Netflix is making me mad!

United States
July 13, 2011 11:09am CST
So, not tooooo long ago Netflix raised the price for my plan (1 dvd at a time unlimited, unlimited instant viewing) because I included dvds in my plan--the plan that doesnt include dvds got the price reduced! Well I just got an email that Netflix is splitting up my plan, I can either pay for only 1 dvd at a time (7.99 a month) or unlimited instant viewing no dvds (7.99 a month). And if I want them both together still I have to pay 15. 98 a month. Right now I am payying 9.99 a month, so that is another big increase to my plan, and I think that is really unfair. I have until about August 30th to make up my mind, but I think I may be leaving netflix, I'm def. not going to pay that monthly fee for a 1 dvd at a time and instant viewing. I may keep only instant viewing for a while, because I do have things I have that I want to watch...but I am not happy with netflix! Anyone else having the same issue?
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17 responses
• United States
13 Jul 11
Do you know if they increased just instant streaming? I haven't heard anything about it nor received an e-mail. Is it only DVD's? I know many people that are leaving netflix because of it.
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• United States
14 Jul 11
I don't know if they have increased the streaming instantly only is going to be 7.99. I don't know what it is now. But I like my plan of getting dvds and being able to watch instantly...and they have just ruined it for me. I used to love Netflix, but recently they are causing me a lot of heart ache!
• Grand Junction, Colorado
21 Jul 11
Instant streaming is and will be $7.99, what increased was if you were on a plan with streaming and videos out, they have actually broken it down so that it shows as a charge for streaming and videos out.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I heard they were going to raise their prices, just wasn't sure when that would be. I used to have netflix like years ago, but dropped it because I just didn't watch enough dvds to make it worth it*of course I like watching the instant watch shows and movies though.. So maybe I will opt for the instant only. It sucks that everything is raising.... Except for our wages.
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• United States
14 Jul 11
Ha! Yeah you're right. I do use the dvds a lot, and I was going to start using them more because I'm going to start working nights soon (and it would be nice to have something to watch on my nights off). But 15.98 is just too much for 1 dvd at a time. There are a lot of tv shows and some movies I really want to watch that are available for instant viewing, so I might have to go to the instant streaming only plan too.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
13 Jul 11
My plan only went up by $3. I get 3 DVDs at a time plus streaming.
• United States
14 Jul 11
So can I ask how much total you pay a month now? My plan for 1 dvd at a time and instant streaming went up about 6 dollars.
• United States
14 Jul 11
Right now I pay $19.99 plus tax for unlimited streaming and 3 DVDs at a time (unlimited). In September that will go up to about $23.00 plus tax for the same plan. Fine with me, we like having both streaming and DVDs by mail. If it went up too much I'd probably change the plan, but I would not drop the streaming or the DVDs, we'd probably just drop it down to 1 or 2 DVDs at a time.
• United States
15 Jul 11
My email says it's going up to $23.98 per month so it's a $4 increase on top of the increase they just imposed a few months ago. I think they are trying to use their existing customer base to fund the huge increase in infrastructure they need to make streaming their primary service. They want to drive customers away from the dvd plans and into the streaming plans but they need a huge amount of servers to be able to offer all their inventory to stream.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
14 Jul 11
When I had netflix I paid 8.99 a month unlimited but this was before you could get the movies right to your TV. This was just the mail order type. So if I was able to waatch When I moved to Puerto Rico we found a place where you rent three movies for $5.35. We have to go to the store and pick the movies and return them but I think its a better deal for me. Especially since there were times I didn't have the time to watch movies when I was with netflix so I felt like I was wasting money. Now we rent movies when we know we are going home to watch them at that moment.
• United States
16 Jul 11
I know what you mean about wasting the money/time with netflix dvds. I'm usually good about watching a movie the same night I get it and returning it the next day, but on multiple occasions if I got something for a family member they wouldn't watch it for days and then wouldn't return it right after they did. It drove me CRAZY! I felt like they were wasting my money and they didn't even care. 5.35 for 3 movies is a good deal, are their late fees or do you keep them as long as you want?
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@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
16 Jul 11
Depending on the movie we rented it could be due back in 24 hours or up to two days. I'm sure there are late fees but we always return them by the next day. However, we always rent when we have alotted the time to watch them. Such as tonight we rent three movies and watched them from 6pm to 12am and now we will return them tomorrow. It works for us.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
13 Jul 11
my husband and I have already decided that we are going to drop the dvd's completely and go to all instant streaming. Since we bought a whole year in a advance back in January from Christmas money we have a bit longer on our plan(at least that is the response that I got when I emailed asking). We only really get 2 movies a month that we sit down and watch on DVD, so anything we really want to watch we can run to the Redbox and get it.
• United States
14 Jul 11
That's a good idea, to mix the 2 companies like that. I wouldn't mind going to only instant streaming either if they had more available. I have 100+ movies on my dvd Queue that aren't available to watch instantly. But maybe I'll see if they are at RedBox and I can do what you and your husband are doing! Thanks!
• United States
14 Jul 11
I do also check if they are going to be available instantly, and none of mine even have a date yet.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
14 Jul 11
you might want to go onto your computer and see when those titles will be available to stream. i do this twice a month and then remove any that will be on instant stream within the next month or two. doing this regularly has kept my dvd queue reasonable, only about 15 things on it currently.
@whatrow (792)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I LOVE Netflix. I think it is the best, and the cheepest form of entertainment there is. It is way better than teevision. No commercials. No repeats, unless YU want to see something again, and a vast amount of films to choose from. I think the subscription cost was ridiculously low. I will be moe than happy to pay for any increase. Even at $16, it is still cheeper than television.
• United States
14 Jul 11
I thought they were pretty fairly priced before, but this second price raise is too much for me. I like netflix too..but I am not happy with the prices. And I fear that if there aren't any consequences to THIS price increase, they will just continue to do that whenever they can.
• United States
16 Jul 11
I was okay with their first price increase, but I just don't think this most recent one is as fair. I think now their prices are getting more out of control (I just check Blockbust, their cheaper) and I think they might already start losing people over this. Anyways, they way they are doing it I think they're getting less. Right now I pay 9.99 a month, and the way they are pushing me to pick either streaming or dvds they are only going to be getting 7.99 a month. I can't be the only one with the same equation, so I just think they are going to be losing money, based on that logic.
• United States
14 Jul 11
They will not continuously raise prices. They know they have competition, so they will keep their prices reasonable. I don't believe they're out to make a huge profit, I believe they just need a better way to cover their costs. Everything is going up these days, including the cost to them to ship out these movies and have them available instantly for such a low price every month. They know that if their prices get too out of control people will stop subscribing, and how will that help their profits?
• Canada
22 Jul 11
I am not having the same issue, but a totally different one with netflix. For starters, my husband say that they were going to be raised to somewhere around $15. My Netflix got taken out of my Paypal, and the price was the same as always. Now, I am in Canada, so we can't get DVDS. However, there are a lot of movies that we want to see that are not available up here, so it's a bit of a rip-off. There are a few Canadian TV shows I like that I watch, but that's about it. Anyway, you have just explained it to me, without even realizing it, and I explained it to my husband. Obviously, we can not get DVDs up here, so we are not getting the option to pay for them. But as you said, those who want instant viewing, AND DVDs have to pay for both plans, and that's the $15-ish that my husband read about in the article. I guess the article he read was not that clear, because what you said was news to him too, but it explained A LOT.
• United States
29 Aug 11
Here the people who have the instant viewing only plan are not getting a price raise. My current plan (1 dvd at a time, unlimited streaming) got a price raise of 60% and that starts Sept 1st. So I am changing my plan to the instant viewing before then. I'm not happy about it because, yes, they do not have a lot of movies available for streaming. If they had all or most of the movies available for instant I wouldn't be too upset.
• Grand Junction, Colorado
21 Jul 11
When I signed up for Netflix (at the end of November) it was with a 30 day free trial before the trial was up they had raised the rate by a $1, I was of course irritated but kept it. We enjoyed it so much that 2 months ago I extended my plan to include 2 DVD's out at a time, so I was none to please to find that they had raised the rate on me a 2nd time in less than a year and by a huge jump, in my opinion. I was so angry that I immediately canceled the DVD part of my account. I hope that others do the same and show Netflix where we all stand, that a 60% increase in a down economy is unacceptable. Shame on you Netflix!
• United States
21 Jul 11
Yeah, a 60% increase is crazy! Especially right after another increase (even if the first was so low). The prices doesnt increase until Sept so I am trying to get as many of my movies watched as possible. I have a ton of dvds that aren't available for instant watching, so I am really bummed. Because, like you, I may be canceling the DVD part of my plan come Sept. But this didn't make since to me at all...the way they raised the price they either want you to pick all dvd plan or all instant plan, and both of those would be 7.99 (1 dvd at a time). But they were making 9.99 a month from me for both, so why do something that is going to make me pay them less a month?
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
14 Jul 11
yeah, i got that too, deciding what to do. It wasn't an issue, because we didn't use the streaming, but now that Dearra's discovered that feature, I have to think whether I want to pay extra to keep it.
• United States
16 Jul 11
I don't mind instant watching now because i bought a cord that allows me to attach my computer to the tv and I can watch my shows on a big screen. But I just don't think they have enough available for instant streaming for me to just get the streaming plan. If I did that I wouldn't be able to get my 100+ movies from my queue that aren't available instantly.
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@millertime (1394)
• United States
15 Jul 11
I'm not too happy with them either. I think they are getting way too greedy. They have to be making a ton of money now but they want more. They see the way of the future to be streaming all of the movies and doing away with the mailed dvd's. It's pure profit for them since they save in the cost of the dvd's themselves, plus postage and equipment to sort and stock them. What they don't seem to care about though are all of their customers that don't have broadband internet and are unable to stream movies very well. Not everyone has good enough internet service to be able to stream movies so they are turning their back on those people, probably a lot of the customers that helped them get where they are today. I think they are trying to use their existing customers to fund their needed increase in computer infrastructure to be able to expand their streaming capacity. Right now, they don't have much of their inventory of movies available for streaming, especially the new releases, so they need a huge number of servers and equipment to be able to offer more or all of their movies for streaming. I think it's going to backfire on them though. I read an article today that said there is a huge number of their customers that are upset over this move and some people are dropping them altogether or reducing their plans to fight the price increase. I plan to drop the streaming part of the plan and just keep the dvd plan. I am going to check out the Redbox thing too and if I like that, I may drop Netflix altogether. Netflix was a great service that provided a great value for a cheap price but they are increasing the price to a point where other options are cheaper, so their deal doesn't look that good anymore. Blockbuster was also a great deal at one point and they increased prices and reduced service so people left them and look where they are today. Now Netflix seems to be going down that same road. Pretty dumb move if you ask me...
• United States
17 Jul 11
I just read this article on yahoo that says even netflix is saying they are not raising prices because their costs are becoming higher. What I got from this article is they are strictly raising their plan costs because they WANT (not need) more money. You're right about it just being greed from them. I really like what the author of the article said at the end.
• United States
14 Jul 11
You should probably try Hulu. I've been on this website for almost two years now and they have the best shows on there. They also have Hulu Plus now if you wanna pay for membership. I just don't know how much it costs. Hopefully, it's lower than what you're paying for Netflix.
• United States
14 Jul 11
I do use Hulu, but hulu is nothing like Netflix. You can't get as many shows and movies....I just use them for episodes of current shows I have missed. They are a really good site, and I hope they don't start charging!
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
14 Jul 11
i also use hulu for recent episodes that i have missed and have to agree that they are nothing like netflix.
• Canada
14 Jul 11
Though netflix as been very convenient, I don't think they offer enough choices. Well I used to have the netflix where it was linked to your gaming console and you retrieve videos through your console, I never really tried the version where they mail the DVDs to you, therefore I am not sure about the amount of choices. But I am certain that the console option did not offer many choices, therefore I dropped them. During my time with netflix however, I did not face any price changes. I also would not agree to their 1 DVD at a time, just doesn't feel right especially with the time given when it comes to mailing the movie. Then again, I never ordered their DVD so I am not sure how long it takes, but if it takes long, yes I would hate their 1 DVD at a time, in addition to price increase.
• United States
16 Jul 11
They do have a lot more choices with the dvds, I have over 100 movies in my queue that aren't available instantly. But if they are going to be pushing people to drop the dvds then they better make a lot more things available for instant viewing, because you're right about their not being enough choices there. And I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks 16 bucks a month is too much for 1 dvd at a time! Thanks!
@Money911 (14)
• United States
14 Jul 11
It really sucks what netflix is doing, their price increase if near 60%, I think they are trying to take advantage of the large market they have. Hulu is a good other option. There are also other sites on the web where you can watch quality movies and tv shows for free such as ice films
• United States
14 Jul 11
I like Hulu for watching the current episodes of shows I have missed, but I don't think they have enough choices in other shows and movies. I don't know about any quality sites where you can watch movies/shows.
• United States
27 Aug 11
Yes they are making other people mad too they are going to lose a lot of customers by raising there prices. oh well bad for them
• United States
29 Aug 11
Yes, they will lose some of their customers. But not only that..with some who don't leave them, Netflix will still lose money. Like me...right now I'm paying $9.99, but because of their price change I'm moving to the instant streaming only plan and that is only $7.99. So just with me they are losing 2 dollars a month...then you have to consider everyone else who is going to go to the cheaper plan and they are losing a ton more money per month. I think this was a stupid business move on their part.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
15 Jul 11
I don't know of anyone who is happy with them. Keep what you need or watch local channels like I have to. Right now, money is too tight and with Obamaitis, it might even get worse. hugs, quita
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
15 Jul 11
I just signed up with netflix last week. I am still in the one-month-free trial period. Although I don't get to see a lot of movies, my kids are definitely enjoying all the Sponge Bob they could get at. I also have a feeling that after I finally decide to get netflix permanently, and start paying, they would also change their plans on me so I could pay more. So, I am seriously doubting I will continue after this free month is over.
@marie2052 (3691)
• United States
13 Jul 11
I just read this last night on yahoo. I am sure with their postage those mailing envelopes, with the Obamacare health for their employees and a number of other things that we can't even manage running a company gets in the way to make money and keep the customer happy. I had hoped they would drop the DVD's and have a list of movies watch on demand like our cable companies have so we would not have to mess with DVD's and just pay 1.00 for each one like blockbuster and redbox rental kiosks have. I used to have the get a dvd come through the mail and I found it was hard to get the family together at the same time to enjoy it so I just kept the movies and shows to my TV instantly and gave up the DVD. If there is a movie I really want to see, I will go rent it at one of the boxes available but I hate to have to run back and forth to carry a DVD and if I am busy and don;t remember then I have to pay for another day. So the instant works good for me without any DVD. There certainly are enough choices on there without having to spend gas and time to get to a box to rent a movie. Since I have the instant to tv plan and no DVD's my plan is not going up But as I said it sure would be awesome if they would come up with a plan to watch a new run movie on demand instead of having to wait to get the DVD in. That would be my best idea then people could pay for what they want to watch.
• United States
14 Jul 11
You bring up a lot of good points, but I am usually the only one watching the movies I get. Sometimes there might be one or two other people. But I don't really have to worry about getting people together. I get the movies watched and sent back pretty quick, so my 9.99 a month was a good price for me...but 15.98 per month for 1 dvd at a time is no good. And I'm like you, I don't mind watching things instantly...HOWEVER my issue with that is they do not have a ton of movies available for instant viewing. If they made everything available for instant streaming I would be more than happy to go to ONLY instant streaming...but I have 100+ movies on my dvd queue that are not available to view instantly.