Where do you go when you're lonely?

@pr2012 (16)
July 18, 2011 7:42am CST
Mine, I just go to my room and play the guitar and sing...
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14 responses
@RedSunny (43)
• Poland
18 Jul 11
When i feel lonely i try talk with my bf... but when it doesnt work i go to my room and listen sad songs....or chat with somebody...
@pr2012 (16)
• Philippines
19 Jul 11
listening to sad songs is the best. it makes you cry and crying helps you to release bad energies within you. it cleanses you. and then after that you start feeling good. :)
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 11
i think i want to write anything and erase all my loneliness.. Sometimes i think i want to sit down alone...Think whats happen with me... Sometimes i think i try to make some activity which can forget about loneliness.. And mylot is one of the answer for me when iam alone
• Philippines
8 Aug 11
When I', lonely, I will contact all the people who will make me laugh. I have some good friends who are fun to be with and I will go their place to somehow cheer me up. I think our loyal friends are our best possessions.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
6 Aug 11
I would sit down in front of the TV and watch some of my favorite shows. If the weather is fine, I often go to the Public Library in the community I am living in, and read books. That's a good way of relaxation and getting rid of the loneliness. There are always people around to keep company !
@samafayla33 (1856)
• United States
26 Jul 11
This might b a shocker, but that's one of the phrases in one of my favorite songs (title of discussion) when stars go blue from tim mccgraw... hunky guy, my favorite place is the room on the pc...:)
@sais06 (1284)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
I just usually stay inside my room. I play some pc games, listen to music, spend it here in myLot, or other activities that can lighten my mood. I also just go to sleep if I don't feel like doing anything. That feeling actually doesn't last long for me.
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
i get lonely all the time and i wish there was some magical place that i can just conveniently go to, or even just a person who can just be there for me but unfortunately there was none. so what i did, i tried to imagine a place, my room is just as constricting as ever, i just take it wherever my imaginations leads me.good for you, you found comfort in your own room.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
19 Jul 11
i think i had many alternative 1. i go to a beach and sit down alone untill iam thingking about my self, my problems. 2. i go to a internet and open many website and entertain me 3. i open my netbook and looking for some dollar... 4. i play futsal or football
@Fireheart (683)
• India
19 Jul 11
Loneliness the part of life that give us freedom to sit and think about something for peace of mind, my preferred loneliness place would be definitely a beach near my house and sit there listening to the waves piling up, sun setting,birds flying, not infact silence but kind of pleasure to feel the wind and watching the lighthouse all that things makes me thing beach is the best place i believe to be a nice place to take a rest from world.
• Philippines
19 Jul 11
I try to jog rather run and sweat it out. Sometimes I eat my comfort food, French fries and hot chocolate. I go out with friends to catch up on our lives. Nothing beats a good chat with your close friends.
@uzunova (75)
• Bulgaria
25 Jul 11
I used to go to the beach and just watch the sea,when I was lonely.Or writed some sad poems in my notebook.But these days with two young children I can`t get a chance to be lonely!Sometimes I need a little loneliness!
• Philippines
22 Jul 11
i read a book. a motivational book for that matter. something to keep my faith and hope up. or i talk to friends. share my problems and pain. i hope that helps. - kat
• India
22 Jul 11
well iam nt alone most of the time...because i like to be around people...and interact with people...but there are times when i am upset and sad ...and want to be left alone...though they are verry rare...at that point of time i just fells to get cut from the whole world...soo i usually go to my room ..lock my self up and just remain there ..untill i get back to myself...and yess even i like to play guitar when m alone..;)
@juie17 (2)
• Philippines
21 Jul 11
i think, nobody wants to be lonely. and being lonely is a part of our life's where we can learn how to cope up on it. and when i am lonely i go to the place where my loneliness are taken away from me.. to the place where my friends at and talk to them silly things, to place where there is somebody where i can put my head on their shoulders and cry, to place where i can talk to God and it makes it worthwhile because they take my loneliness away.