Isn't mylot getting slow guys?

July 22, 2011 12:27pm CST
I was wondering why mylot has become slow these days. Whenever I click any link on this site it takes a while to connect to that page. Does this happen with you guys or its only me?
2 responses
• United States
22 Jul 11
It has it's moments where even me with my fast broadband experiences some slow loads. Sometimes too I have noticed it takes for ever to have the page enter my response. I think at times it has to do with the many opening the same discussion and or perhaps submitting their response as well at the same time as me. But for the most part it does run pretty fast but to be fair I will say that once or twice a day I do feel that lag while it is loading. So it is not just you as I have heard several others as well say the same.
• India
23 Jul 11
Yeah, I have the same experience. But I guess there's no cure to that.
@SynDash (133)
• Lithuania
22 Jul 11
'Connection speed' - look it up. It's just you.