When analog TV reception in the worsened Fernsehhsignal up only to see snow?

@rifnee (1713)
July 21, 2011 7:34am CST
I receive the analogue television signal by cable and during the service to deteriorate the signal until only seen snow. This error only occurs only on this port. On the other existing connections in the house undisturbed television reception. I prefer the troubled connection to TV plug out of the box and touch the bare box, jump over a spark. If I unplug the antenna cable to plug into the socket, the TV reception is virtually undisturbed. After about 5 minutes to several hours, the picture got worse and after you remove and put back the antenna cable, the error is corrected for a short time. etc. What could be the reason for this?
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3 responses
• Indonesia
21 Jul 11
That sounds like a capacitor effect, somewhere in the outer contact of the cable not properly connected throughout, somewhere the error sit, you could use first a different cable and if that does nothing and you can have a TV if both does not help is that cable in the box is not properly clamped or broken. What I think is probably more the fault because you entleerst to the can with your fingers almost the capacitor, I bet on a faulty connection in your box (TV-dose, nciht it again I would say so dirty) Because the shield (the outer contact) is not absolutely required for signal transmission but serves to shield from interference.
@gengeni (3308)
• Indonesia
21 Jul 11
Without knowing the details: It sounds a bit like static electricity. If so, this could have several reasons. For example, most TVs today have a protective conductor anymore because they are insulated. The mass is simulated by a small capacitor connected to each of the L and N with the chassis. Suggestion: Use narrow down another TV to the error. Then you know if it from your camera or from the supply comes via cable. Good luck!
@SynDash (133)
• Lithuania
21 Jul 11
I don't think I understand anything, but the problem could be in the cable. Contact your service provider.