nothing but a number

United States
July 16, 2011 12:43pm CST
Is it true women don't like to tell their age? I think at times I have been like this, but now not so much. If a person really wants to know they could find out anyway right? Do you tell your age? Why? Why not?
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29 responses
• Indonesia
16 Jul 11
absolutely right because women afraid if they said honestly about their aged they become unattractive to men.that's true that person will find out something that bother him but that is not the point,the point is honest.if you can honest about yourself that's will be credit point to others
• United States
18 Jul 11
Yeah, I think some women are afraid to be honest about age, but this is if they are single maybe?
• United States
20 Jul 11
Yeah, that's all I was saying. I mean, to me that subject is on a "need to know" basis. Most times, yah simply don't need to know, LOL
• Indonesia
18 Jul 11
mostly but it is possible people who are married do it too because i think age topic is sensitive to some people but i agree with you i wouldn't lie about my age but i wouldn't broadcast it
• United States
16 Jul 11
I love revealing my age to people. I've accomplished a ton of things in my life in a short amount of time, and I'm very proud of that, as different as that may sound. Everything I've ever dreamed of being or having as a child is done and had, and I'll just be turning twenty-three in a little over a week. I've never found revealing a person's age to be a personal thing. I don't quite get why so many people are against it--aging is a part of life, and different eras of a person's lifetime are beautiful for different reasons. Aging is something that should either be celebrated or a reason to change, depending on how a person has treated his or herself for life thus far. I think another reason I love revealing my age is because I'm what I call a "chameleon"...I look different on a day to day basis. No two photographs look the same of me, and depending on the day, I can look older or younger than I really am. I used a modeling photo that I had taken when I was thirteen for my high school graduation picture, for example; I also had a carpet cleaner inquire about dating me to my mother in regards to another modeling photo taken when I was 14, because he believed I was of college age based on the picture (in reality, I was in junior year of high school at the time). Revealing just how old I really am after people see and talk to me is almost like a game, because I haven't yet met a person who has pinpointed my age correctly.
• United States
18 Jul 11
It's a lot of fun! I remember once I went to a festival and they had one of those booths where there's a person and they have to guess either your age or birth date, give or take some time for estimates. If they don't get it right, you get a prize. I went when I was thirteen and told the guy to guess my age. He guessed me to be seventeen, and since it wasn't within two years, I got the prize. Of course, I also met my husband when I was 16 and he was 21...his entire family was wondering what the heck he was doing with a teenager, but then they met me. By that point I was already working and running a business, so they all figured me to be a lot older than I was. He got a lot of questions of, "Are you sure she's sixteen?"
• United States
20 Jul 11
Wow!! That is awesome. Lots of times we are graced with those who have "lived before" I call it. Well beyond your years and very intelligent with it. I like those kind. Is that you in the picture with the cat? If so, from the portion of your face that I can see, you do look young. Nice. I'm glad I age slowly so telling my age makes no difference. Let's just hope the aging process keeps up the good work it's doing for me now, LOL
• United States
18 Jul 11
I loved this response. For me, it's to do with the hair. It matter how I wear my hair that will add or take away age on my face. I can see how it could fun with you. Especially with the different variations you speak of. I think this would have been fun for me as well.
16 Jul 11
I always tell people I'm "Old enough to know better and young enough not to care". My lady doesn't have a problem telling people her age, though she doesn't like being as old and wrinkly as she is. I'm going to run away and hide now, before she sees that.
18 Jul 11
I think she will. She's French and has inherited the cultural need to maintain superficial appearances, whereas I'm a Brit and don't give a poop. She's not as bad as a lot of women are about it, but I expect the monthly cream bill to rise steadily as time goes on, eventually reaching the size of a small country's GDP when she's really ancient. Joking aside, we both look younger than we are because we have regular doses of the best treatment for the effects of age: laughter.
• United States
20 Jul 11
You are just too much for words. I am so glad you respond to my discussions. You keep me laughing. As for me and creams, well let's hope it's a while before I need any. But under the slight chance I may need them, I will be starting a discussion about the best creams and I expect you to duly post them all, LOL...
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• United States
18 Jul 11
Ooooooo, I'm tell' I hope she gets you for that. I know I would. Just joking wit'cha! Has she always been open about it or do you know? I wonder will she ever get to where she won't tell it. I presume it won't matter though. If she's telling it now she most likely tell it from now on.
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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
16 Jul 11
Hi writergirl, In some culture asking the age of women is insulting them. And when we spaelk world wise yeas women do try to hide their actual age and this is also true that even men do. But when a man crosses 5o he would not hide the actual figure. He would rather add a few more years. Even women do not mind after they are 55 +. They feel proud rather that age has made them wiser than others. My question - who would love to say bye bye to our youthful days?
@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
18 Jul 11
Yes. I do think too.
• United States
18 Jul 11
LOL...I suppose no one when you put it that way. You know, now that you mention it, I do notice older women become more proud of their age after they reach a certain. I never looked at this way before. I don't know that we try and hide so much though. Maybe not as forth coming at times, but I would assume if asked in the right situation she would tell it. Don't you think?
• United States
20 Jul 11
I thought you might agree. Besides, beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone, lol. An old saying we like to use when a person is being mean...LOL
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
20 Jul 11
Many people hide their age and this is not right. But I think a woman is not asking how old f. I think a woman is so years as it looks. Should not be curious. But to say his age. Have a nice day!
• United States
21 Jul 11
I think I know what you are trying to say, lol. They don't hide. I think they simply to put it out there right away. I mean it is truly hard to hide the age to begin with. I agree. Why would anyone be curious to start with about a person's age. This is one of the reasons I don't disclose unless asked. What is the reason for the intrusion? You have to have a good reason to want to know my age before I tell it. I simply won't lie about it, lol
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• Bulgaria
21 Jul 11
can not be lying. Because when we lie the truth always comes to light sooner or later. I understand you. I do not want to lie hahahaha!
@SynDash (133)
• Lithuania
16 Jul 11
I find very juvenile. We want to know you, women, but you don't let us! Anyways, I never met a girl who wouldn't tell her age :D
• United States
16 Jul 11
LOL! Girls don't mind more than older ladies and women do I think. I don't know really. I think I'll remember this comment for future reference. I found it rather informational. Thanks!
@SynDash (133)
• Lithuania
16 Jul 11
Dang it, typo up there. It's 'I find *it* very juvenile'. What was I thinking... :D Oh and thanks! Thanks for letting me help you!
• United States
18 Jul 11
No problem, lol. I knew what you meant anyway. Typo's get on my nerves also. I think it does all true writers :D Help is good. There are lots of view points on things. I like knowing what others consider on different issues. You totally helped me. I am going to open up more to my guy now.
• United States
20 Jul 11
I don't keep track of my age. I have to sit down and figure it out and then I can tell it. No one ever asks my age. I think of myself By this number. Growing up I was always Just Too young for this or that. So I resigned to the fact I will Never be old enough to do anything . So by the time I Was old enough , I didn't have the desire to do whatever. The last time I remember being aware of my age is when I was 13 and then 18 , 21 and the 30. the year I turned 30, I went of a trip to New Orleans to celebrate. Without the trip , I wouldn't have been awar of my age.
• United States
21 Jul 11
I used to say I was born in 1685, the year Bach was born. It is just a number!
• United States
20 Jul 11
Well now here's a concept I hadn't considered. I use to work for a guy that always told me he was 19. He wasn't really, but I could never figure out his age and he would never tell me. He took good care of himself. Worked out, went to the gym and never ate meat. Ever. His age was always aloof to me. But he always said he was 19 and left it that. He meant it to. I guess you are truly as young as you feel or remember, LOL...
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
20 Jul 11
All of us are growing older every single day. It is not a shame to tell someone our age. Some of us look and act like it and some don't.
• United States
20 Jul 11
Simple yet profound. And you are right, it's not something to be shameful for. Like I have said, it's a matter of preference to me. If you want to share that's fine. If you don't then that is also fine. Or at least it should be.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
17 Jul 11
I am 33 years old. I don't have a problem telling people how old I am. No one believes me when I tell them though. I guess I don't look my age and I have been told that I sure don't act my age. I don't understand being embarrassed about age.
• United States
18 Jul 11
LOL...what age do you act? Is it good though that you don't mind telling it. From what I have seen here, most of the women responses don't mind sharing. I will tell if someone asks me, but I don't broadcast it.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
18 Jul 11
Once I was past my teens I have never felt bad about telling my age. I earned every year of the 70 I have been alive.
• United States
20 Jul 11
Now there's a winning attitude!! See I told some of the guys in an earlier post that women tend to be proud to have made it long years and celebrate living after a certain age. Even if they once were not as apt to share. My grandmother is 74 years now and she is very proud of it. She does this little grin when asked. She counts it a blessing to still be around ;)
@samafayla33 (1856)
• United States
18 Jul 11
I am 35 I am only a few months away from you possibly or a year.
• United States
18 Jul 11
Hey wait a second...I said tell your own age, lol...not mine. Good thing I don't care about anyone knowing my age anymore or I would have been pissed, LOL...just kidding with ya. Point taken. You don't care about anyone knowing your age, WOW!!! Too cute...
@ddaguno (3107)
• Philippines
17 Jul 11
well, some women feel kind of shy about sharing to the whole world their age when they are still single. society expects women to be married by the age of 25, so single women aged 27 above feel like there is something wrong with them
• United States
18 Jul 11
They do? I never knew this. I was married at 18 which I feel is to young, so I wouldn't know about what society thinks on that subject. I think 25 is too young. To me 27 is just about the age one should start thinking of marriage. It allows the person time to finish college, get settled in a career and get to know themselves as an adult. I wish I had waited at least.
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
18 Jul 11
I do tell my age and i'm proud to say i'm 33. I'm a woman that is never scared to tell about my age. I'm proud of what i have achieved and proud of getting older as the years go by. Age is indeed just a number. It doesn't make us old at all. It's our thinking of being weak that makes us old. I am proud to say that i'm old because with this comes the wisdom i have gained through many years of life experience.
• United States
18 Jul 11
This is a great attitude to have. I presume that when one has accomplished much at a young age it is something to be proud of. Especially since some things take a while to do, having done them in record time is something to shout about. Keep up the good work!
@bretay61 (722)
• United States
18 Jul 11
Yes I tell my age.I have never had any problems with telling it.It's just a number and I don't think the number really tells anything about the person.We all act different ages sometime.I am 49 and feel every bit of it at times.Then when I am playing with my 2 granddaughters ages 6 and 9,I feel younger.I got married at 15 and had all 3 of my girls by the time I was 21.I enjoy my age and all the things I have learned in life.I say enjoy life and don't worry about the number.
• United States
18 Jul 11
Sounds good to me. Married at 15 huh? How'd that work out; so young getting started? I was just having my first baby when I was 20. I have to say there are times when I feel older than I am. That is cause of the way my life has been in the past. I am proud to say I am changing things now so it's not as bad as it use to be. I got a young stallion I'm interested in too, so maybe that'll help with the feeling older thing. My four year old keeps me feeling young as well, having to run for her all the time, LOL. I love it though and wouldn't change a thing.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
16 Jul 11
That doesn't really bother me....I don't look my age and I love it when someone asks and they are taken back about how old I actually am! it doesn't bother me at all to let someone know!
• United States
18 Jul 11
I guess it would not with this being the case. Same for me though. I don't have a problem saying so cause most people are astounded at my answer. I love that. I even like to be carded still when I go to the store. I will ask if I don't get carded why they didn't. When they say you look old enough, then I want to know how old they think I am. Backward, I know, but it's how I do it, LOL...
• Southend-On-Sea, England
16 Jul 11
I'm always honest about my age, as I don't see any point in lying about it. I can't understand why some women are embarrassed about their age, whatever it might be. I suppose I see it as a sort of veiled prejudice against old people in that some people, usually women, seem to think that it will somehow degrade them in the eyes of others if they admit to being over a certain age.
• United States
18 Jul 11
I'll admit, when dating a younger guy I had this persona. But now, its just a thing really. Since I don't look my age, that makes it better for me. I don't know that people will lie about their age. I thought maybe just declining to say so. If I gain wait I look older. But I think that's with most anyone. Weight adds years and pounds, LOL...
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
16 Jul 11
I always say my age when people ask! I know it is a big taboo for some woman because they hate getting older. I don't see the big deal with it and it helps I do look younger then I am! That deos surprise alot of people! LOL!
• United States
18 Jul 11
Same with me. I love it to. I like telling my real age especially to someone who thinks I'm younger. The look on their face is like a trophy to me for having taken such good care of myself. A badge of honor if you will, lol.
• Indonesia
17 Jul 11
Perhaps many people, not a woman only, do not want to say that actual age, for various reason. But for what ever reason, i can not understand such an attitude. After all, honestly declare actual age, it's will be prove what kind of person you are...
• United States
18 Jul 11
You mean whether they are truthful or not? I don't know that not disclosing ones age can determine character. I guess it's what kind of person you are and what you are looking for in that respect. That one is a new one for me. I'll have to think about that a little more. I had a guy once tell me he was older. That was because he wanted to date me and didn't want me to think he was too young for me. He was of legal age, but he said he was a little older so that I would give in, LOL...
• India
16 Jul 11
Indeed it is just a number and even I dont understand as to why women feel shy when it comes to them telling their age. It has been something like a tradition or a following since years ago but many people dont care too much about it and tell their age without much of a fuss. A friend of mine at work put this question across to people in a very nice way. Instead of asking how old you are, she asks how young you are and the person on the other side with a smile on his/her face answers to the question. So rather than being shy or offened we must be more open and feel free..
• United States
18 Jul 11
That's certainly a nice way to ask. I will have to adopt this way as my own. Although, I don't go around just asking women how "young" they are...LOL...see, I'm already using it, hahahahaha
• Philippines
17 Jul 11
I think so. But I for one does not tell my age because I look young for my age. People always commit mistakes when they guess my age. Well it feels great that they think I look 5 years younger than my age though.
• United States
18 Jul 11
SO, when you are asked you don't tell? It is great to look younger than you are. With that being said, you should not have a problem sharing it. That's just my opinion though. To each her own, :)