all this was going on at Christmas-time. I came back, only to find that my supervisor knew all along that I'd be made permanent but upset me in the process saying, "I know something you don't" and pointing angrily at my chest, making me cry. The row we had was incredible and it was all totally unnecessary!
When I mentioned it (first to Personnel) they told me not to worry as I'd not been the first person to come in there crying over this woman's treatment and, secondly, when I told my boss he couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"Why did she hint at you not having the job anymore when we all know you have it?" he asked.
"No idea!" I blubbed.
She didn't last long after that as she was seen boarding a plane with a bad back to Greece lol.
I still, to this day, cannot understand why she led me to believe I was about to be let go.
She was a "lush" though!

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@hardworkinggurl (37063)
• United States
14 Jul 11
Does not surprise me as I have heard this type of stuff happen before.
It is sad that someone like this who supposedly is the friend do something like this but unfortunately she is only looking out for herself and does not care about your mums situation.
I am still hoping she wins that claim because it is unfair all the years of dedication, loyalty and dedication they do this to her. I can see if it is an absolute rule and they spoke to her nicely and nothing else could be done. But to do what this so called friend is doing is out right wrong. Therefore, as a principal I being your mum would fight this tooth and nail.

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@BarBaraPrz (49099)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Jul 11
One thing I don't understand...
Don't the kids get the summer off anymore?
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Jul 11
Yes..which explains why it's Mum's last week next week. Ordinarily, it would be the last week before the summer holidays..but in Mum's case it will be a permanent holiday due to constructive dismissal.
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@inertia4 (27979)
• United States
13 Jul 11
It's the same all over, here in the US, they push people out of their jobs when they get close to 65, they do not want them around because they feel they are not productive enough. They will come up with any excuse to get rid of someone. I know, it happened to me years ago and I was only in my 20's. It was all political. Here, the companies want to hire Immigrants because they will work long hours for very little pay. The bottom line is that the companies want to make all the money. We are disposable.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Jul 11
It's amazing how our two countries are alike in that respect..and it's wrong isn't it? If Mum were 65 NEXT YEAR - ironically, she wouldn't be allowed to be dismissed, due to this new law that's coming into effect this October. The fact that Mum had no inkling she was being "potted" upsets her the most. It was all going on behind her back. In fact, her own boss gave her the sympathy vote when she rang him (after receiving a letter one week later than she should've done) and it was he who instigated it all. Cowardly in the extreme and if anyone should be sacked it should be him!
@changjiangzhibin89 (16886)
• China
14 Jul 11
I twig what you felt.Small wonder it made your blood boil.You have made every possible effort, but it didn't take a turn for the better.Judging by what you said,Debbie was likely the last straw,and certainly there was a dirty behind-the-scenes deal.The honest people are prone to come to grief and "Laugh and the world laughs with you;weep,and you weep alone."Ask after your Mum,tell her there is nothing like keeping fit.
@marxistmind (102)
14 Jul 11
You'll find that most employers will cut corners if it means they don't have to pay out as much they were before. My boss is the same if he gets any chance you give him he'll take advantage of you. I think you are doing right be your mum. keep up the good work.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
14 Jul 11
I'm trying to give Mum as much advice as I can. She told me on the phone that Debbie "took over" the kitchen today, whizzing around like a whirlwind..which was unnecessary. Mum has also found out that other kitchens now have more hours but she has never been able to get extra. She can't understand this at all as hers is one of the busiest kitchens.
I've advised her to stay away from the place next week. If she's in bits now what's she going to be like in her final week? Debbie hasn't given her the sympathy vote so what I would do is throw away the order book tomorrow, leave Debbie in the sh*t and don't come in next week. There's no way I'd kill myself if I know I'm being sacked in a few days.