When do you start "feeling" old.

July 15, 2011 3:59am CST
At what age do you "feel" old. When you are physically old and knotty or when your teeth are dropping. Or your eyes getting blurry with age or you are hard of hearing. I think I feel "old" when I realised that I am getting more long-sighted by the day and looking at the table menu at a restaurant becomes more a chore than a pleasure. I chuckle at the day when my sister was curious why I was taking so long to place my order when in truth I really can't focus very well. I am not exactly advanced in age but my 40s and it certainly draws a curtain on whatever youthful attributes I may have, haha.
13 responses
• United States
16 Jul 11
I think one feels they are old simply is a phrase. If we can be uplifted and high spirited no one should feel old. Feeling old is when one can no longer do anything and as humans many can do a lot of things if they truly set their minds to it. So for me feeling old is really an expression and at 40's really it is still young. Today many create the illusion they are younger and that is what keeps them younger. Not saying with clothing, it is how we carry ourselves is what really matters. Of course we not be as fast as we were in our teens and twenties but the younger we feel the more high spirit we are the less likely of feeling old.
• United States
17 Jul 11
Yes I want to remain as young as I possibly can, being positive is quite a motto I instill in my life. Thank you for the BR!
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
hi hwg and thanks for your sharing. Definitely a state of the mind and a totally mental exercise. Really have to keep our brain juices working and dwell on the positives of life before the body collapses on us.
@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
15 Jul 11
I'm 33, i know it's not that old but i started to feel like i'm finally getting there when my time of sleep got shorter and shorter. I used to sleep very early like 9pm and then wake up at 6 or 7am. But two years ago i started sleeping from 10 then 11 then now midnight and i wake up at 6am. I noticed that my grandparents sleep less. So i think i'm getting old as well.
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
hi, yup this seems to be a clear indicator of being old barring that cup of coffee or tea you may have drank, haha.
@toniganzon (72547)
• Philippines
18 Jul 11
I don't drink coffee and i rarely drink tea. Yeah so i'm getting old hahaha.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
17 Jul 11
Its all in the mind,friend.I am 65 and will turn 66 in 3 months but i still feel that i am a 25 year old.Of course i don`t behave like one but the feeling of 'youngness' is still there and has been ever since i started advancing in age.Its not that age has not caught up with me physically as there are things i can`t do which i used to do when i was 25, but the enthusiasm is still there and will remain forever as long as i live. My mental state of youngness has also reflected on my physical body as i remain quite healthy for a 65 year old by the grace of God.
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
thank you veejay. We must all learn to take care of our own health and body. Sigh, sometimes modern living and work do bad things to our body and we have white hand before our time!! I was a workaholic and it was only in the last 5 years that I have learned to take it abit slower and take care of my own health. We all need to be engaged in healthy sort of way I guess.
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
not to brag,but I don't really feel old.I am very much a kid at heart.at 28,I still love stuffed bears,pandas,and pigs.I still watch animated films.I watch cartoons on tv.I think that youth is all about in the mind.
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
haha, you are mortally young my dear. Way to go and many more good years to go before one believes in one's parents mantra that taking cold drinks too often is no good for the health.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
16 Jul 11
For me if I think if you can't do anything to work on just walked and run.
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
thanks for your sharing and that is a good thought. In other words, do what we can and within our abilities.
@thetis74 (1525)
16 Jul 11
I would probably feel old when my body starts to deteriorate and become idle with age or any sickness. Because I could still feel young when I am still kicking despite old age. Not being able to move too much is probably a good sign that tells me that I am truly old.
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
and oh yes, we must continue to be active in whatever way we can and count it a blessing that we do not fall sick. We definitely need to have our own cupboard of medicine, vitamins that keep us going.
@wmraul (2552)
• Bucharest, Romania
15 Jul 11
Feeling old? is not a simple to answer question. Feeling old as physical, that can happen anytime, at any age. And, if you ask me, is irrelevant. As about psychically, being old or not is a state of mind. Is related to the mental strength, to ability to adapt, is about how you feel and how you want others around to feel about you. I hope I will die before start think about myself I am old ...
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
thanks for your sharing. Indeed I felt a lot more confident when I was younger and perhaps 'arrogant" too. I think when I totally lack the confidence is the day when I am totally old. I agree about the mental strength part coz it really takes a lot of that when one is struggling with one's mortality.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
17 Jul 11
Hi Carpediem, I would say feeling of being old, when you feel that at your heart. My grandfather who is 85 still feels the youngness at heart which reflects on his face. So the feeling of old and having problems physcially really means when you have the thought in heart. So always feel you are young and forget the age.
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
15 Jul 11
I think it is when you start feeling tired all the time, and aren't able to do things you used to be able to do in the past anymore. And I guess losing the apetite for life could make you feel old as well. So I don't think it is about age, really, more about your attitude, health and energy.
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
Thanks for your sharing. Sounds like a case of being physically young but old internally. Or just the pure lack of exercise and healthy living. Or being tired of living?
@SIMPLYD (90721)
• Philippines
15 Jul 11
I started feeling old, when i saw some crow's feet on my face whenever i smile. I feel like not smiling anymore, for it not to show. But what the heck, i love to smile.
• Singapore
15 Jul 11
that's the way to go coz mirth maketh a youthful spirit.
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
20 Jul 11
I feel old nowadays.. I get easily tired, can't do cross stitching continously and am having blurred vision while reading.. I fel that my health is failing too. Not much but I feel sickly nowadays ;(
• India
15 Jul 11
there is not any spefic age in particulat whr u suddenly becomes old...its a gradual process...our body is alike a cycle...it gradually rotates thru kid then boy then man and finally old....physically u might start looking old by the age of 50-55...but no one can about mentally...it all deppends from an ondividual to individual...some might feel this @45 ...ans some may not feel that@ 60..soo it is based on an individual person.
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
yes i agree about the individual's response to being old. Thus identifying the traits of that Moment of Realisation makes interesting conversation.
• United States
16 Jul 11
age is just a number i try to stay positive and think young at all times
• Singapore
17 Jul 11
thanks for your response and I agree!!