Donating to Casey Anthony...

United States
July 14, 2011 3:40pm CST
I read an article on why Casey Anthony's smiling today, because at least 17 people donated money to her while she's been serving her sentence in jail. She has $472.18 in her commissary account as of today. I never would've thought someone would be donating their money to someone the world seems to hate so much right about now, how do you feel about this? Read the article here :
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2 responses
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
14 Jul 11
It's not surprising that some people would want to help Casey. We the (public) don't really know what happen to Caylee. We're probably never will know.$472.18 is not all the donations she has received while in jail awaiting trial, the article states that she has gotten thousands of dollars from admirers."Go Figure." .........
• United States
15 Jul 11
Well the average inmate has about $20 in their bank I've heard.
@sirnose (2436)
• United States
15 Jul 11
True in deed but, Casey is not your average inmate. She has reach "cult status !"...
• United States
15 Jul 11
• United States
14 Jul 11
That's a lot of money from just seventeen people.. I would give her like a dollar or something, but no more than that. She's in the media now. She can write a book about the whole thing and make millions. She doesn't need donations.
• United States
15 Jul 11
I agree she doesn't need donations she'll probably make a million the week she's released on talk shows and such.