Do People really Enjoy going to Church????
By bird123
@bird123 (10644)
United States
July 15, 2011 11:53pm CST
I have visited many churches. I've seen lots of people while in church. I have seen people falling asleep in church. I have seen many people who looked like they really didn't want to be there. I have seen people run out of church or leave early just to beat the traffic. I know everyone has seen children who didn't really want to be in church.
If people don't enjoy church, why do they go???? Do they feel obligated to go?? Do they fear hell if they don't go?? I wonder if people were really honest, how many would admit that they don't enjoy church at all?? Tell me what you think.
4 people like this
19 responses
@vandana7 (100718)
• India
17 Jul 11
Again a very good point bird. I think going to church is as much of a ritual as many of the rituals in our religion. And I think we should go to Church or Temple only when our heart is full of gratefulness, or full of pain. Going at any other time and letting our minds wander from the so called prayers is making a mockery of god and his goodness.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
17 Jul 11
So you are saying I should sleep at home. OK. OK. I'm going to have to be more careful on those long drawn out sermons. Religions and churches are big on rituals. People are much more important to God. The entire world is a church. God is there, everywhere to hear our prayer. A prayer can be as simple as a thought. God is beyond the petty things of mankind. God is never offended. Our choices and actions do make a difference with us. If we choose to have little respect, a lesson on respect will show up in time. There is an atheist who went to church with his family to support and show respect for them. Who could teach a better lesson out of example that this atheist? No one. It has never been about religion and beliefs. We are all children of God regardless. OK vandy, I hope I didn't put you to sleep.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
18 Jul 11
Interesting. Competition does have a great deal to do with so much in this world. I think competition is great, only everyone should know that people should always come before competition. Yes, I believe in this internet. People all over the world will interact then learn and grow from each other. This will be a great advancement for mankind. As for religion and God, I think you are right that our relationships with God are personal. That is why it bothers me that so many depend on other's view of God to define God rather than searching out the truth for themselves. Accepting beliefs will never get it. Let's discover the truth so God does not have to be a mere belief.
@vandana7 (100718)
• India
18 Jul 11
You know you are not putting me to sleep. :) I like your thought provoking discussions which are not offenseive and yet make people realize god is there, and god will be around when we need him, and that all we need to do is be right in our actions so that we dont create more complications for god to solve. But that is my view bird.
Anyway, I do think the world would be a better place if each one of us thought of praying in our homes. We have television channels. We can tune in to those. Think about this, we wont be brandishing our religions as superior, we wont be seggregating ourselves from people who belong to another religion at least not as often, we wont become clannish, and an athiest aspect..we will be conserving petrol and preventing any traffic accidents.
Religion to me is a very private thing because how I believe and perceive god is different from how you believe and perceive. I think everybody, whether they believe in god or not, relates to him in some way and there are innumerable ways to feel the presence of god. I felt good reading your discussion bird and your comment, so I am here. That feeling of goodness is god to me. I could have spent the same moment feeling bad isn't it? So god arranged for that moment of feeling good. Why should we not see god's hand in such tiny things? Why should god's hand be only linked to large sums of monies, or promotion, or defeating our detractors. In due time, it will come, but in the meanwhile, we still have our moments dont we. To me recognizing that is prayer in itself. Not the lofty words, or usage of obsolete language or mantras. I just know he will be there if I want, and that is what is making me feel secure. By developing clans in places of worship, we create insecurities in others, or competition. This is not a sphere for competition, is it? So we have loudspeakers out here - one day it is Hindus, another day it is Muslims. We wear expensive clothes. Go to our respective places of worship dressed like that on roads. There is automatic fear in other community that is at war with us. Why cant we pass a legislation that religion be confined to homes? No loud speakers, no multiple gathering. All religions. There would be books, we read them, understand them. If we feel like arguing, we use net. But for all other purpose, religion should be a single person's affair. At least I feel that way.
@urbandekay (18278)
19 Jul 11
You have misunderstood, it is not about doing what you enjoy but enjoying what you do
all the best urban
@celticeagle (169074)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Jul 11
I have visited many churches also. I don't think people necessarily enjoy going to church. They feel it is their religious duty to do so. Obligated? Yes. They might fear hell if they don't go. By going I wonder if they don't feel as if they are alittle closer to Him. I don't know.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
17 Jul 11
Hi bird123, there are many reasons people go to church. Some of them go because it is a tradition. Some go because they are forced to do so. Some go just to please others or to make themselves look good or feel good. But the main reason we should go to church is because we love the Lord, we want to seek salvation through the learning and teaching of his ways and obeying His commandments.
Two people can sit in the same pew, hear the same scripture, and walk away with two different reactions. The reason for this is because some people do not know how to listen to the Word of God.
People go to church for different reasons.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
17 Jul 11
People don't know how to listen to the word of God???????? God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. The diversity in hearing or seeing a different view is very very important in being able to see the entire picture. It is a mosaic with much diversity rather than a plain picture. This is one of the reasons God insists on freedom rather than everyone being the same. Mankind seems to always fight to have everyone the same. Let's not ruin the masterpiece in the process.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
27 Aug 11
Doesn't God's family include all God's children not just a select few following a specific holy book written by mankind?? You say finding contradictions in other religion's holy books make the entire book not true. Can you really find no contradictions in your holy book??? Does a person reach a point where accepting blinds them to the truth they would rather not see?? Don't you find it funny that religions always claim to be right without flaws and never correcting for errors??? Finally, do you really think God sees His children as sinners in need of His mercy???? Is that the way you see your children??
@earningmember (914)
• Canada
17 Jul 11
Going at church as believer changes everything!
I'm sure that believers will agree we're not saved works including:
- Good we do to each others, giving to poor or charity or even going at church!
Jesus Christ is the only way!
By consider what the Lord have done, changes everything!
Of course, going at church, we have to be sure that we are well fed (word of the Lord)
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
17 Jul 11
No one has to worry about being saved. God has fixed things ahead of time. We are all eternal. God will take care of His kiddies. Sure, there will always be a few wayward children, however if God can create universes, what are a few wayward children to deal with. It's a piece of cake! I do agree that people enthusiastic about their religion's teachings do enjoy the service much more than those who are just there out of duty. Our charity, love and kindness do matter. God is teaching us to love unconditionally. WE should never discount the very best in life.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
27 Aug 11
Since you haven't taken my journey, you assume I am speaking from beliefs instead of facts. Further, your religion has taught you that you must go through them to discover God. How can you ever discover the real truth without going directly to the source? Do you really need a middleman?? Lastly,I am not after followers or believers. I am doing like God does. I am placing truth out there for those who are ready might venture out to discover the truth for themselves. Doesn't burden of proof rest only on those who seek the knowledge??? I merely point. Besides there is so much said about God that simply isn't true. Does having the truth out there really hurt so badly???
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
27 Aug 11
It's interesting how you portray opinions or beliefs that cannot be proved as facts. I believe the Bible, but I'm not expecting anyone else to believe it just because I do. On what do you base your beliefs? What you have decided in your own mind? If you are happy with that, it's fine with me. But that doesn't make it factual and or mean that others should also believe it becauseyou think it. It may just be wistful thinking on your part.
Have you ever read The Silver Chair by C.S.Lewis? It's a great story of truth and deception. We chose what to believe, but it's also easy to be deceived. If you have not read this, it's a children's story that does not take long to read -- part of the Chronicles of Narnia. It's not a book about religion.
@tlcbran (3)
• United States
16 Jul 11
Many people have different reasons for going to church. I didn't grow up in a church but when I got older I felt the need to find depth within my life. I've had times when I have loved church and other times when I hated it! I believe it's all in the reasons a person is there. I enjoy church when I am really worshiping and needing to hear a good message. Fellowshipping with those who believe the same feels nice. I think everyone goes back and forth.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
16 Jul 11
I think you are right. Enjoying church depends on the reason you are there. Though fellowship with those who believe as you do, feels nice, remember, more will be learned from those who don't believe exactly like you. A different view shows that which you might never have considered. It's an opportunity to discover something new.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
27 Aug 11
Should one really be content to get all their information about God from a book written by mankind??? If content with the knowledge we have, we would no longer hunger for more. If we focus on people like ourselves, how much will be missing from the total picture??? God gave everyone a different view to guaranty mankind a larger view than any one person could have. Diversity of people along with diversity of experience allows us a clearer picture. I can not blindly follow holy books for there isn't enough God in them. Mankind has their hand deep into all of them. The stories in them might be entertainment but they do not understand God. All in all, I believe in people, the children of God. Interaction would be a good reason to mingle with people in churches. There is no reason for God. God is everywhere and is beyond the petty things of mankind such as the need to be worshiped. God shouldn't be about faith and believing. We should strive to discover truth instead. Why would one want to value beliefs when one can know?? As for spending an eternity with God and getting to know Him, we are already there. I find it funny that when people search for information on God they go to other people and other religions for their answers. Why are people unwilling to venture beyond their comfort zone into undiscovered country to discover the truth. Perhaps it's all a test of intelligence, who can make the journey?
@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
27 Aug 11
I'm a Protestant Christian in California. I was raised in a church, had some doubts about my faith when I was president of the youth group, and tried to resign, but they urged me to stay on (to keep me coming, I suppose.) I said if I stayed on we would be studying other religions, and the leader said it was OK, so I stayed. We studied some of what other religions believed. The next year I started college and visited a Unitarian church for a few Sundays, since I still believed in God, just was questioning some specifically Christian doctrines. I continued searching for another two years, but finally entered a church where God spoke to my heart and I decided to commit myself to Christ again and trust the Bible as the revelation of God. The next year I met some more mature Christians on campus, particpated in small dorm Bible discussion groups with people from many different denominations, and even many different countries. Some who were not believers also came to these small group meetings.
Since then I have visited and belonged to many different churches and denominations. I went to church because I wanted to. One of the best churches I belonged to had some of the worst sermons and was often without a pastor, but the fellowship of the people was strong and we are still in touch years later, even though the church itself is no longer there. I've never felt church should be judged as a form of entertainment. You see, in a church, the audience is God, not the people. The singing, the prayers, the worship, is for God, not the people. But as people worship from their hearts, God transforms them, little by little, to become more like him. When church seems dull, it's because a person does not have this perspective and thinks the music and prayers are for him or the other people. Instead, the people are like the actors in a play while God is watching the performance. I'm not meaning here that people are acting, but only that what goes on in the church is a response to what God has done for them and they are trying to give back to him with various kinds of worship.
If one has this perspective, church is a joy, like the family getting together, and God is their father. Even if the sermon is not so good, or if you are tired, you still are wanting God to speak to you and you want to be with him and the rest of his family.
Yes, I can pray, sing, and read the Bible at home. I often did that in my dorm room at UCLA when I did not have a church nearby yet. That's sort of like going to dinner alone. You can do it, and you can be nourished, but it means even more if you go with others in the family.
As to needing to go somewhere else to find people who don't believe exactly as you do, I find that often people in the same church don't hold the same views on every point. They are trying to learn together as they search the meaning of the Bible and how it applies to them. If you believe the Bible is true, you are content to study it and learn from it without feeling any need to go see what else is being presented as truth in some other book. You only do that when you aren't happy in your faith and are still searching for truth. You stop searching when you have found what you were searching for. As a convinced Christian, I am still growing as I discover new aspects of God's faithfulness and character day by day. God is so big, I will never completely know all there is to know about Him until I get to Heaven, where there is an eternity to get to know him.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
16 Jul 11
I think that a lot of people don't actually like it. I think you are right. I think that they do feel obligated and they probably fear being punished by God for not going. I do believe some actually do enjoy it, but I would be surprised if it was even half of the members. Though I bet that most do actually like being members because there are so many different activities and they can meet people with the same beliefs as them.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
16 Jul 11
So you think half are happy and half are not. I must agree for some churches there is a great social aspect. Having lots of activities and people to react with, are important to everyone. I have also seen some churches streamline their activities into doing great things for people and their communities. Anytime people act selflessly, good comes from it regardless of whether it is religious or not. Miracles can happen for we are all the miracle workers if we choose to be.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
17 Jul 11
Sadly I am bored to tears at church. Maybe it's the churches I've been to. Or maybe it's the fact that I guess if I had to label myself I am NOT a Christian - not really - nor do I belong to any organized religion. Nihilist I like to call myself. (Not to say I'm not spiritual..I know..A walking paradox). But anyway, my little (half) sister was singing after mass one Sunday so I had to go. Unfortunately we had to sit through the mass. I was literally going crazy. Maybe i have ADD (I was really fascinated with the palm leaf they gave us though, as it was Palm Sunday I guess) - but also maybe it's because it doesn't speak to me like it speaks to others. I feel like there are a lot of people who are really, intensely into church. Not me....
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
17 Jul 11
OK, since you are spiritual, you might one day discover you are closer to God than many who attend church. Who we are has always been much more important than rituals of any kind. I think it's wonderful that you went to church for your half sister. I do believe lots of people are bored to tears in church especially when it's the same old service. You are not alone.
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
21 Jul 11
There are many people that do love to go to church, and really want to hear what is taught.
Yet, you are correct that many many people, do not like church, have no interest in God, no interest in how to live a good life, or what their purpose is.
These people are typically not really happy to be there, and just go because of either habit, or social, or family reasons. I know a family of 4 generations that all went to the same church. By the 4th generation there were some that went simply because this is where my sister, my brother, my father, my mother, my grand father and so on have gone to church.
There is also a group of 'cultural christians'. These are people who go to church because they know people who go to church, or their boss goes to that church, or their friends go to that church, and thus, they just go to that church too.
Finally, there are a few habit christians. Its my habit. This is where I go. This is what I do. I sit here in this pew, and I've done my 'duty' or whatever.
So yes, there are too many fakers going to church. I go to church because I actually want to be there. I wish more people would stop going to church if they don't want to be there.
@starsailover (7829)
• Mexico
18 Jul 11
Hi bird:That's a really interesting question. Some people actually enjoy going to church and I feel proud for them. What I don't like is when people really don't like what they are doing so they go to church just because they feel it like an obligation. That's not having a good relationship with God. It's simple: if you don't want to go, as an individual you should not go until you really want to do it or, you are not doing anything, your mind is in another place and you won't find a spiritual relation on your church. A person like this should try to find why this is happening, find some answers and then come back if he/she feels inspired to do it. Otherwise don't do it.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
18 Jul 11
You are right. That would be ideal, however many are living under the threat of hell. They show up for that reason. I have a friend who is a christian but doesn't really believe much of what they preach. He goes because he doesn't want to take the chance they are right about hell. Yes, it is sad, however that is the reality for many.
@kharlav (1669)
• Philippines
18 Jul 11
Actually I do enjoy church. God's presence is just awesome and great. I think the people who are not really interested in church dont and haven't really experienced God in their hearts. Because a person who is so much inlove and have a real experience with God would be so interested in church because the reason we go to church is to meet with God, church is all about God. And if we just go to church without interest in God, for me, it is just being religious.
@AdalieM (1134)
• United States
10 Aug 11
I went to church when I was a kid because my mother is a very religious person. I was raised Catholic. Looking back, nothing made sense to me. If there is really a god and he watches everything you do, why on earth would you have to go to a building just to hear the word of god. I think many people go to church because they feel obligated, they think that the church will save them, etc. If I need to be close to god I just go to a mountain or a tree and thank the higher being for everything. I church to me is a building and nothing more.
@whatrow (792)
• United States
16 Jul 11
I wouldn't mind going to church if I didn't have to spend so much on a taxi to get there. But, when I do go, I don't enjoy it. The prayers are the same every single week, only the readings are different. And, of course, the sermon. I have heard it all so often I can't stand it. When I want to listen to a service, I can get the Mass online and also on television. I can participate almost as much or as little as if I werephysicaly present. So, why waste my money?
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
16 Jul 11
Yes, I do know an elderly catholic lady who goes the television route. If there is no social aspect at your church, like you said, what's the difference?? None. I say go one more step. Instead of watching on tv, take the money saved and use the time to create a good deed for someone else. Life and God are about living. What better way than to allow the world to experience your goodness? Watch God Smile.
@dsailor (44)
• United States
21 Jul 11
I believe a lot of people go for the social interaction and networking they get from going to church, and that only a few are actually there for God.
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
16 Jul 11
I never enjoyed it, but that's just me
a few people in my family do, at least they seem so
I went as a child and in my youth because that's where the whole family went every Sunday and I didn't understand that I have the rights to choose my own belief
I know I do now so I never go to church or read Bible anymore
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
16 Jul 11
Ah yes, the right to choose, it is a very important part of God's plan. Very little real learning could take place without it. Yes, children often think they should merely copy what was taught by their parents, however we are all meant to become more than the sum of our parent's teachings. Knowledge and wisdom must be Discovered by each of us. That's kind of hard to do for those who refuse to venture out on their own and stand on their own two feet. Can a person discover God without church or the bible?? Yes, and probably quicker.
@sid556 (30959)
• United States
16 Jul 11
I went as a kid and mainly because my parents made me go. I admit that I didn't like it at all. As an adult, the only times I've gone is with my girls when they were younger and then it wasn't regular but mainly to expose them to it. I actually think there are some people that really very much enjoy church.
@allknowing (138502)
• India
16 Jul 11
Religion is called opium of the masses and religion has instilled in people the fear of not fulfilling the obligations laid down and going to church on Sundays is one of them. They are told they will go to hell if they don't and that is the main reason why they go and not that they enjoy that experience. One needs a lot of effort and thinking to get liberated from this obligation.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
16 Jul 11
I think you sum it up pretty well. God is above the petty things of mankind. God doesn't need anyone's worship nor does God care whether anyone attends church or not. It's all about the learning, growing,and interaction of all His kiddies. The method we choose is ok with God.
@lindaharding627 (1442)
• United States
16 Jul 11
Many people have the belief that if they do not go to church, they go to Hell. I had tried several different churches and my beliefs did not mesh with theirs or they did not make me feel welcome there. I don't currently go to church on Sunday mornings and I do not feel bad about it because I read my Bible and worship God. These I can do at home. I have found some groups on the internet that encourage me. One passage in the Bible says that a church is defined as a community of believers who support each other. It is not the building that is a church. It is the people. One of the best churches I ever went to in college did not have a building. It met inside a school.
@bird123 (10644)
• United States
16 Jul 11
People are the most important thing. Interaction between people is important especially with those we can not agree with. That gives everyone a view they may not see. If we stay around people who carry the very same view as ourselves, what are the chances of discovering something new?? Not much. God is everywhere so any specific place one can find God.