Do You Think It Will Hurt Them In The Future?
By Jennifer
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
Valdosta, Georgia
July 14, 2011 2:34pm CST
I am working right now and will be for a little while. I am just wondering if I am hurting my children by working and not being there for them. They are used to me being a stay at home mom and so I am a little concerned about it. I am just trying to make some money so they can have a better life but in doing that I don't want to hurt them by not being around for them...
Do you think I am hurting them by not being there for them? What do you think about it?
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45 responses
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
17 Jul 11
Are you working full time? Unless the kids say something to you or begin acting out or behaving badly, they are probably handling it fine. Many parents work and don't worry excessively about their kids.
The parents i worry about are the ones who actually believe they can have kids and then still continue to live as if they didn't - using a full time nanny, dumping kids on their parents and inlaws and other relatives constantly, both working fulltime or MORE when it's not necessary. If it's a monetary need, it makes sense, but there are people who do this without a monetary need.
How old are your kids? I am home with my daughter but I do child care for other people. I tried working part time when the older kids were younger and that was a virtual disaster, I only worked twice a week and always on those days something would happen with the kids, at school, issues at home etc. It was obvious after a few months that they resented me working and were CAUSING some of the problems in order to get me to come home. In the end, an emergency occured which led to me giving notice and quitting because I just couldn't continue.
As long as things are relatively peaceful and you do spend time with your kids when you're home and they are with someone you trust who loves them when you are not, you probably don't need to worry. It's not like you really want to be away from them 

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jul 11
I am working Full Time Monday through Friday and I am with them on the weekends. It is because we cannot afford our bills right now. We got behind so my husband had to go out of town to work and I also had to get a job. =(
Their grandparents watch them while I work. I don't dump them on them for no reason. We won't make our bills if I don't work.
My children are 5, 3 & 2. I do watch other people's children too but when the economy went so bad not too many parents can afford childcare. I am only working in the summer. In the Fall I teach Preschool and I am Homeschooling my oldest daughter so they will lots of time with me again! =)
No I hate being away from them more than anything! I wish we could afford to live without me working but we can't. =(
@apples99 (6556)
• United States
14 Jul 11
Well I think it's the quality of time you spend with children not always the quantity of time, I'm no expert but I think as longs when your with your children you make every moment count they will appreciate and understand someday that it was and is necessary for you to work
With that said, no I don't think you are hurting your children by supporting them through working as long as you make the time you spend with them count you and your children will be fine god bless you and your family.

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Jul 11
Your right it's not about the quantity but the quality. That is true. I try very hard to make every moment with them special and where they know that mommy loves them so much. 

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
15 Jul 11
No! Are they school age? If so in the fall , they will be in school as you work. If they are younger? It will be an adjustment but I don't think they will be scared for life! They know Mommy loves them? when you are off work, do you spend time with them? If you can say yes, then try not to worry... much. I know saying ' Don't Worry" to a good mother is a waste of time. A good Mother worries until Her dying day!

@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
15 Jul 11
The moment you learn you are pregnant, you start to worry and it never stops. My mom told me I will always be her baby , even when I'm 70! and she was going to worry about me until her dying day. And she did. So it is just for the summer?they will be fine! they have things to play with? Your eldest has friends? They may not ever know you are gone. I remember wanting my mom with me Always Unless I had a friend to play with. I was so busy playing I forgot about mom. That's why I always suggest having the kids sleep over at a friends house when mommy and daddy have date night.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Jul 11
They are not of school age yet. My daughter starts school in the Fall but by that time I will be leaving my job to homeschool my children. So then they will have lots of time with me and their dad is going to have a good job to support all of us. Right now I am working because we got a little behind on things but through the summer we will be caught up enough where I can Homeschool them. I do worry all the time about my kids but I will try to worry less, much better! 

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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Jul 11
It's just through the summer yeah. They are with their grandparents during the day while I am working. They get to swim in the pool and they have a huge playroom there full of toys so they love it there. It's just me I worry all the time! =(
Their cousins go there sometimes to play with my kids too so they have them too which is nice because they are all around the same ages.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
14 Jul 11
That's a hard one.
The short answer: Maybe.
The long answer is, it depends greatly on how much family time you make sure you have, and if you try and substitute things and junk for you being there.
There are two stories that I want to relate to you. First, are you harming your kids?
My parents were never there for me. When I needed them, they simply were not there, or worse, they were there but didn't listen.
I grew up in daycare, and my earliest memories are of daycare. Not mother of father. Someone would pick me up at 6PM, which was horrible because that meant play time was over. Hint: Never make it so that to your kids, your arrival signals a negative thing.
Once I was in school, I got a key to the house, and would walk home from school. I'd sit in a big empty house from 3 pm till 5 or 5:30, when someone would show up. But I still wouldn't see them because they would be making dinner till 6 or 6:30. Then we'd eat.
We never really had 'family time' so-to-speak. Family time, was that 30 minutes we ate dinner together at the table. But before dinner, and after dinner, we were all in separate areas, doing our own thing.
When I was younger, I would meet kids who were home schooled. I remember being so envious of them, that their parents loved them so much, they would stay and teach them at home. Meanwhile, I was shuffled off to public schools, with teachers who didn't care about me at all. Thanks mom and dad.
Now listen...
Before you or anyone else start thinking they are destroying their kids, understand that not everyone's experience in school is horrible, and not everyone does awesome at home school, and there are kids of parents who both worked and their families turned out ok.
At same time, I have never been very close to my mother. Never. Not even to this day. She was a school teacher, and helped everyone else's kids, but not her own.
That said... There is another aspect to consider.
Are you harming yourself?
Sometimes your kids are just fine. But you, your the one that lost.
Back in 1998, I moved out of my parents home, into an apartment. Slowly, subtly something changed. At first it was do you wanna do this on Saturday, and then it became road trips, camping, cruises, tours through Europe and all kinds of stuff.
It was driving me nuts for awhile, until I realized that it had dawned on them, that I'm gone, and now they want to make up for lost time. I had lived in their house for 20 years. For 20 years they could have done any of those things. But they didn't.
Now I have bills to pay, Rent to pay, car repairs to pay for, gasoline to buy, insurance to pay, and food. In short, I now have adult responsibilities, and I can't be running off because mommy and daddy woke up this morning, and realized their darling little son was gone.
Now that sounds harsh... and perhaps it is, but everyone everywhere always says "time flys and kids only grow up once", but the NEVER ACT LIKE IT.
Listen to me very carefully. You child is only 5, for 12 months. He is only going to be 10, for 12 months. He'll only be 15 for 12 months. By the time he, or she is 20, they'll be moving on.
You have only *NOW*, as in RIGHT NOW, to make some memories!
Don't be like my parents, and calling me up when I'm 25, and complaining because I can't just drop everything, call work and tell them I'm flying to Europe because pops wants to make up for the 20 years I was in his house and we did nothing.
When I talk to working women, this right here is the biggest regret. They got the new car, the big screen TV, the beautiful house, and a memory full of years lost at work.
So here is your question... Are you hurting them? I don't know. But are you hurting you?
I wager... if you can answer the second, you'll have answered the first.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Jul 11
That was a long response but one that was very worth reading. I spend a lot of my time with my children when I am not at work. And we still only have money for the bills and such but we do free things together like camp outs on the living room floor in their tents and we watch movies together! They LOVE it and it's free. My kids are young so they enjoy the simplest of things. I don't think I am hurting myself because like I said I do spend every free moment with them. When I get home from work at 5, they help me prepare dinner, we eat together and we either watch a movie together or we watch their cartoons and just relax together. Thank God I don't have to put them in Daycare, I would never in a million years do that to them they are with their grandparents. I have worked in Daycares and I do not think they treat the children the way they should at all.
Then on Saturdays, we spend all day together and Sunday we go to Church and then we usually go to my parents to swim in the pool and have dinner all together. I know all of their years are precious and I try not to let one moment go by where they wonder where we are or why we are not there with them...
I am also planning on leaving my job in the Fall to Homeschool my oldest daughter and then my other two children when they get to that age. I am hoping my husband has a great job by then where he can support all of us.
Thank you for the response and I am sorry you went through all you did, that is awful and I cannot even imagine it.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
15 Jul 11
I think there is no higher calling, no more attractive selfless humble thing a woman can do, but to put her personal ambitions aside for the sake of her husband and children.
When you do that, in my mind, and many others I know, you are a super model girl that would put Pamela Anderson and rest of Hollywood to shame for just being in your presence.
The Diamond in the rough, isn't some glitter covered faker with a movie camera shoved up her nose, it's the one laboring for love by keeping her home together, and her heart where the family is.
You are a winner in my book girl. Best to you. 

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Jul 11
Thank you. To be honest I wasn't expecting a nice comment from you but I definitely appreciate it. 

@writergirl74 (802)
• United States
14 Jul 11
I don't think you are hurting them at all. I believe you are doing what's best for them. I have been a stay at home mom for the better part of the time I have been a mom. I have always tried to find work that would allow me to be with them. If you can find work that will allow this then it would be great if you could be at home with them, but if you can't then you have to make the ends meet...end of story! Don't beat yourself up. It shows you are great mom that you gave up your desire to be at home to go and get a job for them.
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@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Jul 11
I am definitely trying to do what is best for them. I wish I could find a job that would allow me to be with them and still make money. I haven't found anything like that where I could pay my bills every month with it. =(
Thank you. 

@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
15 Jul 11
I think that parents working is a good model for children. It can though hurt them if the parents neglect those important things like developmental milestones that is important for children to experience alongside their parents. I think it is important to remember that is is not the amount of time that we spend with our children that makes their growing up positive or negative, but instead it is the quality of the time you do spend with them. And do not let your job make you miss the important milestones. Things like parent teacher conferences, plays, games, graduations etc... as well as open communication makes for quality interaction with our children and therefore healthy psychological development.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Jul 11
I am trying to do the best I can for my kids. I am home with them during the week for 4 hours a day and on the weekends all day long. Sundays we go to church and spend the day together. It is about the quality not the amount of time I agree. Well I am only working for the summer and in the Fall I will be Homeschooling my oldest daughter so I will be home all day with them again. I can't wait! 

@ptower76 (1616)
• United States
16 Jul 11
You seem very dedicated to your family in general and your children in particular and I don't see how that will result in anything but well adjusted children. I think we need more moms like you in the world and perhaps many of those children that will grow up and lose themselves in the many vises of the world can be saved.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Jul 11
Thank you, I try to be the best wife and mother I can be. I don't always succeed but I try really hard...Thank you, I wish I could help other kids too but right now I cannot afford to help them or trust me there would be no orphanages! Lol. 

@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
14 Jul 11
I don't think you are hurting them at all. My mom stayed home with us for a few years but then she had to go back to work. Her and my dad worked opposite shifts so that someone was home for us all the time. Just make the most of the time you are home and it won't matter. My husband barely sees our kids because he works 6 days a week and 5 of those days he doesn't get home till after they are in bed. They don't seem to mind at all because Sundays he spends with them and plays with them.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Jul 11
Thank you. My husband is out of town right now for work and my children are with their grandparents most of the day. They love it there but I kinda feel bad that I am not home with them. My husband when he had his company barely ever saw my kids either but I was there and so I think that's the only reason it didn't hurt them as much. Now neither of us are there most of the day. =(
@dlpierce (495)
• United States
15 Jul 11
We all wonder this when we have to take a job. It's a very normal thought. It should teach your kids that people have to work to make it in this world. I always had to work outside the home and like you I left the two kids with their grandparents. Somehow that eased my mind of worry than had I took them elsewhere. As adults both my kids are hard workers. I believe good examples keep people from becoming slackers.
@caterinasmile8 (153)
17 Jul 11
I can understand your concern about wanting to be there for your children, but is important for you to be earning in order to prepare and invest in thrir future. It is also good for them to be independant and not molly coddled all trhe time. The only concern is, are you paying a lot for childcare to cover this? Are your children at school now and can you work around this or could you afford to work part time? These are things to think about if you want whats best for your family.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
15 Jul 11
I think it all depends on how much time you spend with them after you get home from work. Are you patient with them and try to assure that you spend quality time with them? This is important. When my 3 oldest children were younger I was a single mom. I worked and sometimes went to college as well. I did not spend that much time with them and when I was with them it was always go go go... doing something, cooking, cleaning, homework etc.. I missed out on so many things in their young lives because of this. I am older now and in my second marriage and I have a 21 month old (my older boys are 21, 20 & 17). I am also a SAHM now and I see how many things I missed out on with them because I did not have that opportunity. You really have to be aware of how much attention you give them and how much quality time you spend with them during this time. Good luck.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
15 Jul 11
I do spend quality time with them once I get home from work and they are with their grandparents all day which they adore! Thank God their not in Daycare or anything like that.
I know time is going to fly by and their childhood is going to go so fast. In the Fall I am going to be back home with them and I will be Homeschooling my oldest daughter. I will have a lot more time with them again. I can't wait!
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
16 Jul 11
This is such a tough question. I faced this issue too, when my children were young. I chose at times to stay home and at others, to return to work.
The best balance I ever found, when my children were preschoolers, was to do home daycare!
For me, it was the best of both worlds!
I worked full time once my children were in school full time, but I wish I could have been home for them full time. I wonder if I couldn't have worked it out better, but there is no point in rueing the past. I am glad I took the time I did.

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
17 Jul 11
Yeah I do Preschool out of my own home during the school year but with the economy I had to find a job in the summer too. =( And preschool doesn't go over well in the summer months so I had to find a job outside of the home. In the Fall I will be doing Preschool and I will be Homeschooling my oldest daughter so I will be home with them again. =)

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jul 11
I do spend a lot of time with them when I am not working and its only for the summer so thats good too. =) They are with my parents while I work and they love it there!
@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
I think of you have explained it to them that it's just for a while then I know they will understand.Now a days it's common that both parents are working due to the present economic crisis that almost all countries are experiencing.
Also if you think that they are too young to be left behind you can hire an extra hand to look after them while your at work if you can afford but if they are old enough to care for themselves they'll understand for sure.

@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
Yeah, your right I forget our parents, who are always ready to assist us in any way they can most especially if this concerns their grandchildren.And being with them there' no cause to worry.I know your children will understand.

@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Jul 11
Yeah they seem to understand. I am just hoping it won't have a bad long term effect on them. Something I don't see just yet in them or something.
This economy is killing all of us right now! It is terrible...
I don't need to hire anyone, my parents are watching them for us and they love it over there. Thank God I don't need to pay anyone because I am happy they are with family.

@chendaimi (153)
• China
17 Jul 11
in my opinion, you should stay with them when they are little children,because they need mom's love in that period,you can not start to work until they can talk or walk,if you go to work when they are very young,maybe they will be unfamiliar with mom in the future.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jul 11
They can all talk and walk on their own. During the day while I work they stay with their grandparents. So their still with their family at least which is really nice. =) They will never not know who I am because when I get home at 5pm they have tons of time with me.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
17 Jul 11
Hi dear mother, I really feel the pain of your heart. Most cases, it is unavoidable to meet the financial status of family. But you can still spend time with them on weekends and as kids grow up they will understand your feelings for them. So they will feel proud of their mother.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jul 11
Thank you. I do spend time with them when I get home each day and on the weekends. My parents watch my children while I work and I am grateful that they are still with family and not with strangers all day! =)
@williamqq20110725 (18)
• China
24 Jul 11
I think you can not hurt your children,earn more money is useful for your children's life in the future, the future is important than now,there is no question about could play with them in your spare time.whem them grow up they will understand you and they are sure you will be with them momently.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
29 Jul 11
I do spend a lot of time with them when I am not working. They are with their grandparents during the day and when I get home we play together and do things together as a family. =)
@thaMARKER (2503)
• Philippines
17 Jul 11
how old are they if i may ask? if they're too little, of course you really have to stay at home. you can work at home anyway.. if they're big enough to manage with themselves, i guess explaining it to them why you have to work is ok. they say, a salary of a husband wont suffice for the entire family so the wife should work too..
you just have to balance. get a time off on their no-school day so you all can get together and you can spend quality time with them.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jul 11
My children are 5, 3 and 2. They are with their grandparents while I work. They do not do anything by themselves, their too young for that. They are with family and that is whats best right now for them.
Every day when I get off work I spend time with them. =)
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
16 Jan 12
I agree. My children know I love them more than anything. I spend a lot of time with them when I am home.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jul 11
That's good that you spent a lot of time with him. I'm sorry he depends on you so much now. I think there's a very fine line with how to make them independent when they get older. I believe it is difficult.
@katzar0712 (324)
• Philippines
17 Jul 11
i don't think that you are hurting them by not being physically present all the time. i mean what you are doing is or their future, right? they might have to adjust to the idea that you will not be present at home all the time... but i sure believe that they understand.
- kat
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jul 11
Yes it is for their future and for now. To feed and take care of them. I am just glad they are with their grandparents while I work. And it's only for the summer thank goodness. Once the winter comes I will be back home with my babies! =)
@diala84 (138)
• United States
17 Jul 11
I think a lot of it has to do with your kid's ages. A lot of development happens in the years leading up to kindergarten. If you can't be there for them at least find a really good day care that spends time teaching and interacting with your children in a positive way. However, once your kids are in school I believe it is easier to work when they are in school and not have a negative impact on their lives. In the end it is your choice a lot of parents work with kids and do just fine.
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jul 11
I would never put my children in Daycare. They are with their grandparents thank goodness. I have worked in too many daycares and they do not treat the children the way I want my children treated.
I will be home in the Fall so I can Homeschool my children so they will have plenty of time with me again! =)
@LovingMyBabies (85296)
• Valdosta, Georgia
19 Jul 11
Thank you. Yes I am doing it for them and I do spend my time with them when I am home. =) I will be done working in the Fall so I can Homeschool my oldest daughter.