
@gjax57 (897)
United States
July 18, 2011 6:56am CST
I am going in to have one on the 27th. Has any other women have one and can you please share your story?..i'm 54 with 2 grown children and I have already gone through menopause...thanks
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1 response
• United States
18 Jul 11
I wish u the very best on the 27th. Know u will feel better once it is over with & u are on the mend. Take care of yourself.
@gjax57 (897)
• United States
18 Jul 11
Hi Antiquelady, thank you so much hun. they found 3 fibroid tumors I look like i'm 6 months pregnant :( I so hope I feel better afterwars but i'm so nervous.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Jul 11
I know u are nervous & will be glad when it's done. I hate waiting for such as that.
@gjax57 (897)
• United States
18 Jul 11
Thank you hun, i'm sorry I didnt get an email saying someone posted :(..I would have gotten back to this much earlier if I did..i'm sorry!!
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