How do you "Brand" yourself? ;)

July 18, 2011 4:36am CST
Hi everyone. Today is my OFF day and I'm feeling much better compared to before. Yesterday, I have someone prominent ADDED me at my FB and I was really surprised that he is someone famous! :O He brand people, brand products, brand a company and what's more he brand you! :O Branding is about being noted, being understood that you're the solution provider and whatever it takes, people will think of you when they need you. Do you brand yourself that way? All replies welcome! Cheers
6 responses
• Philippines
18 Jul 11
I think it is not up to us to brand our self. A brand is generally given by the public. A brand is fixed upon an object or person depending on how the public sees him or her. Just like if the president were to become a dictator, if the majority sees this as bad he/she will be branded as someone who is bad. Another good example would be Michael Jackson, he was "branded" as talented by the whole world so he is accepted as someone who is really talented. What I am saying is that the truth in oneself is determined on how others accept you. I could say that I'm kind but if others were not able to see this, even if I preach that I'm kind no one would believe me. Of course we would like to be branded positively. Just like I want to be branded as someone who is hardworking and diligent. But of course to be branded as such we should be able to back it up with actions rather than just wishful thought. I just hope my actions would be communicated to other people just as I want them to see me. rather than the opposite.
• Malaysia
18 Jul 11
So, what action do you take to "brand" yourself?
• Philippines
19 Jul 11
Hi! Well nowadays, it's not just things that gets branded also people. I hope my friends will brand me as a good and trusting friend. I don't want to be branded badly, lol.
@tiffnkeat (1673)
• Singapore
18 Jul 11
Like my account in Facebook, so is my branding, Jacklyn. Yes, branding is so important these days, but only people who think they need to be noticed to feel important. Oh by the way, I do not have an account in face book. I am faceless, so I am also brandless. Hee hee.
@sswallace21 (1824)
• United States
18 Jul 11
I don't believe I brand myself at all. I will come up with solutions and suggest ideas. I have been in positions where I've solved multiple issue by just doing it myself to get the project done. However, all that does is put more pressure on me. I've discovered that's too stressful. I've learned to do what I can and let the other implement my ideas and pick up the slack. I can't do it all. Of course, it took 30-year to realize that. Best Wishes!
@miessy24 (235)
• Philippines
19 Jul 11
wow..he is really something huh for doing stuff like that. I don't know how you define the "branding" you meant. It implies to me that his branding is like a metaphor for these people. that's creative of him! I cannot think of branding myself of or is there anything that I can brand myself with. i'm not really acquainted with brands really.
@vivamir (671)
18 Jul 11
Hi jacklintan..I dont like to think I 'brand' myself, as I like to think of myself as being completely unique LoL..but I know others 'brand' me.. I am the agony aunt, peacemaker, personal bank, 'your all round Florence Nightingale' LoL.. I have my 'brands' for others too..especially those who know me extremely well.. (",)