Would sleeping be considered time travel to the future?
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
United States
July 22, 2011 6:45pm CST
I don't think so but there are some who see sleeping, hibernating, being in suspended animation as a form of traveling into the future. I define time travel as existing in one time and existing in another without existing in the interval period. The parallel universe theory is not really time travel but space travel. It is no different then flying on spaceship to another planet that looks like earth's past.
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10 responses
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
23 Jul 11
considered this,
it's a sorcery to send a message to someone in a very far distance using in your voice to send and registered to his ears your message....
the world is shocked for what Alexander Graham Bell that he managed to send his voice to travel inside the electrical wire which is impossible to the people who heard that news..... to them, it's a form of sorcery....
using wireless thru satellite or VHF or UHF will do....
if Alexander Graham Bell is alive today, he himself will be shocked when heard about "wireless messaging messages"
time travel in the future?
IMPOSSIBLE for now...
POSSIBLE for the later future.....
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@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
14 Sep 11
In order to go to the past you have to halt all progress in the universe and have everything transform to its previous form. In order to travel to the future you have to be destroyed today and be created at a later time. Matter can not be created or destroyed only transformed. So that rules out time travel to the future. Some say sleeping is like time travel. It is only to your mind but your body didn't travel to the future it was there the whole time you slept.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
15 Sep 11
i am thinking that if you are been able to travel to the past (1944) so the whole universe are also travelling to the past according to your "past time target"
what if instantly, someone also travels to the future at around 2050 and another person in Africa also travels to the future at around 3010...
take a note:
the whole universe are processing 3 instant changes to change to year 1944, year 2050, and year 3010... so the whole universe will collapse....
how about if 50 people or 500 people wants to travel at a different time instantly?
so, before those 50 people or 500 people travel - the whole universe are already exploded......
maybe this is the reason why BIGBANG did really happened.... (instead of creation)

@catof1 (683)
• United States
23 Jul 11
You make an intresting point. I have always thought of time travel to be where you are here one moment and the next you are either in the past or future not both places at once. Can you explain a little more for me. I am dense today lol. THanks this topic is So cool to me. I love to read scifi and beleive the philidelphia project was just one experiment we know of. I know that the governments know a lot more about this than we do. As always./
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@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
23 Jul 11
Time is a measurement of change. Everything changes. Motion is a change in space. Wood turning into ashes is not time travel since it did not go to the past or future. If one goes to the past we would see the time traveler first and then later we would see the time traveler disappear into the past. To travel to the future you have to be destroyed now and be created later. It is like teleporting expect there is a delay of one second or more. If I were to travel one minute to the future. First I disappear. Then sixty seconds later I would reappear. The problem with that is every time something disappears it has to go somewhere. If it did go somewhere it did not go to the future since it existed from now until later. If you go by different timelines it is no different then going to another room in the house that looks exactly like your room before you made a mess.
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@veejay19 (3589)
• India
23 Jul 11
A tortoise is known to survive for 300 years because it takes one breath in 3 minutes whereas a human being ,on an average takes 12 breaths per minute normally and 15 when excited.The Yogis of India have been known to stop their breath for several hours and remain in a state called "Keval Kumbhak" which means total suspension of breath at the same time remaining fully concious and alert.When this state becomes permanent, by the practice of certain secret breathing techniques the yogi can live for hundreds ,nay thousands of years.He has the power to switch off and switch on,ie regain normal breathing when doing normal activities and then go back into the suspended stae after he is free. I am practising one such technique and have had experience of staying breathless for about 45 minutes when i have noticed that my heartbeat has come down to virtually nil and yet i have remained fully alert and concious.If future astronauts can practice such techniques then they can definitely explore the vast regions of the universe remaining fully concious. Moreover ageing of the body is also prevented when this happens.
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
27 Jul 11
Nothing is impossible ,friends.The proof lies in eating the pudding. Only you can experience it and if you are determined not to believe then even God cannot help you. I am giving you a simple exercise. Go to a quiet uninhabitated or lonely scenic spot.It could be a beach, in the hills or anywhere you are undisturbed but close to nature.When you have found it then sit down cross-legged, in a comfortable and relaxed manner.Take a few deep breaths and relax. Keep looking until you are so absorbed that all external sounds etc disappear. Soon you will find yourself in a trance like thoughtless state.When you reach this state you will notice that your breathing which was normal and heavy before, has become very subtle,so much so that it is virtually non-existent.you may also notice that your pulse and heartbeat has become very faint.Don`t be alarmed,you will not die.you can also do this in the privacy of your room,if you are alone and relaxed in your house.You could concentrate on a picture,say of beautiful scenery.try out this exercise and then let me know.When i practice my tchniques my breath stops naturally.I do not have to hold my breath.It is not neccessary to practice any form of martial art.This is a form of meditation which can do wonders for your health.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
26 Jul 11
i am a practitioner of Chinese Kung Fu Martial Arts especially in the field of Tai Chi Chuan (Tai Chiaek Kun) since i am in colleges years...
I know Tai Chi can do that also but today....
i can testify that it's only a myth....
no such person can prolong breathing because according to Science, brain can't withstand without oxygen for a longer time......
i was once an avid believer of such things.... but now, i can prove nothing....
even projecting of CHI to hit and shattered the porcelain glass of soup in a distance is impossible.....
telekinesis? another impossible feats....

@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
23 Jul 11
It can't be considered time travel. You are sleeping/hibernating/in suspended animation in the actual time, and you keep in that state following a normal time line. Not being awake/conscious doesn't change the fact that the time is advancing at a regular pace.
In time travel that time line should be altered in some way, which is something that doesn't happen in the situations you mentioned.
@dream_ozn (1752)
• Singapore
23 Jul 11
I really doubt so. Time travel to the future in my opinion I think would allow us a peek in to what our life will be in the future maybe like 10 or 20 years down the road. Sleeping is just a time for us to rest. We might dream, but that is not time travel to the future because we dream about things which might or might not be ture.
@AkatsukIJSN (211)
• Philippines
23 Jul 11
I think sleeping is not considered as a way of time travel. Because as we sleep or hibernate your physical state is still travelling at the same time. You only think that skip time because your consciousness was not aware of time passing by. However as einstein said time is a relative subject. And if you really think that suspended animation is a way of time travelling to the future there is no one to refute that theory. But I for one think that time is a linear quantity wherein as long as we aren't able to travel fast enough to escape it (speed of light) or cannot travel to through a region of space and time (worm holes) to transport our physical body and consciousness to a certain point in the future, I think we are still subjected to the effects of time even if we are sleeping. I think. I am not a physicist though to be an expert on the subject. Just an enthusiast. Good topic by the way.
@spiderlizard22 (3444)
• United States
23 Jul 11
Suspended animation is not time travel to the future since the subject would exist in the interval time between before being put in suspended animation and leaving suspended animation. Just like putting an object in a time capsule is not really putting the object in the future. It just exist in a different location. Does money you put in the bank and withdraw time travel to the future?
@picjim (3002)
• India
23 Jul 11
Sleeping and hibernating i feel doesn't constitute as a form of traveling into the future.One can probably exist at two time points only through some form of advanced
space traveling.I wonder if we the technology to do that in the present day?If we go to another Earth like planet and it is still in the early stages of evolution it could be a means of going back in time to place less developed than us.
@AngelHope2011 (199)
• United States
23 Jul 11
When you sleep, you're already fast forwarding to the future. Every time you go to sleep at night, you wake up and it's a new day. Even though it can be used to travel way into the future but you see a new day every time you wake up in the morning.
@zerd87 (301)
• Philippines
23 Jul 11
I think it is maybe a time travel but I think not. Sometimes when I got to sleep, I and I dream I see sometimes things that I cannot say that it happened already. Well it does not happened all the time. When the days past and i've done thing or a scenario, it feels like it happened before and i don't remember when it exactly happened. It is just weird on seeing a scenario that is familiar to you. It is just like you have seen a future but you don't know why. Lots of people and scenario collide that they though that they have gone throught it or it lokes like familiar or it happened before.