is it necessary for women to work??
By preethaanju
@preethaanju (3000)
July 14, 2011 8:22am CST
This is in a way an extension of my previous discussion.Nature has created man and women with a specific purpose.While men are to be the bread winners women are supposed to manage the home.Both work are equally respectable.With women stepping out to make money millions of families have broken apart.Divorces have gone up and there is lack of understanding in the families like before. Is money more important than a peaceful family?When majority of men still want to be the bread earner for the family why are women stepping into the man's arena just to prove that she is equal?
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22 responses
@bouncybug (614)
• South Africa
14 Jul 11
This is a very controversial topic that you are bringing up here.. And I don't think there are any right answers. I do agree with the first response though - it is not nature that decided on the roles of males and females but rather societies. And it is not true in all societies that women are supposed to manage the home. I don't see why it should be all a woman's responsibility to look after the children, clean the house etc - The man is as much involved in the household as the woman is. And I think that if a woman earning money causes tension in her household, then it may be because the man is not secure enough in himself. Why should men feel threatened just because their wives earn the same or even more than they do? I think we need to wipe out all stereotypical roles and ideas of what is a 'male' job and a 'female' job, and do whatever feels right to the individual. Yes, some woman are instinctively very maternal but some are not, so each person should be able to make the choice for themselves.
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@preethaanju (3000)
• India
15 Jul 11
its wrong to say that nature didnt intend to make man work outside and women to look after the home. Women are physically weak but emotionally stronger than men.So nature by creating men and women with different physical and emotional power was conveying an inferred message that each must stick to his/he strong areas. My question is. Can man take care of a baby just as well as a women can? women by nature is more tender while men are not. Think over
@SViswan (12051)
• India
21 Jul 11
You say in your post 'While men are to be the bread winners women are supposed to manage the home.Both work are equally respectable'.
But does this bread winner respect the wife's role in the home? Not many men do. They think they can be decision makers because they are the earners of the family.
The men who go out to work also work doubt. But they get paid for the work they do. The women at home who work for their family do so out of love and all they expect is some respect for it. Many a times these women are asked to shut up when they open their mouth with an opinion.
Women are not stepping into the men's arena to prove she is equal. She is just trying to do something she likes to do or something she is more capable of than cooking and cleaning.A few women go out to work to supplement their husband's income because it is not enough to provide a decent living for the children (not for themselves).
How come you have not mentioned the men who live off their wives earnings, get drunk and then abuse their wives?
It takes all sorts to make this world....and one can't generalize that only men are supposed to be breadwinners and that broken families are the result of women stepping out to work. I personally know many women who have given up their jobs/career when they got married and focussed on running a family. But later..for whatever reason...the couple separate and then the woman is left with no means to support herself and the kids. She cannot go back to work because of the long gap and lost experience.
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@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
16 Jul 11
I honestly do think that women can work, especially if it's something that they want to do. I don't think that there's anything stopping us women from working. I was working before my husband and I were married, and didn't stop me from doing it. Nor would he stop me from working in the future. I do understand and respect those who feel differently about this subject matter, but this is just my personal belief.
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@surekharathi (14146)
• India
15 Jul 11
Yes friend everywhere in every country work is necessary for women than men. God gives us the capacity to manage the household work, family, childs, office work etc. Women can manage easily and properly all work but men cannot do in better way.
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@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
I think women should just stay at home and manage kids and their house. I think that husband too should be the one earning money for his family. If the husbands earning isn't enough, maybe he should look for extra ways to earn. The wife too can earn even just at home. She can sell direct selling products to neighbors and her acquiantances. Most working mothers I had seen had dysfunctional kids. :( But sometimes, women wants to work. Some women think working is for their personal growth.
@wiguen (551)
• United States
19 Jul 11
evolution of course bring complication, in this modern world most of women are looking for a type of liberty either economic or emotional, cause men usually use economic issues to keep women dependent. now a day stay home is not an option for those who want to be free of movement. things change we even find women working with an husband home waiting for them cooking or watching the kids. the point is that... its no more a men world its a survivor world.
@youless (112922)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Jul 11
It depends on. Some women feel bored to be a housewives and it is a waste that they stay at home even if they have high education. So they want to have their own careers. It can make the lives much more completed and meaningful. And it can have extra income for a family. They feel independent since they have work. This is the advantage. So we shall be understanding. It is up to a woman to choose to work or not.
I love China

@dont_pick_your_nose (2279)
• Australia
14 Jul 11
I dont believe that this is even remotely accurate. I think that both men and women have skills from bth fields which could be developed into a career. I don't think that the divorce rate rising is more to do with women in the work force rather than people marrying alot more impulsivly and not taking the bond as seriously as it was once a lifetime vow and now people are getting married three and four times over.
I do think that women belong only in the kitchen. I Love to cook for y family and always try to perform the household duties aswell as work, raise my child and satisfy my lover in whichever i can.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
15 Jul 11
what ever u do to please ur lover i bet u cant do the job of looking after a baby as well as a women can.You dont have the power to handle a crises situation as well a women can handle. so we are different
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Jul 11
this is 2011 not `1000 and women and men both work just to be able'to pay the rent or house payment here in california USA. we do not think its wrong as we want to provide for our families and not be homeless or have to go without heat or lights or food.yes here it is necessary for women to work to keep their homes and pay the monthly house payment. our culture is different than yours and what works in India does not work here In the US. We just have different customs neither one is wrong just different. It has nothing to do with importance of the damned money but importance of keeping a roof over our heads, food in our tummies and the utilities paid. the basics must be provided before we think of letting mom stay G a lot of women would love to be able to stay home but the paychecks of men here are often not enough to cover every thing so mom must work too.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
15 Jul 11
Well dear, I would like to tell you that husband and wife are all equal. It is just that they have different roles in life. The husband is the head of the family while the wife is the light. What is the head if there is no light and what is the light if there is no head? I mean both needs each other and they must complement instead of fighting to prove one is better or higher than the other.
Also I believe that not all women who work want to prove they are better than men. While there are those who do, there are also those who work because they just want to help in the family's finances. Let's face the reality that life is hard these days and in most cases if it is only the husband who is working and his salary is not that substantial, the family experiences difficulty so the wife has to come to the rescue.
Now to those whose husband earns very substantially, I think the wife has options and perhaps if kids are still small and more than one, the wife needs to stay home and run the household. But if the wife wants to pursue a career apart from managing the household there is nothing really wrong if she could manage both, unless of course she is doing it to prove she is better than her husband.
I myself can prove that I've been working for very long time even if my husband has a good job because I want my expertise to be put into practice and also so that I could earn to buy things I like for my home and my family and for my own needs and for my luxuries so that my husband's earnings would not be touched at all for that purpose. I swear I never did try to prove myself better than my husband. I know the role that God gave me well enough.

@preethaanju (3000)
• India
15 Jul 11
Women are not trying to out do the huby's but others. I am not against women working if they have a financial crisis. But to work for fun is not good when her duty towards her home is ignored.
@piya84 (2580)
• India
21 Sep 11
I dont think s woman working has anything to do with increasing divorce rates.Love relationships are just too much complex.In old days people used to just put up with each other as divorce was not option.Now everyone think they deserve better and quit marriage.Its not really bad.We get only one life why not live fullest.
@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
14 Jul 11
Is it really nature who dictated what men and women are supposed to do? I think it's society and it has nothing to do with nature at all.
Women are not proving to men that they are equal that's why they're getting a job. The main reason why women work is just because with the economic situation nowadays it has become a necessity and not just a mere caprice on the women's part.
South Korea is a very conservative country and used to considered women as second class. But with the changes in the economic situation now which is getting worse, it's advisable for wives to earn as well. Both married couples are working not because money is important but they want their children and the whole family to have food on the table.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
15 Jul 11
whether we accept or not nature created men and women for different purposes. Men cant procreate and it looks weird to see men work in the kitchen while women go to office.
@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
15 Jul 11
Of course women accept the fact that by nature we are different from men. But it's ancient times to see only a woman in the kitchen and seeing a man in the kitchen is not going against nature at all. God didn't even command that men shouldn't cook at all!
@lilbabycatapillar (497)
• United States
14 Jul 11
I don't think it is true that nature goes so far as to dictate what men and women are supposed to do, but there have been roles in society that have made pretty good working guidelines.
As for me, I couldn't imagine not going to college and getting a job to work before having children. I would like to stay home with the children, at least until they're around 8 years old, so they can get a really good education when they are young and can learn easily. Since children learn so fast when they are small, it's a huge waste to have them in front of a TV all day with a babysitter when they could be learning at an advanced pace.
If women shouldn't work, then naturally, women shouldn't become educated or go to college. Why would they go to college if they shouldn't work? That's just saying that a woman should wait in her parents' home until a guy comes along to support her. I'm not that kind of girl. I'm not sure who I will be or what career I will choose, but I have to do something.
Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of a traditional household, and I do want to work, but I also want to be able to have a hot, healthy dinner for my husband when he comes home. I want to be feminine. But making ends meet and living comfortably in this day and age means that woman have to work.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
15 Jul 11
By creating men and women with different physical,mental and emotional levels of tolerance nature is trying to convey a message that men and women have to perform those thpes of labour that suits their strenghts.Why do they have 3 sets for women adn 5 sets for men at the Wimbledon tennis?? its because we are different. Think over.
@RJlady1 (144)
• United States
14 Jul 11
It's not a matter of "proving" we are equal. We are equal. On top of that, if the man in the family is unemployed, is the family then supposed to starve? And what are you basing your views on as regards the "purpose" from which nature assigned our gender roles? Did you know that in the animal kingdom, in many groups the females are the hunters? When it came to early man, the men hunted, the women gathered, thus they were equal partners.
Are you saying that equality in marriage is the reason for all divorce? Are you saying divorce doesn't happen in homes where the woman isn't working outside the home?
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
15 Jul 11
Sometimes I feel that what you are saying is very correct. I am a working woman who is managing office and home and child and most of the times, I feel very stressed out. So if ever I decide to quit my job, it would be for my own health and not to maintain peace in the family.
However, have you ever thought as to why men cannot pitch in and help in household chores? A lot of tension and quarrels would subside if only men came down their high horses and helped women with running the house.
@picjim (3002)
• India
15 Jul 11
I feel we have gone too far to now reverse the process.Women are equal to men in all respects and they have proved it.Though men and some of us accept it grudgingly,i feel it is impossible to go back to the old ages.You have made some very valid points but do you think people in the present day will accept them?
@allknowing (142792)
• India
15 Jul 11
Double income goes a long way to tide over the financial crises that one sees everywhere. While some roles are gender specific there are others that both could handle with ease and earning is one such activity. Roles which are specified to be handled by women for example cooking or tailoring, statistics have it that men excel in these spheres. What is needed is understanding and with this a couple can together manage a home very efficiently assigning roles depending on each one's capability and not based on whether it is a job to be done by a woman or a man. We have done that and managed beautifully.
@wawicarmz (66)
• Philippines
15 Jul 11
women are created to support men.they are not the ones that has been appointed by God to do work or things to overlap men.but nowadays,women are the most excellent competitors of men,as they tend to overlap men.they would claim as they are already this scenario,it is also applied at home,where wives look like the head of the family.they don't even are at fragile of heart.people say,females are so emotional,no they are just are the ones that easily get broken hearted. though i am a female,myself,i would never imagine on stepping into the man's arena because in the end,men are powerful enough to make a female go weak.they can claim what their purpose in living,as stated in Genesis.but,women only do work to make life easier for both companions,for self interest,for fun,for living and not as an obligation here on do have an obligation to earth and GOD.