Necessity is the Mother of all Interactions

July 16, 2011 5:01pm CST
As a student of High School standards, about half century ago, I was asked to write an essay on 'Necessity is the mother of all Inventions'. Today, the same is being replayed in a new incarnation. All interactions result in to inter-relationships - feeble or strong, remote or local, transient or permanent, good or bad, etc. A friend just now told me that she is not shy of interacting with new persons, while another asked me about idea of a romantic proposal. These two mutually contradictory situations made me to initiate this discussion. In both of the above interactions, I see the necessity in one case and absence of it in the other. There are no interactions without a reason behind, and this reason is always a necessity of one or the other, small or large, immediate or at a long distance of time, material or emotional, etc. But surely, there is a necessity. We all have necessities of varied kinds, and these are the reasons of our continuing our journeys of active life. Yes, there are some who are dormant on their necessities but these are exceptions. They depend on things to happen by themselves.
2 responses
• India
17 Jul 11
It is very true that necessity is mother of all interactions and necessity is mother of all inventions too as we can easily see that we invent various innovative ideas and methods to interact with different types of people in different situation .So in one sense necessity is mother of both invention and interaction . Necessity is an urge to fill something lacking in us and that lacking can be in form of ideas , person ,desires etc . We all know only one form of action or "karma" and that is action having a cause or purpose behind it but actions without purpose are also possible and in that case interactions will take place but without any necessity
• India
17 Jul 11
Well, I am sorry to differ on this with you, my dear Satyaa, there is no action without a purpose, and hence no interaction without purpose of necessity. We all are here for a certain purpose and that becomes our necessity, individual discussions and responses are part of us being here. What is usually referred to as a preaching of Gita - 'Nishkaam karma' is a foolish proposition and even its so-called preacher - Krishna himself never did anything without a vested interest. Nobody ever did, or will ever do a deed without a motive or purpose behind. Please don't go by emotions or your faith in Krishna, but go by a cool logical mind, while thinking on this.
• India
17 Jul 11
My dear friend how can you say that -"Nishkaam karma " is a foolish proposition and are you intelligent enough to decide the foolishness of this proposition and if you are , please try to explain and convince me . Secondly we should not just start commenting or criticising on any historical or religious figure on the basis of accumulated information from varied and unreliable sources .Well I have not mentioned about Krishna in my reply to the discussion because it does not matter who is proposing or who is not , what matters the most is validity of the content being proposed .'Sun rises in east' is a fact which remains true no matter who is proposing it a liar or a truthful person .It is very narrow minded perspective to judge validity of facts and statements on account of character of the speaker or proposer. Truth cannot be grasped or understood by logical thinking .You have to take a leap beyond every logic and reason to really acquire the true knowledge .How can you logically proove the creation or origin of universe ?The beginning of time and space ? and various other questions . Remember my friend logic is a tool of language which is used for reasoning by civilised society of human race .But all life forms on earth live and prosper without knowing any logic or reasoning ,which shows that logic is not necessary for life or creation . Nature or creation functions and will always function without any logic or reasoning .There are things beyond logic and reasoning and to comprehend them we have to widen our perspective and penetrate into deeper levels of consciousness .
@umabharti (3972)
• India
17 Jul 11
So now Neccesity has two things with it, one is Inventions and the other is Interactions.Good point.Yes there should be a purpose behind eveyrthing a person does.It can be shown in the work they do.