Do you believe shopping is a way to release stress?

@pbbbsra (1214)
July 22, 2011 4:25am CST
Since I am working at home as a tutor, sometimes i get bored and to lighten myself up I go out shopping. Some people also end up shopping when they get depressed. I think shopping is also a way of pampering ourselves by being to buy something for ourselves. Do you also shop to lighten up from stress?
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14 responses
@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
23 Jul 11
Yes I feel shopping is a way to relieve stress even if you do not buy anything because I do it quite a bit. I will go and window shop and get ideas of things I want when I do have money.
• Vietnam
24 Jul 11
Uhm, it's very hard to window shop for me. I cant resist the urge to buy when I have money in my pocket.
@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
24 Jul 11
I am the same way sometimes when I have money in my pocket. Right now I window shop and get ideas for our new place.
• Vietnam
24 Jul 11
Oh. When I feel sad, I go shopping. But I usually over-spend. Now I just stay at home, surf I add stuffs to my wishlist.
@Tina30219 (81712)
• Onaway, Michigan
24 Jul 11
I love I get a lot of stuff off there. You just gave me an idea next time I get stressed out or upset I am just going to go to and add things to my wish list which right now will be a lot because of moving.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
24 Jul 11
For me it would depend on if I have any money at the time to be able to do so. Lately a lot of my stressors is because of lack of $$ due to my health being not the best right now. But when I can afford it, I many times will go grab me something to eat somewhere and sometimes slurge and buy something else to try and lighten my mood some. But mostly if I buy anything, it usually ends up being Chocolate.
@xuyxuy (432)
• Philippines
23 Jul 11
In a way, shopping lightens up your stress most especially if you shop the thing you really need and at the same time want. You will feel relief from stress after shopping, just make sure you have enough or more than enough budget for shopping spree.
@gidz0518 (194)
• Philippines
22 Jul 11
Well I think its one thing to release stress. Every person has their own way to release stress. But I think you know, shopping can also cause some stress. Like me. When I shop, sometimes I see a thing that I really want to buy but I cant because I'm short on my budget so it causes me another stress. Are you getting my point? Well, it is upon the person whose handling it. What do you think.?
@pbbbsra (1214)
• Philippines
23 Jul 11
i agree
@averygirl72 (37845)
• Philippines
25 Jul 11
Yes I believe so, I look forward to go shopping every time I get my salary. Although there is so much to see and so many people in shopping malls, shopping for the things you like is fun, plus just enjoying the ambiance of shopping malls. But sometimes, I got too tired roaming the mall and looking for the items i want in the grocery department plus when I arrived at home I found out I overspend my money..still its fun..
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
22 Jul 11
nope, shopping adds to my stress! the prices are so high and i cant afford anything so i stay out of stores. i read to get rid of stress or go on mylot :-)
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
22 Jul 11
I think shopping can be a way to release stress and it is wonderful to go shopping plus a little sightseeing in a new destination. Pampering is a way to feel much happier and far more relaxed. One shop I know smells beautiful and is full of soaps of all different colors. For those with little money I advise looking in shop windows and going to a library to borrow books.
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
22 Jul 11
Hi there! Welcome to Mylot. I do believe that shopping is a way to release stress because in some way or another, you get to treat yourself; even if it is just window shopping.
@elida279 (165)
• Bulgaria
22 Jul 11
No, I go to swim or just go to the gym when I feel stressed. I like shopping but only if I need to buy something. Otherwise I feel bad that I'm spending money for something that I don't need. I don't think this is a good therapy against stress. To see the fashions at the moment and what the market presents - yes, but to buy just for the sake of spending money - no :).
• Philippines
22 Jul 11
When I want to relax, I usually go to a bargain bookstore and just browse. If I'm not rebuked by the bookseller, I read some parts of the book. My face is so familiar and I have bought so many books from these two bargain bookstores here in Davao City that I'm not rebuked anymore. I may buy or not buy a book. After the bookstore, I go to the fruit and vegetable market and just wander around. I may or may not buy anything. If I have bought something, I ride home. If I'm empty-handed and the weather is fine, I just walk maybe 5 to 7 km towards the direction of my home. Then I take a ride for the last 5 km to my home.
@jimmytai (204)
• Malaysia
23 Jul 11
Yes, this is a way to release stress. But maybe i don't too care about fashion or what. normally i would got eat better at outside to release my stress. I will totally enjoy my meal and stop thinking. And i very like take picture, everytime i eat outside sure got take my meal 1st. Then maybe will upload at my blog or facebook.
• United States
23 Jul 11
Sometimes I do shop because I do get into ruts where I do the same thing over and over. It also depends on what is being promoted.
@thetis74 (1525)
23 Jul 11
There are a lot of things to handle stress and I do believe that shopping is one. I do too. But I just cannot do that all the time for monetary reasons. Because if we get stressed every time then making shopping the solution will not do me good in the long run because I might be spending on things that I don't actually needs because of shopping on for the sake of releasing my stress.