Was It Wrong For Me To Pray For Material Gain?

@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
July 20, 2011 4:53pm CST
I feel really bad about this as I know there are many people on here who pray for help in more meaningful ways...like reduced pain in wounds or a change of luck in their situation, but not necessarily the finances. Because I'm not THAT religious (but totally respect those who are..hence my guilt) I decided to go upstairs, take out my samples of wallpaper and carpet, then kneel on the floor by the bed, plonk my hands on all the samples..and pray. What did I pray for? Well, to be blunt..money. But I went about it in a subtle way. I didn't pray for a lottery win..certainly not huge amounts of cash..but just enough to pay for the items I had my hands on at the time. I felt a bit selfish doing this (but not altogether sad..quite uplifted actually) so I made a point of mentioning my Mum's situation and the fact that I want her to be helped regarding losing her job on Friday. Not necessarily financially..more emotionally as I worry what will happen when she leaves. What do you think about someone like me praying when I don't even go to Church or anything? Are you OK with it? I do hope so because I did feel better both before and after I prayed. I just feel everything will be alright now and I can't explain WHY I feel this way. Perhaps it's my never-ending optimism kicking in..not for the first time.
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23 responses
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
20 Jul 11
Hi Janey, In my study I came across this: James 4:2-3 Ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss. What does it mean to pray wrong? In many cases it simply means to pray without expecting results. Many believers do that, you know. They use prayers as a kind of spiritual wishbone. They just play around with it. "This probably won't do much good," they think" but who knows? It won't hurt to give it a try. You Prayed so expect the results, who knows.
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• United States
20 Jul 11
I'm going to start praying daily for money! That would be awesome. ; )
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
Well, it worked for me last time and..like you said, I wasn't expecting any results but got them. If it happens again I'll be more than happy. There again, even the praying itself made me happy so I guess it's worked already.
• United States
20 Jul 11
What's really wrong or not right? You're being human and you want something, and it's OK to want. In fact, it's only to be expected you want. You're going to want more and be better, even better than everyone else. It's not only expected, but it makes you look pretty bad as a person if you don't! So go ahead and pray for what you want, because only telling yourself you don't want something that you obviously want, won't do anything but cause you headache and stress. As long as you're not killing someone or screwing up someones' life, just live yours and enjoy it during the short time you have, and that we all have.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
Wow, I like that! Thanks! You're so right. If I don't kinda dream about what I want then who's gonna do it for me? Good point!
@derek_a (10873)
21 Jul 11
In my opinion, there is too much criticism from orthadox, particularly "old" religious views that money is evil and not something that we should pursue. These days the world just isn't like that. As I regard politics, nearly every politician is interested in wealth and power. Churches of old took tithes from the people telling them that they would be better if they gave 10% of their money to the church.. In my mind, they pursued wealth too. I don't see this as being right or wrong, just that they did it. They then suggested to their congregations that money was evil - they either told them directly, or made them think it was evil. Was this a form of brain-washing? As a Zen practitioner, my intention is not to judge, but to observe and be aware of how humans behave, myself included. I buy a lottery ticket each week, and I hope to win. It would be great to witn the jackpot. I couldn't spend all the money with the way I live, but I could help out some friends and family members who are having difficulties, and I wouldn't feel guilty about getting myself that new car. Prey for it? I don't pray I meditate, but because I am aware that I want it, it is like praying I guess, but not to a deity because I only accept what I can experience, from my inner awareness and from what my senses tell me. I am therefore totally OK about anybody praying for anything. I don't interfere with what they believe in, but to me, there is like a silent voice inside from which I feel that everything is OK the way it is. Buddha said that the root of suffering was desire and that suffering can be eliminated if we elminate desire. Easy to say, but I have experinced whilst meditating, desire for something or other disappear. The peace was incredible. Desire came back though. I think that that challenge is part of life, and as a Zen practitioners, I become more and more aware the longer I stay doing my daily meditation. I think with this subject, if was can rise above what is right and what is wrong, the is valuable. Because it is only the conditioned mind that creates right and wrong. Love and light to you... _Derek
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@derek_a (10873)
23 Jul 11
Hi Janey, thank you for your response I practice zazen, which is the method of just sitting, focussing the mind on the breathing. This was first practiced by Siddhartha Gautam, who as a result of the meditation, became the Buddha (Enlightened One) some 2500 years ago. I have always followed the Japanese methods of zazen, which was actually brought to Japan by Buddha. I often listen to talks and read some of the Dalai Llama's works, and I would say that he would almost certainly practice meditation and mindfulness, but may not call it zazen. I have noticed that there are slight variations in the disciplines between Tibetan and Japanese Zen, but to me it is only words, the aim of enlightenment it always the same. First we recognize that life for most of us is suffering, then that as the Buddha discovered, that the roots of this suffering is desire, and then that we can eliminate suffering if we can eliminate desire and attachment to what appears in our life. This is the main path of Zen practice and Zen Buddhist practice, to detach from our desire. Enlightenment is being able to see the whole structure, accepting it and detaching from it, but there's a catch - a paradox - we need to ensure that we don't desire to be released from desire! So it is OK to desire providing we are 100% aware that we desire. This crazy situation means the cessation of desire! Impossible as it seems, it does happen, and that is liberation that can happen in an instance, or take many lifetimes! It's crazy, but great value is to be achieved in just following this crazy Zen path! _Derek
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Jul 11
This may seem a bizarre thing to say but do you wear one of those robes? Why does the Dalai Llama wear an orange one, is colour significant?
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
Awww, I loved that little piece you wrote there Derek. Thank so much! Love and light to you too! Does the Dali Lahma practice what you do? I love that guy so much..always smiling. His attitude to life is so positive, isn't it and I can tell you are trying very hard to be like this too. It's so difficult not to want things when we're bombarded by "stuff" the whole time. To be honest, I'm glad I haven't got any children because their demands on me would be too much. Mum has often told me that she's glad she had me and my brother in the 60s as she wouldn't be able to cope either..not that we went without things. Mum was extremely good at saving up. She'd ask me what I wanted (well in advance), then she'd save up. I guess I'm like that myself now. Unfortunately, I don't have a lot of money to save up..just bits and bobs from the internet. Having said that, though, at least I know it's legitimate..which is the best thing about it. All my research has paid off. There is no point wanting to be a millionaire (online at least) as it's not feasible. I don't discourage John buying lottery tickets. He's been close a few times!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Jul 11
HI Janey I do not thing you were wrong or selfish.What you prayed for was between you and God. He hears our prayers I do believe and in his own time will answer.Stuck here in this retirement center I do not get to go to church but I pray also for various things'and always feel uplifted afterwards.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
Awww that's so lovely, thanks Hatley. The last time I prayed was a while ago and the outcome was favourable actually..so we shall see..but I'm genuinely more worried for my Mum than for myself as it's hard overseeing what's happening when I'm so far away. At least I shall see her a week on Friday so I'm looking forward to that..and I know she is too.
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• Pamplona, Spain
20 Jul 11
Hiya Janey, Me too I don´t think its wrong to pray for that either. What goes on between God and ourselves is our own business that is something that they can never ever take away from us and you don´t have to fill forms out for it or be held accounted for it either. Have not been in a Church for ages as the only Church for me is the Church of England really although I am in between the two really (long boring story that one). My favourite Churches still are in England I love the Churches here but not to go and pray in them. There are far too many dos and donts attached to those kind of things especially for me that it put me off going to Church for ages except if my Friend is there giving a Service of course otherwise I pray by myself in the House mostly. I would never think it wrong no not at all. You are concerned about your Mom and how she will feel after that´s all.xxx
• Pamplona, Spain
21 Jul 11
Hiya Janey, Well I like the Carols and the Hymns and the very old Churches as they have a lot of character about them. We had our fair share of eccentric Music Teachers as well (grin). To be fair I won´t mention them but they did teach us a lot and that is something to be thankful for as well. In fact I still remember most of the Hymns and Carols by heart not bad eh considering I never hear them from one year to the next being here. xxx PS:Just been watching "The Tudors" again and poor old Anne of Cleves what a shameful way to treat the poor Woman. Poor Catherine Howard as well I don´t know if I want to watch next Week as I felt so sorry for such a young Girl. But he is so handsome so I probably will watch just to see how he gets along after that.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
22 Jul 11
Henry VIII wasn't very good with women was he lol. However, he does redeem himself at the end but I won't say any more as I would spoil it. Put it this way, the very last episode is BRILLIANT and made me cry! I don't mind mentioning my Music Teacher. He was called Mr Askew and was a lunatic. He used to drive into work in one of those classic cars that wouldn't look out of place on the "Brideshead Revisited" set. He was such a ponce, it was untrue and didn't belong in a Comprehensive School at all. Anyway, (rightly or wrongly, your choice) he had his tyres let down by a few scallys in the school. I know it's tight and shouldn't have happened but I guess it was payback for all the rulers that were thrown at pupils over the years. Fortunately, I kept my head down (literally) so that never happened to me.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
I'm CofE as well. I used to like the Carol Services and the Assemblies at school. All that's gone out the window now, which is a shame because the hymns were rather uplifting I thought and the music teacher was entertaining because he was so eccentric (aren't they all) lol.
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@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
20 Jul 11
I think most importantly we have to pray for is health. For this pain will be no sadness we are alive and healthy. As for material things I understand that sometimes we want many things but have patience because only vorya and patience to achieve it.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
I suppose praying for Mum's wellbeing includes her health.
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• Bulgaria
21 Jul 11
I hope to have everything safely. Board...
@Bethany1202 (3431)
• United States
20 Jul 11
I'm sure many people have done this. I don't consider myself "religious" by any stretch of the imagination, but I wouldn't worry yourself too much over this. It is what it is. The only person who can surely say whether it's RIGHT or WRONG, per se, is the Creator, and yourself. If you need cash because you've gotten yourself in a bad situation, but you are working hard and trying to improve your situation, I don't personally see anything wrong with that. It's not up to me to judge. Best wishes!
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
Awww thanks for that..and I AM trying, believe me. Keeping myself occupied, whether it be around the house cleaning, cooking for pleasure rather than a chore and being on here of course..it all adds up to a positive experience. Not exciting but it'll do for now.
• United States
21 Jul 11
I am glad to hear that praying for you made you feel uplifted and actually that is what praying does to all of us. Although I don't pray for anything I do pray and worry for a great many of those who truly can use the uplifting. There is nothing wrong with praying and if you truly believe in praying there is nothing selfish, in my opinion to do so.
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• China
21 Jul 11
I am an atheist but my mother is a devout catholic.She has lived to be ninety years old,I would rather she believe in it, because It is her anchor.Many people profess a religion,It goes to show the religion does it work in a sense.This is why I understand how you felt when you prayed for.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
Wow, that's something new I've learned today about China. Are Chinese people allowed to be Catholic..if you get my drift. Good for your Mum. She brought you up well, I can tell.
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• United States
21 Jul 11
It's always a good thing when we turn to God in prayer. Not saying that you will now suddenly come into some money & your prayer will be answered, but I do believe that it's alright to pray for our basic needs such as a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs & food on our table. My Mom always used to say that God always provides & she was right. Never once have I been without a roof over my head, clothes on my back, or food on my table. As long as I have those things & my loved ones are healthy & well then I know that I will be happy. So don't ever stop turning to God in prayer because even if your prayer doesn't get answer right away that's no reason to give up. He always answers prayers in His own time & in His own way. It's like my Mom always used to say, "God always provides".
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
Thank you so much for those reassuring words. I guess "The Waltons" has got to me on the telly and they went to church every Sunday. Their needs were so simple and I guess mine aren't that far removed..just want to be comfortable..not rich by any means. I'm already "rich" having my hubby and my folks!
@moneywinner (1864)
• Brazil
21 Jul 11
I don't think what you did was wrong either, you can pray for anything when you talk to god. Also, I don't see that pray is related to the fact of going or not going to church. In my opinion, I believe in god, but that does not mean that I believe in the catholic church. I am catholic though, but that was a decision made by my parents.
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@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
To be honest, I find churches intimidating places and the one near us has more coffee mornings than services, from what I can gather. Not even a place of worship anymore...not in the true sense anyway. Even Tesco managed to convert a church into one of their stores (not where I live but somewhere in England) and I thought it was a shame. I quite like the historical significance of a church and I've visited the oldest one in Wales a few years ago. Lovely, uplifting place..how churches used to be.
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• Philippines
21 Jul 11
I don't think it is entirely wrong to pray for material gain - after all, we humans use a lot of material items day in, day out. In a way, praying for material things (like owning a new pair of shoes or owning the awesome coffee maker that could make the perfect coffee for you) is sort of praying for more perseverance - of course, if we want to own more things we need to work hard and save money for it, right? We all need money, and I am sure there are a lot of people praying for money, too (me included). Don't feel too guilty about it, but if you are really feeling guilty, then maybe pray for something that would give you extra cash - say another job, or learning a new skill you can use in earning more than you already have.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
Thanks for that! I'm always trying to find out new ways in making money. Luckily, I'm not "high maintenance" as I keep mentioning to my husband lol. I don't have a wardrobe full of clothes and shoes, for example. However, I've always been interested in bigger things...stuff I can save up for. Obviously, I would need a 9 to 5 job to attain more cash but the fact I make a bit of money via the internet (small fry) makes me feel a bit better about not having "proper" work. Makes me a bit more independent and not reliant on the odd hand-out from hubby to keep me going.
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• Philippines
21 Jul 11
There's nothing wrong with us if we pray for material gain or whatsoever because God really want us all to be abundant in everything. In fact He offered the whole universe for us to enjoy. God love us so much so He will give anything that we asked for in prayers from Him - money, food, material things, etc., etc. There's nothing wrong to be rich as long as you did not acquire your fortune from bad deeds. There are texts, verses in the Bible that God really want us to be wealthy.
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• Philippines
21 Jul 11
There's nothing wrong with us if we pray for material gain or whatsoever because God really want us all to be abundant in everything. In fact He offered the whole universe for us to enjoy. God love us so much so He will give anything that we asked for in prayers from Him - money, food, material things, etc., etc. There's nothing wrong to be rich as long as you did not acquire your fortune from bad deeds. There are texts, verses in the Bible that God really want us to be wealthy.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
No way would I acquire money from "bad deeds" as it's not a good idea to go down that route is it? I lived with someone who was an extremely devious person..not nice at all..so no way would I want to be like him.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
22 Jul 11
It never hurts to pray Janey... and praying for your mom more than praying for things is a good thing, and praying for "enough," isn't a bad thing
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
22 Jul 11
sometimes you need to obey those urges, even if you don't understand why
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
22 Jul 11
Thank you. It's been a long time since I prayed, actually and I just felt the "urge" to do so. It didn't feel strange at all, and when I opened my eyes I felt all warm and fuzzy inside. Does that make sense to you? Whatever this "feeling" was it was very nice and I didn't feel God was laughing at me..which is good.
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
21 Jul 11
There is nothing wrong to ask and pray for some material things. We need money to live and survive and most people are not having enough or extra money,that is why they ask God's help. God knows our heart and desires even before we kneel down and pray. God only waited for us to ask and pray like a kid to his/her parents asking for a favor.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
22 Jul 11
Thanks for that!
• Philippines
20 Jul 11
I prayed before for a pair of shoes I saw at the mall. I think we are all like this so even if it's wrong, you are not alone.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
21 Jul 11
Thanks for putting my mind at rest.
• Philippines
21 Jul 11
Your welcome.
• Canada
22 Jul 11
What you say to God is between you and Him. I was brought up Catholic and I remember being taught that "ask and you shall receive" It doesnt say "what" to ask or not ask, it says ASK and thats exactly what you did. Now.....will you receive or not sometimes its best if we dont get what we ask for. Let me explain. Lets say that I ask for a new Ferrari. If I get it, cool, if I dont, it might be because I'll most certainly kill myself if I get one. So at times, if we dont get what we ask for......theres a good reason for it lol. I talk to the man upstairs all the time. I asked for silly things over the years but now Im mostly asking for good health and for Him to keep me far, far away from Doctors and Hospitals. I ask Him to make sure I'll die in my sleep, in MY bed. I did pray when mom was sick and asked God to have her kidneys start working again but I also asked Him to let them start only if nothing worse would happen to mom. Would be awful if her kidneys would start and then she would have cancer!! I also asked Him to please have mom die peacefully in her sleep in her own bed and its exactly how it happened. Just make sure you say Thank you, no matter what happens!!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Jul 11
I think we all want to die in our own beds..I know I do..I also know that my Dad, in particular is TERRIFIED of hospitals as lots of his friends went in but didn't come out again. There's been a nurse in Stockport bumping patients off too..you may have read about it lately. They're about to investigate the last 50 deaths there! I did say "thank you" at the end of my prayer. Whether it works or not remains to be seen but at least the sun's been out today and I didn't even pray for that lol.
@naija4real (1291)
24 Jul 11
I think it is right for you to pray for material things. It is God wish that the children of God that is christian should live in wealth and not poverty. God want the best from us and he has control over the wealth of this world. I think you are on the right track to pray and wish for material things.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
25 Jul 11
So long as I don't do it so often..which I don't.
@bouncybug (614)
• South Africa
23 Jul 11
I don't think that there is anything wrong with praying, for whatever it is that you feel you need to pray! And to be honest I don't think that going to Church is any indication of what kind of person you are or how committed you are to God or anything. Prayers are exactly for voicing your concerns and asking for what you need, so i don't think you need to feel guilty - especially if it made you feel better to pray - there is some peace in you now and if thats what you benefited from praying then that's great!
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Jul 11
Thanks...I feel much better now.