Do you all believe?

United States
July 20, 2011 3:43pm CST
Ok well let the story be told from scientists we all came from monkey's and then we started to look like cave men and then we developed into our own people, and branched off into other parts of the world and then we learn to make and create different things, ok so what do you all think how where we really created, I would rather go to the bible version of how we where created and go from there I mean scientist always have their own version of everything it don't make no sense just look at the facts of everything. And let the bible tell the story, but pretty soon they will see the truth and the light of what really is real.
6 responses
@gluckes (22)
• Belgium
22 Jul 11
i hate it when atheists start wrecking peoples beliefs... I do believe that we all evolved from something, most likely from a single celled organism. but that doesn't mean the bible can't be interpreted in a way that everything is correct. in this way, we shouldn't see god as a mystical man of some sort, but as an allmighty 'being'. like the planet and nature, this is also an allmighty being. or indeed some alien race, that instead of creating mankind, set the trigger for evolution that created every race in a certain order. starting with those one celled organisms. we couldn't have existed without the air and water on our planet, so in a way, the planet created us.
• Belgium
22 Jul 11
well, one thing is sure, not ALL people "need" religion.. like you but science is your religion. one of the few things that religion has done that science failed to do is bring people together. to follow your perspective, a group of people that believes in god maybe dumb, but at least they form a group. at least they have smth to truly believe in. i don't believe in god myself but i do know, that if anyone could ever prove that god doesn't exist, a few billion people will probably kill themselves, for they have nothing left to believe in btw, your "multiverse" is just a word, like god... this bible ( that was indeed written when people still thought the earth was flat ) talks about an allmighty being. it doesn't say what to call it...
• Belgium
23 Jul 11
a theory is also just a theory, no science is an exact science... the one thing i'm trying to point out here is that if you give billions of people the belief that they will go to heaven, you would just be a bad person to wreck that by proving there is no god. the belief in god is just as important as life itself. it's a pure psychology that every person seeks something bigger than himself, some reason to live.. you can't just take that away. but it is also true that everything is evanescent, therefor it is unnecessary. just like science is. but belief is the one thing that offers a way out, even if it's not really there. but then again, science can't prove religion wrong, for the simple reason that anything that is to be discovered can prove science wrong. btw, we're not talking about just christianity here... there's more than one religion in the world.
• Belgium
24 Jul 11
i agree on most arguments, but i don't think you can waste your life believing in smth. if you are really that much into science, you'd know that everything will pass someday, so keeping that in mind, everything you do is a waste of your precious life. therefor, religion is as bad as anything else. depending on the value you give to the word bad. the value of good and bad are still based mostly upon those dictated by a 2000 year old book :D
@naija4real (1291)
21 Jul 11
Tell the story of the history of human existence on earth is extremely very difficult. Archiologist,forenstic scientist have excavated almost all particle on earth in order to unravel the truth about our human existence on earth especially how it all began, how we came into this planet earth. They have not been able to get at the bottom of the truth. I heard stories about space scientist going to space to dig up fact but all this information when into the trash can just like cabbage. Without wasting your time and the time of all other reader, I will like to direct your attention to the holy bible. I believe in the bible point of view that we traced our root from adam and eve who were made to administer the garden of Eden but they ate the forbidden fruit and they were driven by the angel of God.
• Thailand
21 Jul 11
Why are the creation myths in the Bible any more true than the hundreds if not thousands other creation myths in this world. Since there are two creation myths in the Bible how can we select which to accept? Every culture on this planet has asked the question as to where we came from and who or what made us. Because they lacked the knowledge they all made up stories to justify their view that they were all important and central to the cosmos. There is nothing in any of these myths that supports that one is any more correct than any of the other ones or in fact that any of them are true.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
20 Jul 11
No I would not rather go with the version that a magical man in the sky created this galaxy just for us humans because we are so special. Scientists don't always "have their own version of everything". I find it ironic to say that "it don't make no sense just look at the facts of everything." That's what science is. Besides the Bible, what makes you think that the creation theory is correct? "Science adjusts its views bases on what's observed. Faith is the denial of observation so that believe can be preserved." -Tim Minchin Yes, I am pretty confident that you are correct that people will see the truth pretty soon. I just wonder what makes you so confident that that is in favor of your views?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
21 Jul 11
We are all spiritual beings in our true natures. I have no knowledge of how we were created. I suspect we are made of the same stuff God is. We are eternal. Always was and always will be. For our physical bodies, lots of evidence has been discovered but it only touches on the reality. God is very very smart. With a bang God created the universe to unfold into what we have today then beyond. Evolution is a small part of that unfolding. It's like how a seed can grow into a giant tree. The beauty of it all is that God created it in such a way that mankind will be able to figure it all out in time. There is lots left to learn. Simple answers as in holy books leave out the real details. Discovering all the truth will take some time.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
21 Jul 11
Omg, you really gave me a good laugh. So we just popped out like that, created by some kind of mystical "man" with a beard a few thousand years ago (when the Earth already existed and there were already humans inhabitating it, but hey, someone re-created them again!). When you say "look at the facts", what facts can you show to support your theory about the bible's crazy story being true? There is not a single fact to support it, but if you have found some magically I'm really eager to hear about it