My skin is getting dark,due to sun?What to do?

July 22, 2011 9:26am CST
I have heard tthat rubbing lemon on skin really lighten up the skin......Is it true.... if yes than what is the appropriate time to do it soo?
4 responses
• Pakistan
22 Jul 11
Yes lemon can produce the desired result but use it at night. You will get a real pigmentation problem if used in the morning. Also please use a heavy coat of a really good sunblock preferably of a higher spf. The higher the better!!
• Pakistan
22 Jul 11
Thank you for the honor and happy mylotting!!
• Pakistan
22 Jul 11
thanks, drinking water also works...
• India
23 Jul 11
Sadaf, You have to drink 2 litre of water daily.there is no excuse from it. No home remedy will benefit if you dont drink a lot of water. Also try green tea.Regular green tea consumption will make your skin glow.
@lampar (7584)
• United States
22 Jul 11
Never heard of using lemon can lighten up your dark skin before, it is worth a try, go ahead and rub the lemon on your dark skin , then tell us the result. Hope it work out well for you. Try to do it in the morning and at night.
• Malaysia
22 Jul 11
1st time heard about lemon can lighten up our skin. you try 1st then let us know.
• Pakistan
22 Jul 11
i had made a home remedy, that what i saw in youtube for lightening the skin,i had made a paste by adding , lemon juice 1 and 1 teaspoon coffee. and applied to my mothers face, and when it was dry,my mom wash out, and it really worked.
@jane239 (521)
24 Jul 11
I've heard of lemon to lighten your hair but never your skin. I'd be careful because it's very acidic. You can get a cream called Fade Out which is supposed to lighten skin and there are plenty of other skin lightening creams but I'm not sure how safe they are or if they would be suitable for anyone with sensitive skin.
@Humanicon (328)
• India
23 Jul 11
Yes lemon does magic with skin. Not Only lemon but any fruit from lemon family and with antioxidants will do it.Try oranges too.Take the skin of oranges and beat them until they start bleeding juice with a wooden hammer or something clean material.Now rub this orange skin on your face or hands and wash after some times. Or you take a glass of water and make it luke warm.Now add 2 tea spoon of honey in it and drink it in the morning. Or in a glass of luke warm water add lemon juice and drink not add sugar.add honey instead.In 3 weeks you will see a big difference on your skin. So finally i conclude that lemon does magic on skin and there are many ways to use it. Have a nice day.