I do but I don't

United States
July 16, 2011 12:41pm CST
Two days ago a friend of mine posted a youtube video on his FB that showed a man proposing to his girlfriend in a crowded club in front of friends and family. He went all out with his display. There was a hired singing telegram of a popular love song. Then he gave this eloquent speech to her of how he loved her and wanted no one else the rest of his life. He got down on one knee. Pulled out the ring. Put it before her and...she just stood there looking at him not really saying anything at all. She was somewhat shaking her head in a "No" fashion during the entire thing. Now I ask you, should she have said yes to keep him from being embarrassed in front of all the people?
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11 responses
16 Jul 11
No, she was honest. There's no point in saying yes if you're going to take it back later. That's why I proposed to my lady in a quiet place, without all the onlookers...!
18 Jul 11
I was as sure as possible that she'd say yes, but there's always doubt. She was totally taken by surprise, though: I almost let the cat out of the bag a couple of times but thankfully she just thought I was being a bit weird (which, as you can imagine, isn't unusual...!). Proposals are always romantic, even if they don't seem to be: there's usually something about them you can remember with a sigh.
• United States
20 Jul 11
I have yet to experience what you say. You just went "Greek" on me, lol. Let's hope one day I will get this "sigh catching" proposal. My fairytale I call it. My last two proposals were, "you wanna do it" and one was over the phone and in words I care not to repeat. :(
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• United States
18 Jul 11
Spike you are smart that way. Did you have an inkling though, that she would say yes? I mean a guy normally doesn't ask if he's not in some way thinking that she'll say yes. It's like you can usually tell can't you. I would hope he wasn't doing it to try and make something up to her cause then that would be another disaster. I totally want to be surprised when I am asked one day. I have never been proposed to romantically. In fact, I got my wedding ring a year later. So, I am still awaiting my silly romantic proposal :D, just not in a crowded with room with a gang of people watching...maybe a few friends or family.
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• United States
20 Jul 11
No! She is being honest. I think it id better to say no up front than have him think you are Really going to marry him. Have All the plans and then either nit show up or when the clergy asks you and you say no. I wonder if she is like me. I will never marry . And I tell any guy I date I will never marry and if they Need to marry , then let's stop this right now. I wonder if she said this and he didn't hear her or he thought he could change her mind! Well Now he knows the answer is no. And she Meant No. Not Maybe.
• United States
21 Jul 11
I would do it the way she did Because I would have told him that I will never marry . It isn't my fault he didn't either believe me or heard me. But I do feel for him. Especially if she wasn't up front with him in the first place!
• United States
20 Jul 11
I don't think she should marry him if she doesn't love him like this or can see a future with him. I also don't think she should have let him be embarrassed this way either. I think that he could have been let down a little easier than this. For him to have to suffer ridicule from now on for this is like torture. It would have been better for her to say yes, and then tell him before planning a ceremony. That's how I would have done it.
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• United States
21 Jul 11
I am now curious as to why you will never marry. I think that will help me to understand you better. I assume that you live in a country where marriages are arranged for the birth of an heir to a throne of some sort? I would just like to know if you care to share. I think it would help me not to formulate an opinion when reading your responses. I can understand a person "never marrying". I just don't think making a public spectacle out of the man was necessary. She could have pulled him aside in private or something. I don't like to publicly embarrass anyone. I have been through it and it hurts all involved.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Jul 11
That happened to me and I did not want to but he had gone to so much trouble and was so excited and nervous and I said "Yes". Worst mistake in my life because there was no way I could get out of it. If a couple want to marry at some stage they will talk about it and both will hopefully be on the same page so that when he surprises her with a proposal, she will be delighted. It's all in the planning.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Jul 11
I should have added, that my unwanted proposal was done in private...there was no audience.
@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
21 Jul 11
Not at all. If she truly didn't want to get married, she should say no. But she could have not shook her head no, it would of been better just not saying anything. After it was all done, she could have taken him outside and spoken to him in private and told him she did not want to get married. Remember, if she would have said yes, everyone involved would have been embarrassed.
• United States
21 Jul 11
Now that interesting that you would say. Explain to me how everyone involved would be embarrassed. When you say everyone, is this to include the onlookers as well? I am at a loss on that one. I still say to publicly humiliate him was not necessary. Now it's on You Tube. Too much in my book. I am the type that would have spared him the embarrassment in front of everyone and told him later on in private. To me, this is less humiliating. He may have been hurt by the "NO" later on, but he would still have his dignity and could tell people whatever he wanted.
@polaris77 (2039)
• Bacau, Romania
17 Jul 11
I guess the poor guy should have thought twice before deciding to ask her to be his wife in public,but I think he was too carried away by enthusiasm and he didn't imagine for a second that she might turn him down.Anyway,she did the right thing,I think;if she had said 'yes' just because she didn't want to embarrass him and then she had told him later the truth,it would have hurt him even more.
• United States
18 Jul 11
A few of you have said this, but don't you think it being on YouTube is just a bit much? I would have dealt with his hurt later on. At least he would still have some dignity left. This made him look like a sap. Kinda weak. That kind that says, "manlessness", lol...if that's a word. Better to have him keep his pride and have a broken heart in private I say. He has a broken heart and publicly humiliated all in one night. I would have drank myself into a cave, LOL!
@bouncybug (614)
• South Africa
16 Jul 11
Oh dear... Shame, this poor man! After all of that! And then to get embarrassed so publicly! And now its even on youtube so he's getting embarrassed all over again. I don't think that the girl should have said yes just because it was in front of all those people though - you can't say yes to a marriage proposal if thats not what you want! Then she would have had to pretend to be happy about it and put on a big act and then break the truth to her 'fiance' when they got home! I think the only way to avoid situations like this is to discuss the thought of marriage before hand with your partner so you are SURE they are ready for it! It might not be a romantic suprise then but at least this kind of thing won't happen!
• United States
18 Jul 11
I was thinking that as well, but then with me...I want the fairytale. Let's hope when the day comes me and the significant other have a love so strong that he'll just "KNOW" I won't turn him down. In this case though, can't you kind of tell if a woman is feeling you like this. This girl was like shaking her head the whole time life she couldn't even believe he had the nerve. I have to say he went all out and I was feeling bad for the fella, but I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't want to marry him. My friend thinks she should have said yes and then told him later that she didn't want to marry him. He said it would have been less embarrassing for the guy. I can understand why my friend feels this way. It is definitely case specific. Some will think she should have said yes; others will think she should did the right thing by saying no. I dunno. I'm just glad that wasn't me...whew!!
• Brazil
20 Jul 11
I think the same way as your friends. I mean if the guy were her boyfriend, she probably should like him a little bit. So, for consideration of him, she should have said yes in the front of the crowd and later she should explain to him that she is not ready to get married.
• United States
20 Jul 11
That is what I thought. I mean it would save him the embarrassment. Now the thing is on YouTube, which is not fair to him to have to endure the rest of his life. It's not right. She could have saved him that and told him "no" privately. What was the sense in making a mockery of him in front of everyone for them to keep bringing it up for years on end. It's all over the world now.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
17 Jul 11
I don't think she should have. I bet it would be even more embarrassing for the guy if she said yes and then told him no later. I would not want to propose to someone or have someone propose to me in front of a bunch of other people. I would want it to be romantic and special. NOT a spectacle.
• United States
18 Jul 11
For sure! No spectacles. Romance only allowed. I find it more embarrassing because it was then placed on YouTube for the world to see. Well, there were so many people there, that alone was enough to send the man into hiding for a few years. I would have said yes to him in the public place and told him the truth later on. I felt it would be better this way. She seemed rather cold to me. I just can't hurt a person publicly. When I was younger I could, but now, I simply cannot.
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
16 Jul 11
Saying "yes" just not to be embarress the guy would be crazy! She would of had to tell him sooner or later if she didn't want to marry him! So he gets hurt and emabarressed so be it! He is a grwon man,he'll get over it! You don't want to see someone get into a situation they don't like just to please others!
• United States
18 Jul 11
You are very right. But don't you think she could have let him down easy behind closed doors and just said, "look, I wanted to save you the embarrassment". It wasn't cute; and now it's on YouTube. This is like reliving it over and over forever. How can you live this down. He'll always be remembered as the guy who got turned down. When someone wants to tease him or get back at him, there's like footage of this. I don't know if I could have done him this way. If I didn't want to marry him, I would have just said yes then, and told him later on the truth. It was just too much in my opinion.
@QeeGood (1213)
• Sweden
16 Jul 11
I think the man should have done some investigation before he went through with his arrangement to do his proposal in front of family and friends. The girl did the right to speak her heart and mind.
• United States
18 Jul 11
I dunno, I felt bad for the guy. How do you investigate a surprise marriage proposal? I hope when I get proposed to the guy I'm with and I are so in love and are having such a good time being with each other that he just knows I'll say yes. It looked to me like the guy might have been doing it to make something up to her which is not good. That speaks of a bad situation to start with. I think you should only propose to a woman when you know that you that you know. Usually a guy knows when a woman is in it with him. It's just something you know in my opinion. It's a gut thing.
@stary1 (6611)
• United States
16 Jul 11
I think I would have said. ‘I'll have to think about it.’ I know that is a form of a cop out, and most would guess that meant 'no' but somehow I think it would soften the blow a little. At least there would be some question instead of a straight rejection.
• United States
18 Jul 11
Because of the type of person I am, I would have said yes to him in front of all those people. I would have just had to tell him the truth of why I did later on. I don't think I could stomach having him be embarrassed like that. It is just too much and he will not live it down for a long time because it's even recorded on YouTube. Can you imagine the ridicule, laughs, stares, and pointing. I'm just glad it's not me. I would not want to have to deal with this. I can just imagine that people are thinking she is cold and heartless also. I would have said yes simply for that alone. Shallow you say? Maybe, but it saves some egos, LOL especially mine!!
@drasnian (548)
16 Jul 11
I don't think she should have said yes just because he proposed in such a public way because then he'd have been more heartbroken to hear the truth later. On the other hand, at least that way his heartbreak wouldn't be on the internet. If I'm totally honest I guess i don't understand how they could have had such a miscommunication - how could he have gone to so much trouble without knowing she didn't want/wasn't ready to get married? I feel terribly sorry for him though.
• United States
18 Jul 11
That's the same thing I thought. Not only did it appear they weren't on the same page, it was like they were not in the same book. I don't think the proposal was to pledge his love. I think it was an apology, please don't break up with me proposal. Obviously, he must have thought she would say yes especially because it was in front of so many. A romantic gesture I will add, but certainly not to be done if one is not somewhat sure. I would like to think we a proposal is being given, there is a chemistry there that lends to the situation that would say, "she loves me". I know she will say yes. I hope anyway. I'm a hopeless romantic so I just want to believe this even if it's not true.