$5 dollar can make you a millionaire...

July 21, 2011 2:47am CST
In these economic times i`am looking to put together a group of people to build both income.This is something every one can afford,it`s legit,and easy.Let me know if you will be interested in the details.Have a great day...
3 responses
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
21 Jul 11
Oops! that bring more questions that answers. How rich have you become after enrolling in this site? What proof do you have to show how legit this site is? How long does it take to become rich and the catch behind it? Well, I will be waiting for answers.
• Nigeria
21 Jul 11
Wow am so sorry for the referral link..add me so that i can be able to give you more details. i am very much sure about this site...
• Nigeria
22 Jul 11
Waflay, This is not a get rich quick scheme, it is a business. Those who build it will grow their income faster. Those that sign up and watch others work will take longer to see results. The proof is in the fruit of our own labor. I would be glad to send you a PM with information that explains how it works. If you are not familiar with McDonalds you know it cost Millions to start a franchise. But what if they said it cost 1 million dollars to be a franchise owners, but you pay a onetime fee and we will make you an owner then as you make product sales all the proceeds will go into a reserve and as you reach certain levels a portion of those proceeds will go toward the franchise fee and the rest is your's to do with as you please. This would allow you to generate income and payoff your franchise all form a one time out of pocket cost. The same principle applies here.
@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
22 Jul 11
And that is gonna be hard for me.. I don't pay any money online, I simply do not trust any kind of investment or whatever you call it (fee). If they are so genuine then why can't they enroll as a free member then charge me later as I progress? I doubt this unless you are a millionaire yourself plus proof of your earnings..
@ayis12 (544)
• Philippines
21 Jul 11
Im kinda doubt about this thing, honestly. But can you send me details, you can pm me here.
• Nigeria
21 Jul 11
don`t doubt about this man this is the real place you will ever be check this out first then i will send you more and more tips on how you will become self made rich man ...http://qlxchange.com/arnoldhight
@ayis12 (544)
• Philippines
21 Jul 11
Oops! You got 2 wrong move! First, we are not allowed to post referral links here in mylot forum. You can do them in private message. And second, dont call me man. because im not a man.
• China
21 Jul 11
your topic is very interesting. and i am attractive! can you give me more details? thx!
• China
21 Jul 11
I am sorry! it is "attracted" not "attractive". i don't know how to correct it. so ...