If you want to fix the deficit when raising the debt limit, you are a racist!
By Taskr36
@Taskr36 (13963)
United States
July 19, 2011 8:59pm CST
I guess it was only a matter of time before some moron on the let played the race card. Sheila Jackson Lee just couldn't help herself. She thinks people are only arguing over the debt ceiling because Obama is black. Well, I don't think she believes that, but she's saying it because the race card is just too good for her not to play.
So now we can add the debt ceiling to examples of racism, just like opposing the stimulus or Obamacare were also dubbed racist acts by the left.
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11 responses
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
20 Jul 11
How can I assume that a congress woman does not mean what she says. Not what she says in a private conversation with a friend, but in a public forum. How could such an idiot be elected to office? If I had voted for someone of her caliber, I would be too ashamed to show my face.
The fact that obama and his liberals are totally ignorant is not a function of skin color. I know there are plenty of white folks in his camp, as well.
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@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
20 Jul 11
I agree, the fact that the Right and Obama-haters are all evil (or ignorant, I'm sometimes not sure which) is not a function of skin color. I don't know what she was thinking giving the Right another sound-byte to distract from actually getting something done. Shame on her!
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@lindaharding627 (1442)
• United States
20 Jul 11
Obama isn't black. His mother was white. I get aggravated over that argument because it is like they are denying part of his ancestry by calling him black. He is biracial and the state of this country has nothing to do with his race anyway. By saying that he is black means that his mother didn't have anything to do with having him and there is only one scenario where there was a Virgin birth and it wasn't Obama.
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
20 Jul 11
The race card has been so over played that to be called a racist is almost a badge of honor. To use that card now sounds like they know they have lost and are desperate, which they are. The American people know that we have to cut spending or face financial ruin.
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@lampar (7584)
• United States
27 Jul 11
Jackson Lee probably is another race baiter like some of the black leaders in America, that love to rally on race card to promote themselves in U.S political and religion arena. Her statement on those who opposed president Obama on the issue of debt ceiling may well work out well in Africa continent, but not in USA. lol!!
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
23 Jul 11
I know that racism is a problem but I don't think the argument over the deficit should be referred to as such. If there was any other man in there doing the same things..it would more than likely have the same reactions. There are still going to be republicans and democrats that don't see eye to eye..lol.
@BalthasarTheRat (656)
• United States
20 Jul 11
It's the only weapon the Left has. The Right can always pull out the "Don't Care About America" card. All that flag waving in the 80's really paid off!
I don't understand her argument at all. It's too simplified. There are plenty of better reasons to oppose Obama's ideas on dealing with America's deficit spending. Intentionally crashing America's credit rating to improve the richest Americans' investments, for example.
Especially stupid to bring the race card in when the "Bush Did It" card is so much more relevant. Would the economy have "crashed" sooner if Bush hadn't thrown so many taxes back? Perhaps, of course then he would have had to deal with the slower economy instead of putting it off for the next President and future generations. Kinda sad.
And then there's the whole problem that EVERYONE in Washington wants to raise the debt limit (supposedly) but the details and add-ons are dividing Congress in not entirely party lines. Obama is not the only one proposing solutions that are being attacked, but Right-Wing talk shows DO seem to make this an Obama versus America fight without any logical connection.
But it has nothing do with race. It is solely an "Anti-Democrat President" problem. It's all about trying to win the White House next year. Forget about individual Congressman accountability.
Individuals like Sheila Jackson Lee are just falling back to the race card because they are so frustrated with the Right's domineering publicity attack machine. The Left has nothing like it.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
20 Jul 11
Will people please stop making everything about race! Seriously, it's getting annoying.
Anyway, this budget crisis is not about race. It's all about money! This is about coming up with a budget that will settle the debt that this country has. People need to learn to compromise, think about the people (instead of thinking about themselves) and come up with a budget that works for everyone, but it seems like everyone has their own agenda. Then again, that's the government for you. Everyone has their own agenda.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
20 Jul 11
AARRGGHH. I once heard that the wool of a black sheep is just as warm as the wool of a white sheep. Obama is what he is because he is what he is, just as any other politician is what s/he is because s/he is what s/he is. It's on the inside, not reflected by the colour of their skin.
@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
23 Jul 11
She stays in office for the same reason Obama got elected.She's black.She got her district expanded so more blacks could be in her district to vote for her.With all of the stupid things she says,if she was white she would have been voted out years ago.
@trruk1 (1028)
• United States
20 Jul 11
A lot of people do not like Obama because of their own racist bias. But that does not mean everything said about him is based on race. Glenn Beck is a racist. It appears Sheila Jackson Lee is also a racist. Those who believe race is the primary factor in every decision will see racism everywhere they look, even when it isn't there.
@omarfw (50)
• United States
20 Jul 11
It's easy to make everything about something simple like race when you're ignorant and stupid. The color of someone's skin is straightforward and easy to judge. The ethics and intellect of a person's leadership abilities are difficult to judge because of how complex that kind of thing is.
Anyone who judges based on skin or race is a retard. Just because someone is a politician doesn't mean they are not simple minded idiots.