In life, choose your battles wisely.
By megamatt
@megamatt (14291)
United States
July 18, 2011 12:33pm CST
There are a lot of times where something is not going to go in a way that we feel comfortable with, but there comes a time where we must realize how important is it to fight for. Sometimes people who dig their heels into the ground too much end up getting buried in their own stubbornness. People who have to get their own way all of the time will eventually cease getting their own way ever. Then its a cold slap in the face of reality. There will come a time where you can fight for something that is really important, but wasting time on small things that really don't have any lasting impact, that could cause the more essential battles to be lost without question, as you've burned up any goodwill too soon.
5 responses
@Dymo75 (339)
• New Zealand
18 Jul 11
I have friend who's kind of like this. He gets upset about the smallest joke that people make about him.
I too find out stuff like that as well. I think my problem is that I don't stand up for myself enough. Whoops, I'm going to stop now because I'm talking about myself again.
Which side do you lean towards? Do you get stepped on, or do you step on others?
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
18 Jul 11
Both sides tend to not be the best side of the fence. Personally I tend to look at each situation the best I can. Is this really something that is going to bother me all that much if I cannot win? There are some situations where I feel like its needed that I step up. And then there are others that I can step to the side, in an attempt to really figure out the rather important battles. That is really all that there is to it in the end. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@Lord_Murdaw (12)
19 Jul 11
Sometimes, it can be hard not to make someone angry.
I tend to try and work things out with an argumentive type...Either that, or walk away.
It's been my expeience that a lot of people simply cannot think clearly once upset/angry.
We all have our own methods ;)
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
19 Jul 11
I do agree with the point that it is rather hard to deal with a situation when people are upset and angry. They tend not to think clearly. When people do not tend to think clearly, they tend to rather lead to some harsh things being said. They are not really meant, but that is just the way that things like this tend to sway. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@Awinds (2468)
• United States
18 Jul 11
"People who have to get their own way all of the time will eventually cease getting their own way ever." I disagree. If someone is obnoxious enough, eventually people will not want to deal with them and will just want to get contact with that person over with as soon as possible. That involves giving in and leaving. However an argumentative person will still get hit with reality when they realize no one wants to be around them. To be stubbornly selfish is to be people repellent.
Insisting on one's way all the time is also a big waste of time and energy. Arguing takes energy and the hot emotions that come with it only drains more energy. I know that anger and bitterness age one might fast - someone who argues and has their way all the time will not doubt experience a full dose of both emotions. Overall, it's a bad deal from every angle.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
18 Jul 11
I see your point. There are many different kinds of reality a person can really get slapped in the face from. Eventually even the most impatient people are going to be slightly agitated rather quickly. There are a lot of times where a lot of people who tend to fight, fight, and fight, and eventually you wonder if they think of anyone but themselves. Then they wonder why no one wants to associate with them. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
18 Jul 11
I do personally believe so. It might take a while to come around for some people but eventually it will happen. Some people are so transparent while others are a bit better. In general, however there are going to be a lot of people who tend to get burned by this behavior rather quickly. Then it comes back to them eventually. I don't think many of those people will rather like a taste of their own medicine. Funny enough how that works.

@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
19 Jul 11
For me yes because battles is for Satan attitude if you get wisely in this system then you are good but in the Armageddon you are bad you will find in your way out of life.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
19 Jul 11
Very intriguing. I do tend to see where you are coming from. A lot of people tend to really maneuver themselves into among one of the tightest corners in an attempt to get their way. Yet they would be in a far better position if they had just remained silence. Yet many people tend to not figure out that silence is in fact rather golden. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@RBBantiles (347)
• Philippines
19 Jul 11
What you are describing is the dilemma of negotiators, politicians, statesmen, and development workers. It is choosing when to dig your heels, for what, and when to adjust position (or to permanently anchor them with steel)? Is it better to settle down for half a loaf today, then fight for the next half loaf next day, or settle for nothing but the whole loaf in the future, certainty not assured? And how do you array your forces? And when you are victorious, will you show magnanimity in victory?
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
19 Jul 11
All very good questions to say the least. And there are many times where it is rather difficult to figure out the right answer. In fact people do have a knack of picking the exact wrong time to fight or not to fight. The benefit of hindsight is a rather interesting thing but we never really will know what is the best path until it actually happens. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.
@trryan161 (2)
18 Jul 11
In theory, you can go through life without even having an argument... Arguments only happen when the initial person gets a reaction out of the other person. If there is no reaction, then there is no 'battle'. Just think, if everyone was laid-bak about things and didn't care about insults, people cheating ( I know its bad but i've got a point ) and just accepted it as ' I can't do anything about it now so I think i'll carry on with my life' then life would be easier !
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
18 Jul 11
In theory that is something that is rather true. Of course often times not having an argument could really make other people think that they can roll over you and do whatever they want. That is really something that leads to an entirely different set of problems and issues. Still there are times where there is much to do about nothing so we need to just get on with our lives. Thanks for responding. Its appreciated. Have a nice day.