feeling worthless

United States
July 20, 2011 12:52am CST
I have been out of work for some time now and I have been feeling very depressed lately. Sometimes I dont even know how I am able to get out of bed on mornings. But what I do know is that despite the fact that I have felt like giving up numerous amounts of time I cannot for my daughters sake She deserves more than a quitter for a mother. She is basically the reason why I am still in the game. And even though I feel as though I am fighting a loosing battle being jobless and all I think about her and I get extra courage and strength to go on. I dont plan on giving up anytime soon.
7 responses
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
26 Jul 11
http://www.samaritans.org/talk_to_someone.aspx My dear try the linnk above, sometimes just to talk might help. Try to not hold that inside but be mindful of to whom you are going to talk, seek for someone that you trust and that cares for you. In depression cases there's this substance called serotonin that when it's not properly being produced might lead one to not be able to get up, to feel pleasure... If it last more than 2 weeks or months, seek medical help too. Try to hold on to positive thoughts, taking your attention from those things that makes you feel sad to something light, something good and in the present. If it is too hard, seek help.
• Philippines
21 Jul 11
Don't pressure yourself too much. People who get caught in pressure always end up not getting what they need to get. Just relax and continue on looking for a job. Always put in to mind your goals and inspiration, which is for your daughter's sake. Your attitude is okay, don't give up and always persevere. Also, don't let the depression emotion get you. Prolonging depression is already self inflicted so you better stop it as soon as possible. I'm sure you'll get by with what you are experiencing right now and everything will be okay.
@ravend (658)
• Malta
20 Jul 11
Your post inspired me. I am in a similar situation. Out of work; my parents both too sick to work. I feel the same; as if I am fighting a hopelessly lost battle. Don't give up. We're all in the same cranky ugly boat.
@adnileb (5276)
• Philippines
20 Jul 11
I've given up many times already. When in college, I almost quit studying because of failing grades but I'm thinking of being worthless that's why I didn't give up. When I succeeded college, I find it hard to look for a job but I thought it would be shameful to just stay at home so I didn't give up. There are lots of positive things to look for like you daughter. So, it's right for you not to give up. Have faith. Goodluck!
• United States
20 Jul 11
Good for you. I am happy to hear this. I know it is hard. There are no jobs now and nobody is hiring. I see fast food jobs but do not know if you want to take one of them. It is hard to find anything now. I think you are right to never give up hope for your daugther. She needs you to be strong and keep looking. I know you will find a job soon
@mande143 (20)
• United States
20 Jul 11
Reading your post... I thought I had written it and forgot that I did. Yes.. I feel the same. It's been 2.5 years I've been out of work.. and crying myself to sleep is the norm. I think of my daughter and granddaughters and know that I need to go on for them. I know that I am here for a reason and I WILL find that reason again. I took care of an ailing parent and brought up my daughter alone. I also helped raise my granddaughters. But now it's just me and I'm trying to find my place too. You WILL find your reason. Keep the faith and keep talking to the Man upstairs.. He DOES hear all! :) Gentle hugs my new friend!
@gidz0518 (194)
• Philippines
20 Jul 11
Hi there! Don't ever give up my friend. Specially you have a reason to move on--your daughter. If you feel that you are losing your hope, just think of her and pray to God. God wouldn't give you a problem that you can't surpass. Your daughter deserves to have a happy and normal life. Just stay strong, you can survive! fight!