LogMeIn123 Scam?

@wazabe (154)
July 22, 2011 6:30pm CST
I just want to share my experience earlier about LogMeIn whose personnel called and claimed that he is from the Windows Support Crew and need to "fix" my computer. So when I said I was not interested, he said that hackers are using my junk file to access my computer,and if I don't allow let him "help" me, my computer would be taken away. When I asked what he meant by "taken away", he kept repeating the hackers and junk file conversation. I followed along to make sure I'm right about not following his directions. So here are the red lights for me, as to why I stopped the call. Gave me a site called LogMeIn123.com instead of Windows.com (I asked why its not Windows.com and he answered they are partnered with Windows. I Wiki'd them and they were no indications of being related to Windows.) So he gave me another site called windowscare.weebly.com (Asked him why Weebly.com and said they are just support and not the ones working on the front-end.) Finally, I searched for the keywords "Logmein scam," and Windows answers have other people who got the same call and they are not happy about it. Has anyone received a call similar to mine?
4 responses
@RamRes (1723)
• Argentina
25 Jul 11
Another cheap phishing try to just install anything into your PC or steal some data about you only, nothing that really surprises me. The answers given from them are so ridiculous to even think about them seriously. First, why the Windows team will call you? Don't they know that M$ don't cares at all for its customers? Then, why should they use the good name of LogMeIn website if they're really Microsoft? Just one thing, what does it means "called"? Do they call you on the phone? That would be really serious, how do they manage to get your phone in that case.
@kaylachan (67396)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
23 Jul 11
No, but it's good to know it's happened to someone else. Not that I want anything bad to happen to anyone, but it makes others aware of the possible danger. I'm glad you caught onto it, because support personal don't call you unless you call them first and ask for a call back such as in the event your phone gets disconnected. So the fact you recieved a call like that would've been a warning. Actually, ever since my partner and I decided to go to cell phones only, a majority of the calls have stopped. I'll take this as a good sign and be thankful for what I have. No need for the drama. So my phone's quiet... I'd rather have a quiet phone then one that rings constantly with scams and vacation giviways.
@wazabe (154)
• Canada
23 Jul 11
I know what you mean. I would also prefer a phone that rarely rings over those giveaways.
@catof1 (683)
• United States
23 Jul 11
NO I have not, but I have encountered scams like this on line where if I do not let them have acess to my computor I will have to let them take it in? Uh right. They would not even let me know (online) who they really were and where the company is based. THEN I told them I have an IT specialst that takes care of my PC problems and boy did they clam up after that!
@wazabe (154)
• Canada
23 Jul 11
LOL.. I should have done that as well.. Probably next time.
@zax340 (86)
• India
24 Jul 11
Though not received any call like that.Thank you for sharing information.